Complexity Theory for Organizational Change Management

Complexity theory is defined as a study of non-linear dynamic systems and a conceptual framework that resolves the unpredictable outcomes of industries and emerges some unique patterns. This system was first developed in the perspective of physical and biological science. However, the social, economic and ecological aspect of this theory was developed later and evolved dynamically overtime. A company utilizes this set of ideas from the study of different natural resources such as weather conditions, animal behavior and then defines the behavior of the organization through several mathematical expressions. There are three key theories related to complexity theory for organizational change management. These are:

  • Chaos theory
  • Dissipative structures
  • Complex adaptive systems

Due to the complexity involved in the organization, there are several moments when a random chaos can be created within that organization. The random situation can be created of normal equations which can be further explained with the help of the chaos theory. The theory explains the deterministic dynamics which causes such situation. In organization, it is a lack of order in the system, which never obeys the rules and regulations. The dissipative structure is a thermodynamically open system and has a dynamic steady reproducible state. Depending on several complexity and chaotic events, the stability decreases or increases within an organizational process. The third part, complex adaptive system is a system in which a perfect understanding of individual parts does not reflect the understanding of the entire organization.

Complexity Theory for Organizational Change Management

Strategic plan is the process by which, an organization define its strategy to implement any change for the betterment of the organization or its employees. The process involves the strategy, its direction, decision making and allocating resources to achieve the strategy. Setting goals for the organization, determining the flow of actions and utilizing the resources available to implement the plan is the process of execution of the strategy. The strategic change needs the employees of that organization to come up with ideas to implement the change. Different processes can be strategic implementation, empowerment, restructuring and many more. An organization can utilize these complexity theory and strategic plan to implement change in the organization.

Managers of organization can utilize the complexity theory to implement change in the organization. With the help of planned strategy, the complexity theory makes the organization aware of the nature of the system and the situations that can create a chaos within the organization. Complexity Theory is an important tool that is used in businesses as a path to encourage employees with innovative thinking and ideas with real-time responses. These ideas help to change the organization by allowing business unit to self-organize. The organizations are currently working with non-linear work culture and therefore, to apply the complexity theory in the workforce. The managers should utilize the rigid control of the system from the higher spot of the organization. The managers need to allow the employees the space and state to evolve as per their capacity. Through this process, letting the organization organize itself does not need any strategy, as the need for change should be random and after that any strategy can be implied to implement that change in the organization. For these, after the need of change arises, every employee will be asked for their valuable feedback about the change they want to implement. Depending ion the feedback, the further step will be taken. Further, the manager needs to take a corporate strategy because it is important to dissolve the chaos in the system. The manager should know the way to push an employee so that he cannot feel burdened or rigidly pressurized and no chaotic situation can arise. In recent times, the primary concern of the organizations is related to their organizational rules and regulations as maximum of the employee are suffering from these issues. Hence, the best management model should not stick to the new models of the new economy, they should emerge a newer model as newer and innovative concepts are winning nowadays.

Managers can use an alternative approach to understand and manage the changes that has emerged from the need the change. These changes may be large changes, or changes of the variables, changes in the decision making, in the direction and relationship, changes in the leadership or change in the outcomes. The outcome changes are measured based on the responsiveness of the organization towards the environment. Creating a positive working environment is the priority of any organization as healthy interaction between every department of the organization leads to create an unbreakable team, which can combat with any hurdle or adverse situation for the betterment of the company. One of the organization, which has implemented the complexity theory in the organization and successfully driving their workforce towards excellence, is Google. This has elevated their level of competency in the market and the employees can work in the smooth and stress-free work environment and remain dynamic in any situation.

Complexity theory and strategic plan are the emergent changes that focuses a strong cultural shift to the entire set up of the organization. The changes it brings about in the organization is helpful in strengthening the organization, its people, its resources, its technologies and its market place. The change implemented in the organization is intentional and is the result of different strategic or planned changes. However, some changes are non-predictable and sometimes affect the workplace or the employees for short span of time. Hence, it is the duty of the managers to maintain the organizational culture so that the smooth functioning of the organization does not become affected. Implementation of change management in efficient manner help the organization to overcome the situation and the change can be adapted within the organization in an effective manner. Such incidence can be seen in Google Inc. as the change management occurred in this organization was done systematically and the assimilated changes was adapted to the institute and the employees adapted to the changed organizational structure efficiently.

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