Roland Gareis Project Maturity Model

For managing the projects, project portfolios and programs, companies with project orientation have particular strategies, organizational structures, and certain cultures. The management of the programs and project provides competitive improvement for the social systems. Therefore, the organizations including nations, regions, industries are becoming more project oriented. There is an interrelationship between the outcomes of the project oriented systems in the project and their maturity state. These maturities of the project or an organization can be evaluated by different maturity models. In this article, the maturity model developed by the ROLAND GAREIS Project and Programme Management ® has been discussed.

Dr. Roland Gareis who is a university professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria.  Project Maturity models have different dimensions which relate to each other. ROLAND GAREIS model contains eight dimensions. These dimensions are discussed bellow.

  1. Project Management:  A project is a defined as a provisional organization for the efficiency of the relatively short-medium, unique term, strategically crucial process of a medium or large scope. Project co-ordination, project controlling, project start, addressing project discontinuity and the project closedown are the sub-processes of this Important process.
  2. Program Management: The function of the program management is the achieving the unique business process with considerable scope. Sub-sections of this are program co-ordination, program start, program controlling, program close-down and solving the discontinuity of the program.
  3. Assurance of the Management Quality of a project: In order to secure the quality of the project, management auditing and management consulting is required.
  4. Assignment of a project: The decision of whether project is to be achieved is employed will be performed in this dimension.
  5. Project Portfolio Management: The decision of the project starting or abandoning, Project priorities are confirmed, allotment of the external and internal resources is contrived.
  6. Personnel Management: The dis-position, recruiting and continuous improvement of project personnel such as owner, project manager, project team members, project contributor are consisted in this process.
  7. Organizational Design: Organizational design consist of a formation or establishment of a project management office, a project portfolio group, the improvement of the project procedures and defined project plans.
  8. Business Process Management in the project oriented Company: The process of this dimension is a designated sequence of activities. Different roles of one or more organizations are involved in this dimension. 

74 questions and 35 sub-criteria are included in Roland Gareis Project Maturity Model. These sub-criteria have the same weightage and the main criteria has different weights regarding their importance. As shown in the following figureeach dimension has the points between 0-100.

Roland Gareis Project Maturity Model

Project Management Competence

To describe and determine the maturity of the project or an organization, the traditional maturity models use five steps. Project Management competence (PM-competence) is a capability to execute the process of the project management professionally. PM competence needs both the project management knowledge and the project management experience. According to the SEI (Software Engineering Institute) Capability maturity model, the scales used are initial, repeatable, defined, managed and optimized.

Maturity level of the SEI model.

ScaleMaturity LevelDescription of Level
  • Continuous collection of data to identify
  • Continuous improvement of the process
  • Analysis of defects for prevention
  • Process is quantitatively measured
  • Minimum of metrics for quality and productivity exist
  • Collection of process experiences
  • Process defined and institutionalized
  • Process groups defined
  • Process depends on individuals
  • Minimum of process controlling/guidance exists
  • Highly risky in case of new challenges
  • No adequate guidance
  • No consistency in product delivery

The spider web presentation is a multi-dimensional presentation of the PM competence which allows a visualization of the different maturities of the project management sub process. Following figure demonstrates the spider web presentation of the organizational PM competence.

Web presentation of the project oriented organization - Roland Gareis Project Maturity Model

Advantages of Roland Gareis Model

  • Roland Gareis model is a multi-dimensional maturity model which focuses on the different aspects of an organization.
  • It uses the spider web presentation which gives a visualized presentation of the project or an organization. This also presents the sub-models assessment.
  • In order to determine the project management competence, it uses the set of the questions which is called questionnaire.
  • Given graphical presentation of the spider web will also identify the issues which needs to be addressed to increase the maturity of the organization.

Disadvantages of Roland Gareis Model

  • The Roland Gareis model is not compatible with the project life cycle because life cycle includes each process from the start of the project to its completion.
  • It has a limited application and it can not be applied to each stages of the project.
  • Projects gets isolated, the project team can cooperate with each other properly but when it comes to the different teams there is a lack of coordination.

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