Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness

An advertising measurement is adopted both before and after an advertising campaign is launched. After a campaign has been launched, it is essential to know how far the advertising plans, strategies and programmes are successful in achieving the objectives so that they may be modified and redesigned for better performance if needed. This process is known as evaluating advertising effectiveness. Some advertisers do not bother to measure advertising effectiveness. They expect that the sales will ultimately increase by reason of advertising. But, recently, problems and difficulties have compelled them to measure advertising effectiveness. The producers also adopt a measuring device because they incur a sizable amount of expenditure on advertising. The effectiveness of media and message are also assessed for their use in future. The results of same amount of advertising budget vary for several reasons. Only through the measuring of advertising effectiveness the success of a particular campaign can Continue reading

Elements of an Advertising Layout

An advertising copy is the means by which the advertiser’s ideas are given expression to in a message to readers. Regardless of its length and brevity copy refers to all the reading matters of an advertisement, including the headline, sub-headlines, text or body, and the name of the firm or the standard initials of the advertiser. As we have seen that advertising has so many immediate purposes but its ultimate goal is to stimulate sales. As a reader turns the pages of a magazine or newspaper, he notices so many advertisements but a great variation in copy. Some copy may be so sticking that the reader takes immediate action and rush to the nearest dealer to purchase it while there may be some other copy or copies that he does not like or it does not click to his mind. The first copy conforms to the requisites of a good Continue reading

Advertising Mediums – Types and Selection Criteria

A manufacturer or a trader can make use of the following advertising media to spread his message to the people : (i) Press advertising, (ii) Outdoor advertising, (iii) Film advertising, (iv) Radio advertising, (v) Television advertising, (vi) Direct mail advertising, (vii) Display advertising, and (viii) Speciality advertising: The merits and demerits of these media are discussed below. 1. Press Advertising or Print Media Press advertising, i.e advertising through newspapers, magazines, journals, etc. is commonly used by modern businessmen- It may be noted that advertising is an important source of finance for the press or print media. Because of advertisements, the subscribers get newspapers and periodicals at subsidized rates. Newspaper Advertising. Newspaper reading is a common habit among most of the educated people. Besides daily newspapers, there are bi-weekly and weekly newspapers also Newspapers reach almost every place and are read by all kinds of people. Therefore, newspaper can be used Continue reading

The Benefits and Harms of Advertising

The Benefits of Advertising Enormous human and material resources are devoted to advertising. Advertising is everywhere in today’s world, so that, as Pope Paul VI remarked, “No one now can escape the influence of advertising.” Even people who are not themselves exposed to particular forms of advertising confront a society, a culture – other people – affected for good or ill by advertising messages and techniques of every sort. Some critics view this state of affairs in unrelieved negative terms. They condemn advertising as a waste of time, talent and money – an essentially parasitic activity. In this view, not only does advertising have no value of its own, but also its influence is entirely harmful and corrupting for individuals and society. But advertising also has significant potential for good, and sometimes it is realized. Here are some of the ways that happens. Economic Benefits of Advertising Advertising can play Continue reading

Case Study: Seinfeld Ad Campaign by Amex

American Express is a global, diversified financial services company headquartered in New York. The company is over 150 years old, founded in 1850. It is best known for its credit card, charge card, and travelers check business, but has numerous ancillary operations that are profit centers. On of the key factors in the improvement of American Express in the market is the continual thrust of its brand. Beginning in the 1960s American Express distinguished itself for two decades with several highly acclaimed campaigns. Advertising Age included two 1970s American Express campaigns (‘‘Do You Know Me?’’ and ‘‘Don’t Leave Home without It’’ featuring Karl Malden) on its list of the ‘‘50 Best Commercials.’’ The 1988 print campaign featuring photos of famous card members by Annie Leibovitz was a finalist for the book Advertising’s Ten Best of the Decade 1980—1990. But in 1990 AT&T Corp. disrupted the general purpose credit card market Continue reading

Advantages and Disadvantages of Radio Advertising

Radio has undergone considerable changes in the past nearly twenty five years. It used to be the premier mass medium for audiences and advertisers. Radio can deliver ad messages to a very large number of audiences across the length and breadth of a particular geographic area. Advantages of Radio Advertising Radio offers a variety of features to advertisers and many of the medium’s characteristics seem to be important to advertisers. Of all the mass media, radio is believed to be the most personal medium and offers advantages over other media like selectivity, cost efficiency, flexibility and mental imagery. Selectivity: Radio offers a high degree of selectivity through geographic coverage by a large number of stations and various programme formats. Advertisers can focus their ad messages on specific audiences who speak different languages in different areas, which otherwise may not be accessible by means of other media. Cost efficiency: Cost advantages Continue reading