Every organization has different structure. Those structures created as achieved organization goal. There are things, situations, events etc. that occur within an organization that affect the way an organization operates, either in positive way or negative way. These things, situations, events that affect the way an organization operates are called driving forces. There are two kinds of driving forces as follows:
1. Internal Driving Forces
Internal driving forces are those kinds of things, situations, and events etc. that occur within an organization and basically under the organizations control. Once again these internal driving forces can affect the organization in either a positive or negative way. For example, decreased job satisfaction may lead to increased absenteeism, more voluntary resignations and even strikes. In turn, such events will often lead to changes in management policies and practices.
There are many kind of internal force drives. Some are explained here;
1.1 Strategic
Sometimes in the course of normal business operation it is necessary for management to adjust the firm’s strategy to achieve the goals of the company, or even to change the mission statement of the organization in response to demands of the external environments. Adjusting a company’s strategy may involve changing its fundamental approach to doing business like the markets it will target, the kinds of products it will sell, how they will be sold, its overall strategic orientation, the level of global activity, and its various partnerships and other joint-business arrangements. For Example, company determine the high standard compare to their resources, so company have to change their standard because they have no resources to achieving their target. When they change their strategy, they may be suffering the loss.
1.2 Structural
Organizations often find it necessary to redesign the structure of the company due to influences from the external environment. Structural changes involve the hierarchy of authority, goals, structural characteristics, administrative procedures, and management systems. Almost all change in how an organization is managed falls under the category of structural change. A structural change may be as simple as implementing a no-smoking policy, or as involved as restructuring the company to meet the customer needs more effectively. For Example, one company sell their product in the market but they don’t give better satisfaction to the customer, then they have to change their structure about the customer services and also product which demanded by the customers.
1.3 Process-Oriented
Organizations may need to re-engineer processes to achieve optimum workflow and productivity. Process-oriented change is often related to an organization’s production process or how the organization assembles products or delivers services. The adoption of robotics in a manufacturing plant or of laser-scanning checkout systems at supermarkets is the example of the process-oriented change. For Example, in the steel company, employees cannot produce a more product because they work for 12 o’clock. So, now that time Company should change their process of the shift of work like they can divide in to three shifts for 8 o’clock. Thus, employees be encourage for their work.
1.4 Employee Moral
This type of change alters the attitudes, behaviors, skills, or performance of employees in the company. Changing people centered processes involves communicating, motivating, leading, and interacting within groups. Changes include like investment in training, socializing employees, changing norms to motivate a diverse workforce, monitoring promotion and reward systems, and changing top management. This focus may entail changing how problems are solved, the way employees learn new skills, and even the very nature of how employees perceive themselves, their jobs, and the organization.
Some people-centered changes may involve only incremental changes or small improvements in a process. For example, many organizations undergo leadership training that teaches managers how to communicate more openly with employees. Other programs may concentrate on team processes by teaching both managers and employees to work together more effectively to solve problems.
1.5 Technological Change
Requires that organizations learn how to manage the innovation process. Technological capabilities provide new products, change existing ones, and create a core competence. Improving the reliability and quality of goods and services is an important capability. Organizations may need to restructure to achieve the benefits of new technology. For example, in the company, they need a 10 worker for packing a product. But company can use the new technology which only needs 2 or 3 worker for handling the machinery and machinery handed the whole process of packing of product, so company can reduce the expanses behind the product packaging.
Those are the internal change forces which can control by the organisation. The change is need for the organization. If they fail in the change, then may be taken over by the competitors to the organization.
2. External Driving Forces
External driving forces are those kinds of things, situations, events etc., that occur outside of an organization and basically these are not under the organizations control. There are many types of external driving force which is below.
2.1 Changes in Technology
Different organization apply different technology as per how the standard of their pre-determine goal. Now a day, day to day different and more powerful technology comes in the market. So, one competitor organization follow the latest technology then the another competitors must be follow the latest technology. If they don’t follow, then their profitable ratio comes to down and their customers also reduce and they attracted to the competitors. For Example, in the past we communicate to each other with letter. We written letter and send in the letter box. Then after two or three days receiver receive the letter. After the time, the new technology came and we communicate with the telephone. Then after came the mobile phone we dial a number and communicate with each other by the voice. For example, Nokia mobile phone company launch their new mobile phone with camera and video recorder. So, competitors of Nokia mobile phone company also apply camera and video recorder in the mobile. If they don’t apply it, then customers attract only for Nokia phone. So, all mobile phone company follow this technology and they become a competitor to the each other.
2.2 Political Factors
Different country has different government rules and regulation for the organization. In the organization, government also affected to the organization environment like income tax, luggage duty, custom duty, pollution control etc. each and every company honestly follows the rules and regulation of the government. If government change then its rules and regulation also change. So, it’s very affected to the organization. For Example, government allows only 10% pollution by the company and company honestly follow this rules and regulation. But after government is change so also change their rules and regulation and as per the new rules company can make only 8% pollution. Then organization must be follow of the new rules of the new government.
2.3 Customer Requirement
Each organization most tries to attract the customers by more satisfaction to customer, given better services, and fulfill the customers demand. If the company fail to attract he customer then they effects on the company’ profit. So company’s profit mainly based on the customers and customers based on their interest and test. Company must be follows the interest and test of the customers. Company also make change in products, services, quality of product, price of product etc. by requirement of the customers. For Example, now a day people use the fashion in the life style. In each product, people first see the fashion in particular product. Like one company produce only shoes that is without lace. But in the market customers requirement with lace shoes. So company mast be producing shoes with lace if they want to stable in the competitive environment.
2.4 Competition
If any new competitor wants to come in the market, they have to face with the large numbers of their competitors. In the competitive market, one company change their product price high to less, and then other competitors of the company must be less their product price. If they don’t their price, then customers attract to the rivals. In the competitive environment, all company try to more attract to the customer. Company can also launch the skims like buy one get one free, bonus gift, lucky draw etc. that is more customers attract to the company.
Thus, external driving forces are forces fully change in the company. And the company must be change for the stable in the competitive environment. So, organization change is a planning and ongoing process that is internal as well as external factor affected in the change.