Relationship Between Finance and Accounting

Finance can be defined as the art and science of managing money. Virtually all individuals and organization earn or raise money and spend or invest money. Finance is concerned with the process, institutions, markets and instruments involved in the transfer of money among and between individuals, business and governments. Finance, in another word, can be defined as the management of the flows of money through an organization, whether it be a corporation, school, bank, or government agency. Finance concerns itself with the actual flows of money as well as any claims against money. Finance is regarded as the life-blood of the business unit. This  function involves planning, procurement and effective utilization of the funds of the business. Accounting is the methodical or precise recording, reporting, and assessment of financial deals and transactions of a business. Accounting also involves the preparation of statements or declarations concerning assets, liabilities, and outcomes of Continue reading

The Future of Accounting Profession

In today’s business environment  professional accountants are directly responsible to their customers, companies and to the society and also they should know possible legal obligations to the stakeholders. Accounting profession is not only limited to preparing accounting statements but also involves in wide variety of functions which provides inputs to the managerial decision making. If an accounting professional is not able to perform his duty and responsibilities in satisfied level according to the universal standards it is the major liability in the hands of an accountant. Compared to other type of professions this profession has its own code of ethics hence it is dignified and respective profession which provides practical inputs for the effective decision making. In the context of professional accounting, the power and responsibility of an accountant can be justified when financial statements provides expected information according to the objectives functions especially protection of public and social interest. Continue reading

Importance of Financial Information to Stakeholders

In business there are two types of stakeholders that’s: internal stakeholders and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders mean those stakeholders are dwell inside the company for examples: managers, employees, board members etc. On the other hand those stakeholders are not directly a part of a company is called external stakeholders for examples: shareholders, customers, suppliers etc. All shareholders want to see the use of their investment and thus asses the management through the financial statements. Because financial statements are very useful for businesses. Stakeholders of the company require the financial information for following reasons. To know how well the company is doing. To find company has earned more money than they spent. To get an idea about strategic and tactical plans of the management. To provide information to make decisions who make decisions about organisatoin. Avoid dissimulations and corruptions of the organisation. The usefulness of financial statements to different stakeholders is Continue reading

Advantages and Disadvantages of Historical Cost Accounting

The historical cost accounting values an asset for balance sheet purposes at the price paid for the asset at the time of its acquisition.The historical cost accounting is the situation in which accountants record revenue, expenditure and asset acquisition and disposal at historical cost: that is, the actual amounts of money, or money’s worth, received or paid to complete the transaction. Historical cost principle means that assets and liabilities are recorded at their actual historical cost. When an asset is written off, the loss is recorded as the historical cost of the asset less any accumulated depreciation. Typically, the asset would be fully depreciated and thus no loss recorded but this isn’t always the case. If the asset is sold the gain or loss is recorded as the amount received for the asset less the historical cost (net of any accumulated depreciation). In both cases, you’re using the historical cost Continue reading

Creative Accounting – Definition, Techniques and Ethical Considerations

Definition of  Creative Accounting   Creative accounting is accounting practice that falls outside the regulation and give benefit to certain people. It can be described as a practice with a clear aim to interrupt the financial reporting process which affects reported income to make it looked normal and provides no true economic advantages to relevant parties like shareholders. Concisely, creative accounting is the transformation of financial accounting figures from what they actually are to what users’ desire by taking advantage of the accounting policies which is permitted by accounting standards. Creative accounting is a practice that potentially being undertaken as a result from some individual care more on their own interest and indirectly causes issues arise in ethical dimension of creative accounting. From information perspective, agency theory gives a clear picture on creative accounting scenario. Whereby managers misuse their privileged position in manipulating financial reporting in their own interest which Continue reading

Accounting Errors – Meaning, Causes and Types

The errors or mistakes which are committed in the journal, ledger and any other financial statements are known as accounting errors. Accounting errors may be defined as those mistakes which are generally committed while recording the financial transactions in the book of accounts. These errors may be committed while recording the transactions in the journal and posting them in the ledger accounts. Such errors may be technically committed or committed due to lack of the knowledge of accounting principles and rules. Generally, accounting errors are unintentional. However, it may intentionally be committed so as to take some undue advantage. Accounting errors distort the true business results. Therefore, these errors must be properly located and rectified for ascertaining the true profit or loss and financial position of the business. Major Causes of Accounting Errors There can be several causes of accounting errors. The following are the important ones: Lack of Knowledge: Continue reading