Advertising is an unmistakably unique way of communicating with the target audience that requires a profound understanding of the specific needs of the selected demographic, the specifics of its culture, and a thorough understanding of the issue that the offered service or product seeks to resolve. Though the core purpose, goals, and, ultimately, strategies of advertising a product to a specific demographic have remained the same, consumer culture has changed drastically, which has been reflected in advertising campaigns across decades. Procter & Gamble (P&G) is one of the accurate examples of the specified phenomenon. Specifically, its advertising campaign of P&G demonstrates the shift in consumer culture toward a more frugal lifestyle, while still upholding the status quo in regard to gender roles. The advertisement campaign launched by Procter & Gamble (P&G) in the 1940s reflects the described trends quite accurately. On the one hand, there is an obvious propensity toward Continue reading
Advertising Case Studies
Case Study: Analysis of Gillette’s Controversial Advertisement “The Best a Man Can Be”
Gillette’s new ad was released on January 13, 2019; in the video, the cult manufacturer of skincare products has changed its 30-year slogan. Gillette has updated its old motto to “The best men can be.” This video shows the so-called male behavior that, according to the authors’ ideas in it, includes harassment, violence, and bullying. The main leitmotif of the ad is the fight against toxic masculinity. The video itself is an integral part of a new advertising and charity campaign, which might be called a battle against the old customs. The reaction to it was enchanting; it should be noted that many users are already saying that the video in the future may break the YouTube record for the number of dislikes. In such a situation, the word “criticize” in the framework of this reaction is not suitable as a wording. Because criticism, to put it mildly, does not Continue reading
Case Study: Lessons From the Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty
Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty has been started in 2004. The primary purpose of the campaign is to promote real images of women in contrast to thin and unrealistic images of models. This campaign shows that advertising is a strong communication medium that has a great impact on the attitudes and tastes, values, and choices of consumers. The campaign is based on visual communication and emotional appeal which influence perception of the message and forces information retrieval. The campaign was launched in England, the USA, and Canada as a response to declining sales caused by a saturated market and increased competition. The Purpose of the Campaign The practical purpose of the campaign is to increase sales and brand awareness. Dove is one of the top players in the body care market. However, Dove has many competitors, and thus it needs to come up with an efficient marketing tool to win Continue reading
Case Study: Social Anxiety Disorder Campaign by SmithKline Beecham
In 1987 Eli Lilly and Company won U.S. approval to sell Prozac, the first among a class of drugs called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) that treated clinical depression by elevating levels of serotonin–a chemical believed crucial to regulating mood–in the brain. Prozac’s effectiveness and lack of side effects compared to existing medications for depression revolutionized not only the way mental illness was treated by psychiatrists but also the way it was perceived by the public. By 1992, when Pfizer and SmithKline Beecham introduced their own SSRIs, Zoloft and Paxil, respectively, depression had lost much of its stigma in the United States. In the following years SSRIs became one of the best-selling prescription drug categories. For its first several years on the market, Paxil remained in third place among SSRIs, and SmithKline Beecham set its sights on new markets for the drug. In the mid-1990s Paxil won FDA approval for Continue reading
Case Study of Nike: Building a Global Brand Image
Brand History The idea of Nike began way back in the 1950s. A track coach by the name of Bill Bowerman was at the University of Oregon training his team. Bill was always looking for a competitive edge for his runners, like most of us today look for any advantage we can get. Bill said he tried using different shoes for his runners as well as trying other things to try and make his athletes better. Bill tried to contact the shoes manufactures in attempt to try out his ideas for running shoes. This however failed. In 1955 a track runner by the name of Phil Knight enrolled at Oregon. Phil was on the track team under Bill. Phil graduated from Oregon and acquired his MBA from Stanford University. Phil went on to write a paper that talked about how quality shoes could be made over in Japan and they Continue reading
Case Study: The Effectiveness of Dove Real Beauty Sketches Campaign
The 3-minute advertisement of Dove launched in 2013 is a part of the company’s Real Beauty campaign. Dove is a beauty product company, a division of the FMCG giant Unilever. The advertisement named Dove Real Beauty Sketches is a video edited film of 3 minutes of an experiment that the company did. It invited a forensic sketch artist to draw the women. This artist sat is a separated space where he could not see the women. The Dove Real Beauty Sketches advertisement begins with a piece of soothing instrumental music. The sketch artist introduces himself. Then a female voice, presumably that of one of the participants, say that when they enter the hall, they can see someone sitting with a drafting board. Another participant informs the viewers that neither they nor the man can see each other. First, the women described themselves, and then strangers, who had been acquainted during Continue reading