Focus on ICICI Bank’s Initiatives The use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in banking has gained importance with the aggressive strategies for customer acquisition and retention being employed by banks in today’s competitive milieu. This has resulted in the adoption of various CRM initiatives by these banks to enable them achieve their objectives. The steps that banks follow in implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) are: Identifying CRM initiatives with reference to the objectives to be attained (such as increased number of customers, enhanced per-customer profitability, etc.), Setting measurable targets for each initiative in terms of growth in profits, number of customers, etc. and Evaluating and choosing the appropriate Customer Relationship Management (CRM) package that will help the company achieve its CRM goals (a comparison of pay-offs against investments could be carried out during the evaluation exercise). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has been deployed in retail banking. The challenges in Continue reading
Bank Management
Types of Interest Rate Risk
Due to the very nature of its business, a bank should accept interest rate risk not by chance but by choice and when the bank has to take a risk as a choice, then it should ensure that the risk taken is firstly manageable and secondly it does not get transformed into yet another undesirable risk. As stated earlier, the focal point in managing any risk will be to understand the nature of the risk. This is especially essential for interest rate risk management. Interest rate risk is the gain/loss that arises due to sensitivity of the interest income/interest expenditure or values of assets/liabilities to the interest rate fluctuations. Types of Interest Rate Risks The sensitivity to interest rate fluctuations will arise due to the mixed affect of a host of other risks that comprise the interest rate risk. These risks when segregated fall into the following categories. Rate Continue reading
Ethical Issues in the Banking Industry
Over the years, banks have undergone tremendous growth in many aspects of their operations, starting with the type of customers they deal with to the manner in which information is received, recorded, transformed, and finally used. Ultimately, banks have unraveled the whole mystery of discrimination as to what customers to offer services to or not by categorizing their clients in terms of their income structure. This classifying of customers is meant to assist in the decision making process as to what customer receives what treatment, but it is also meant to assist the banks in understanding the type of customers to offer better services to. Therefore, regulated by their policy of information non-disclosure, banks would obtain very crucial information about various customers (their age, sex, race, employment status, as well as income level) with a notion that they are adhering to the Know Your Customer policy. This information is supposed Continue reading
Asset and Liability Management (ALM)
In banking, asset and liability management (ALM) is used to manage the risks that arise due to mismatches between the assets and liabilities (debts and assets) of the bank. Banks face several risks like liquidity risk, market risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, and operational risk. Asset Liability Management (ALM) is a strategic management tool to manage interest rate risk and liquidity risk faced by banks, other financial services companies, and corporations. Banks manage the risks of Asset liability mismatch by matching the assets and liabilities according to the maturity pattern or matching the duration, by hedging and by securitization. Asset and liability management remain high-priority areas for bank regulators, with an emphasis on the management of market risk, liquidity risk, and credit risk. Asset/liability managers face the challenge of keeping pace with industry changes as new areas of risk are identified and new tools and models are developed to Continue reading
Loan Against Securities
Considerations of security form an important basis of lending. In fact, they constitute necessary adjunct to financial appraisal. Lending institutions have to examine the loan proposals from the point of view of nature and extent of security offered. Sometimes, there is a greater reliance on security due to inadequate financial appraisal, which in its turn may be due to non-availability of the necessary data. The security cover of the loan should, however, not be regarded as a substitute for an adequate financial assessment. Security considerations are of particular importance in less developed countries like India where information on the character, integrity and credit-worthiness of the borrowers is not readily available and much ground work has yet to be done in the establishment of credit information bureaus. A prudent term lending institution, therefore, secures its loan by adequate collateral and, where necessary, guarantees. It also embodies in the loan agreement suitable Continue reading
Different Products and Services Offered by Banks
Broad Classification of Products Offered by Banks The different products in a bank can be broadly classified into: Retail Banking. Trade Finance. Treasury Operations. Retail Banking and Trade finance operations are conducted at the branch level while the wholesale banking operations, which cover treasury operations, are at the head office or a designated branch. Retail Banking: Deposits Loans, Cash Credit and Overdraft Negotiating for Loans and advances Remittances Book-Keeping (maintaining all accounting records) Receiving all kinds of bonds valuable for safe keeping Trade Finance: Issuing and confirming of letter of credit. Drawing, accepting, discounting, buying, selling, collecting of bills of exchange, promissory notes, drafts, bill of lading and other securities. Treasury Operations: Buying and selling of bullion, Foreign exchange. Acquiring, holding, underwriting and dealing in shares, debentures, etc. Purchasing and selling of bonds and securities on behalf of constituents. The banks can also act as an agent of the Government Continue reading