Credit risk implies a potential risk that the counterparty of a loan agreement is likely to fail to meet its obligations as per the original loan agreement, and may eventually default on the obligation. Credit risks can be classified into many forms such as options, equities, mutual funds, bonds, loans, and other financial issues as well, which in extensions of guarantees and the settlement of these transactions. Is it Important for the Banks to Manage their Credit Risks? Risk is always associated with banking activities, and taking a risk is an important part of any banking operation, there is hardly any banking operation without the risk. Most of the bankers are said to be sound when they have a clear overview of what is the amount of risk involved in the current transaction and they make sure that some of the partly earnings are therefore kept for these risks. The Continue reading
Bank Management
Classification of Bank Payment Systems
Payment systems can be classified on the basis of the value of transactions being put through them, settlement modality or on the basis of timing of settlement. Value of funds transfer: payment systems can be categorized into (a) Large-value funds transfer — where individual payments are of high value and therefore time sensitive and (b) Retail funds transfer — where the value of transactions are of relatively low individual value but the volume of transactions put through it large. Settlement modality: payments systems can be classified into (a) Net settlement where payments are set off against receipts over a large number of transactions taken up for settlement. This arrangement can be on a bilateral basis between two participants or on a multilateral basis amongst all participants and (b) Gross Settlement — where each transaction is settled independent of other transactions. Timing of settlement: payment systems can be classified as (a) Continue reading
Different Types of Risks Faced by Banks Today
All companies which have a profit maximizing objective hold a certain degree of risk whether through microeconomic or macroeconomic factors. Banks also face a number of risks atypical of non financial companies due to the payment and intermediary function which they perform. Recent changes in the banking environment has lead to an increased pressure to maximize shareholder value, this means that banks take on a higher risk in order to gain a higher return. It is due to this increased pressure and market volatility that banking risk needs such effective management to ensure the banks continued solvency. Risk can be defined as an “exposure to uncertainty of outcome” measured by the volatility (standard deviation) of net cash flow within the firm. Banks aim to add equity to the bank by maximizing the risk adjusted return to shareholders highlighting the importance of fully considering the risk and return business equation. Exposure Continue reading
Role of RBI (Reserve Bank of India) in Payment Systems
The Reserve Bank of India participates in the payment systems as a user of the system, as the service provider for various components of the systems and is also the regulator of the systems in many instances. As a user, the RBI submits instruments for clearing in the cheque-based clearing operations. RBI also participates as a user in the Electronic Clearing Service (ECS)and EFT systems for making its own internal payments to its employees, vendor payments etc. Similarly, RBI transactions in Repo / Reverse Repo under LAF, Open Market Operations etc., would also be settled through the respective components of payment systems. As a provider of payment system services, the RBI has taken many initiatives as can be seen under the evolution of payment systems in the country in the development and operationalisation of the systems. Under this, the clearing houses and ECS systems are managed by the Reserve Bank Continue reading
Important Functions of Development Banks
Development banks have been started with the motive of increasing the pace of industrialization. The traditional financial institutions could not take up this challenge because of their limitations. In order to help all round industrialization development banks were made multipurpose institutions. Besides financing they were assigned promotional work also. Some important functions of these institutions are discussed as follows: 1. Financial Gap Fillers Development banks do not provide medium-term and long-term loans only but they help industrial enterprises in many other ways too. These banks subscribe to the bonds and debentures of the companies, underwrite to their shares and debentures and, guarantee the loans raised from foreign and domestic sources. They also help undertakings to acquire machinery from with in and outside the country. 2. Undertake Entrepreneurial Role Developing countries lack entrepreneurs who can take up the job of setting up new projects. It may be due to lack of Continue reading
Customer Service Strategies in Banking Sector
Today, banking sector is seen as a catalyst in economic growth of a country and, lot is expected from the banking fraternity. The recognition of banking, as a tool for all inclusive growth by economists, financial planners, reformist etc has made it an important sector in the Government’s planning of economic growth. The banking sector in India is there fore witnessing tremendous changes because of political, social and economic changes that are taking place domestically and internationally. The concept of banking, which was earlier restricted to accepting of deposits from public for the purpose of, has also undergone sea change. Today the banking sector is seen as a vehicle for all inclusive economic growth, social responsibility and equiv-distribution of national resources. Today banks are wooing existing customers, prospective customers by offering new facilities, products, and services in order to retain/increase their base in market. The way the banking has changed, Continue reading