External Commercial Borrowing (ECB)

External Commercial borrowing (ECB) refers to commercial loans availed by companies from non-resident lenders in the form of bank loans, buyers credit, suppliers credit, securitized instruments (e.g. floating rate notes and fixed rate bonds). A company is allowed   to raise ECB from internationally recognized source such as banks, export credit agencies, suppliers of equipment, foreign collaborators, foreign equity-holders, international capital markets etc. However, offers from unrecognized sources are not entertained. External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) include bank loans, suppliers and buyers credits, fixed and floating rate bonds (without convertibility) and borrowings from private sector windows of multilateral Financial Institutions such as International Finance Corporation. In India, External Commercial Borrowings are being permitted by the Government for providing an additional source of funds to Indian corporate and PSUs for financing expansion of existing capacity and as well as for fresh investment, to augment the resources available domestically. ECBs can be used Continue reading

Cash Collection and Payment Systems

Cash Collection Practices Cash management is intimately connected with realization from debtors. Prompt collection from debtors is preferred for that involves less money being locked-up in accounts receivables, less bad debts, etc. How can collections be prompted? We can give cash discount to prompt collections. Besides a system of decentralized collection is suggested for prompt collections. Concentration Banking is a technique of decentralized or prompt collection. Concentration banking system works this way: (i) there is decentralized billing of customers, so that immediate dispatch of goods, invoices are made and dispatched, (ii) customers are directed to send the remittances to corresponding regional offices, (iii) regional offices on receipt of remittances send them to banks for collection, (iv) After collection is effected, after retaining a minimum sum, the regional office sends the balance on account to the head-office bank account. As all such cash balance remittances get concentrated in the head-office bank Continue reading

Receivable Management – Meaning, Significance and Purpose

Introduction to Receivable Management Receivables, also termed as trade credit or debtors are component of current assets. When a firm sells its product in credit, account receivables are created. Account receivable are the money receivable in some future date for the credit sale of goods and services at present. These days, most business transactions are in credit. Most companies, when they face competition, use credit sales as an important tool for sales promotion. As a sales promotion tool, credit sale enhances firm’s sales revenue and ultimately pushes up the profitability. But after the credit sale has been made, the actual collection of cash may be delayed for months. As these late payments stretch out over time, they may cause substantial drop in a company’s profit margin. Since the extension of credit involves both cost and benefits, the firm’s manager must be able to measure them to determine the ultimate effect of credits sales. In Continue reading

Interface Between Finance and Other Management Functions

Finance is the study of money management, the acquiring of funds (cash) and the directing of these funds to meet particular objectives. Good financial management helps businesses to maximize returns while simultaneously minimizing risks. Financial management is an integral part of overall management and not merely a staff function. It is not only confined to fund raising operations but extends beyond it to cover utilization of funds and monitoring its uses. These functions influence the operations of other crucial functional areas of the firm such as production, marketing and human resources. Hence, decisions in regard to financial matters must be taken after giving thoughtful consideration to interests of various business activities. Finance manager has to see things as a part of a whole and make financial decisions within the framework of overall corporate objectives and policies. Let us discuss in greater detail the reasons why knowledge of the financial implications Continue reading

Provision for Depreciation

Depreciation is the cost allocated as expense which has the effects of reducing the value of a fixed asset during the period it is used by a business. It is a non-cash expense and need to be charged to the Profit & Loss account yearly which lowers the company’s profit which increasing free cash flow. Fixed assets are long life. They are bought to assist in the operation of business but not with the main purpose of resale. They are in fact revenue-generating assets as they help to gain profit depending on their useful lives. Depreciable items include machinery, vehicles, buildings and fixtures.  There are reasons why assets may depreciate: Obsolescence: Assets are replaced because new and more efficient technology has been developed. Depletion or Exhaustion: The values of assets such as mines, quarries and oil wells diminish due to the extraction of raw materials from them. Passage of Time: Continue reading

Lease vs Hire Purchase

The concept of leasing can be understood by comparing the lease to the purchase of a specific asset. If a firm wishes to obtain the service of a specific asset, it has two alternatives: Purchase or Lease. To purchase the asset, the firm must payout a lump sum or agrees to some type of installment plan that involves incurring a long term liability. Leasing the assets, on the other hand, provides the firm with asset’s services without necessarily incurring any capital liability. Leasing is a source of financing as it enables the firm to obtain the use of assets in exchange for agreeing to pay lease rentals. In case of leasing, the asset is handed over by the lessor to the lessee in return for a lease rental. The ownership and the title to the assets remain with the lessor. The lessor, however, recovers the cost of the assets as Continue reading