Propaganda is a “systematic, widespread dissemination or promotion of particular ideas, doctrines, practices, etc. Some use it to cause or to damage an opposing one.” While it is true that many of the techniques associated with propaganda are also used in the practice of advertising or public relations, the term propaganda is usually applied to efforts to promote a particular political viewpoint. Additionally, propaganda can be used to promote specific religious views. Furthermore, companies use propaganda to persuade consumers into buying their product, and, sadly, misinformation is found all around people in magazines, on television, on billboards, and in movies. Subconsciously, people let the use of propaganda influence their decision to purchase items that they often would not buy. Advertisers lean heavily on propaganda to sell products, whether the “products” are a brand of toothpaste, a candidate for office, or a particular political viewpoint. Although propaganda may seem relevant only Continue reading
Advertising Management
Meaning of End Product Advertising
There are many products that are rarely purchased direct by consumers. They are usually bought as part or ingredient in other products. For example, there is Teflon (DuPont product), Pentium (Intel Corporation’s computer processor chip), Athelon (Advanced Micro Devices computer processor chip) and many others. Advertising of such products is called end product advertising (also called branded ingredient advertising). This type of advertising is often undertaken by manufacturers whose branded parts or ingredients are used in producing usually other branded or unbranded consumer products. Successful end product advertising helps create demand for the ingredient that helps in the sale of another product, such as Intel promotes its Pentium processors. The sustained existence of consumer demand for such ingredients encourages companies to use them in their consumer products. It is not easy to build end-product demand. The manufacturer must have an ingredient that is widely recognized by manufacturers and consumers and Continue reading
Need for Creative Advertising
Most brands in the same category deliver more or less the same functional benefits and answer the same needs of the consumers. With so many products on the market having the same function, the only way to position a product, service, or company differently from anything else in the same category is through creative development in advertising. Today traditional advertising is losing its sheen. The biggest problem with traditional media is that consumers today have lots of choice for ad avoidance. The fragmentation is very high and there is very less scope of customized message for all. The Indian consumer has changed if we focus on this issue there is a lot more on the menu to choose from. Now the message unlike the past is no longer a one way process. But public opinion is far more mobilized, they have immediate platform for expression. The expert believes that the Continue reading
Case Study: Advertising Strategies of The Times of India
The Times of India (TOI) is one of the leading newspapers in India. It is the largest circulated English newspaper in India. It represents the growing influence of Indian middleclass and the value of English education in the country. The Chief Manager of advertising at The Times of India was evaluating effectiveness of its campaign in building The Times of India as a national brand. Most of the advertising in the past has been functional in nature. It has concentrated on promoting Times of India as a brand with functional elements like ‘largest circulated‘ English newspaper; most upmarket newspaper; the newspaper with a grip on future and other relevant functional attributes which are common for a newspaper. Recently they have shifted to emotional platform where the newspaper is being projected as something that chronicles the aspirations of Indians. It reflects struggle, turbulence, success and failure in an Indian’s life. He Continue reading
What is International Advertising?
International Advertising, generally speaking, is the promotion of goods, services, companies and ideas, usually in more than one country performed by an identified sponsor. Marketers see advertising as part of an overall promotional strategy. Other components of the promotional mix include publicity, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion. Advertising is a cogent communication attempt to change or reinforce ones’ prior attitude that is predictable of future behavior. It can be viewed as a communication process that takes place in multiple cultures that differ in terms of values, communication styles, and consumption patterns. It is also a business activity involving advertisers and the advertising agencies that create ads and buy media in different countries. The sum total of these activities constitutes a worldwide industry that is growing in importance. International advertising is also a major force that both reflects social values, and propagates certain values worldwide. International advertising involves recognizing Continue reading
Magazine Advertising – Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages
Magazines published in the latter half of the nineteenth century were targeted towards special interest audiences and carried very little advertising. Most magazines of this time were either literary, or religious in content. Before the advent of radio, magazines were an important advertising medium for many businesses. Magazines are considered as the most specialized of all the advertising media. The magazine industry has often been described as “survival of the discriminating.” The number of magazines has increased steadily to serve the educational, informational, entertainment and other specialized needs of consumers, business and industry. Availability of a wide variety of magazines makes them quite an appealing medium to a very large number of advertisers. Magazine advertising is equally popular among large and small companies. Their high interest readers are usually willing to pay a premium for the magazines. As pointed out earlier, the role of magazines is different in the media Continue reading