Narasimham Committee on Banking Sector Reforms (1998)

In spite of the optimistic views about the growth of banking industry in terms of branch expansion, deposit mobilization etc, several distortions such as increasing NPAs and obsolete technology crept into the system, mainly due to the global changes occurring in the world economy. In this context, the finance ministry of Government of India appointed Mr. M. Narasimham as chairman of one more committee, this time it was called as the committee on banking sector reforms. The committee was asked to “review the progress of banking sector reforms to the date and chart a programme on financial sector reforms necessary to strengthen India’s financial system and make it internationally competitive”. The Narasimham committee on banking sector reforms submitted this report to the government in April 1998. This report covers the entire issues relating to capital adequacy, bank mergers, the condition of global sized banks, recasting of banks boards etc. The Continue reading

Modes of debt recovery other than normal debt recovery procedure

(1) Where a certificate has been issued to the Recovery Officer under Sub-section of section 19, the Recovery Officer may, without prejudice to the modes of recovery specified in section 25, recover the amount of debt by any one or more of the modes provided under this section. (2) If any amount is due from any person to the defendant, the Recovery Officer may require such person to deduct from the said amount, the amount of debt due from the defendant under this Act and such person shall comply with any such requisition and shall pay the sum so deducted to the credit of the Recovery Officer: Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to any part of the amount exempt from attachment in execution of a decree of a civil court under section 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908). (3) (I) The Recovery Continue reading

Guidelines for Preparing a Proper Strategy for Debt Recovery

Devising a strategy helps in achieving a set goal or objective.   Recovery agents should therefore devise a strategy for debt recovery.   The following guidelines would help in preparing proper strategy for debt recovery. The collection process should be compliant to the bank-specific recovery norms and also regulatory guidelines. The collection timing should be synchronized to the cash inflow pattern of the debtors: For example, recovery from salaried employees should be timed when salary is received by or credited to the debtor’s account, normally at the moth-end.   In case of SME borrowers the effort should coincide with cash flow on account of sales.   In case a collection from agriculturist should be made, then it should be soon after the crops are sold.   This will call for knowledge of bank products on the part of agents.   It should be the endeavour of the agent that collection Continue reading

Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS) – Safety System for Electronic Transfer of Funds in India

In November 2001 RBI has introduced the Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS), an application which would be riding on the backbone of the Indian Financial Network (INFINET) intended as a measure, to ensure greater security in the process of electronic funds transfers. The SFMS provides security in the various electronic funds transfers services introduced by RBI such as he Credit Clearing and Debit Clearing and the retail Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) system and prevents unauthorized usage Objective and Benefits of  Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS) The usage of the Structured Financial Messaging System  (SFMS) over the INFINET would automatically bring the benefits of safe, secure and efficient funds transfers There would also be the added benefit of settlement of inter-bank transfers taking place in the books of accounts of banks maintained with the RBI thereby providing for finality of settlement. Structured Financial Messaging System  (SFMS) would have adequate security measures Continue reading

Introduction to Payment Systems in Banking System

Payment Systems encompass a set of instruments and means generally acceptable in making payments, the institutional and organizational framework governing such payments and the operating procedures and communications network used to initiate and transmit payment information from payer to payee and to settle payments. Payment system facilitates the exchange of goods and services between economic agents using an accepted medium of exchange. A modern payment system typically has a range of specialized subsystems developed to serve particular sets of customers; some of these clear and settle small payments, some large payments, while some cover both large and retail settlements. The Bank for International Settlements defines payment systems as “a set of instruments, procedures and rules for the transfer of funds among system participants”. The proposed Payment System legislation in our country defines a ‘payment system’ as “a system that enables payment to be effected between a payer and a beneficiary Continue reading

Bank Rate or Discount Rate – Bank Rate Policy Defined

Bank Rate or Discount Rate  is one of the earliest methods of general credit control developed by the Bank of England and it was considered an effective method till the outbreak of First World War. After the war, Bank of England developed other methods as it found the bank rate policy to be not so effective. The essence of discount rate policy that commercial banks approach the central bank whenever they are in need of financial accommodation. They get the necessary assistance by re-discounting the eligible bills and other securities. The Central bank would re-discount these instruments at a rate which directly determines the volume of funds which the commercial banks can get through this method of financial accommodation. A revision of this re-discounting rate by the central bank will necessitate the commercial banks to change their rate of discounting of eligible bills and securities.  As a result the businessmen Continue reading