In modern finance, it is proven that shareholder wealth maximization is the superior goal of a firm and shareholders are the residual claimants; therefore maximizing shareholder returns usually implies that firms must also satisfy stakeholders such as customers, employees, suppliers, local communities, and the environment first. Also, a firm’s value can not be maximized if the management board or shareholders ignores the interest of its stakeholders. Thus, the main goal of a firm is to maximize shareholder wealth but it does not mean that management should disregard stakeholders. To begin with, it is necessary to understand what is shareholder wealth and why maximizing shareholder wealth is a superior objective? Maximizing shareholder wealth is defined as maximizing purchasing power as well as the flow of dividends to shareholders through time and it is a long-term perspective. In addition, a very important point to explain why shareholder wealth maximization is superior objective Continue reading
Business Finance Concepts
Motives for Holding Cash – Cash Management Concepts
Cash is the medium of exchange on the common purchasing power and which is the most important component of working capital. It includes coins, currency, cheques held by the firm and the balances in its bank accounts. Sometimes near-cash items also are included.’ Cash is the basic input required to keep the firm running on a continuous basis. At the same time it is the ultimate output expected to be realized by selling goods and services. A firm should hold sufficient cash, neither more, not less. An excessive cash remains idle which simply increases the cost without contributing anything towards the profitability of the firm and in the opposite case, trading and/ or manufacturing operation will be disrupted. Not only that, it largely upholds, under given condition, the quantum of other ingredients of working capital, viz., inventories and debtors, that may be needed for a given scale and type of Continue reading
Bonds and Debentures
Definition of Debentures A company may not with to possess itself of the use of more share capital or ownership securities, and yet desire more available money. It may invite persons to kind their money as a loan, instead of contributing it as a part of the capital. Money so lent must also be recorded and acknowledged. The document which the lender receives is called a debenture. The holder of this debenture is a creditor of the company, while the shareholder is one of the proprietors of the capital of the company and so responsible for its liabilities. The debenture holder is one of the liabilities for which the shareholder is responsible. Thus a company in order to secure long-term finance for initial needs and more often for extensions and developments to supplement its capital may issue debentures or “creditorship securities”. In fact in every country, debenture issue is one Continue reading
Foreign Capital
Foreign capital or investment has become significant part of sources of funding for various projects in every country. This source of funding has received the attention of both the government as well as the corporate sector that there has been increasing reliance on this source for planning and execution of projects by the government as well as the corporate sector. Foreign capital can come into a country in different forms. Let us first understand these forms of foreign capital before discussing the need for foreign capital. Forms of Foreign Capital Direct Entrepreneurial Investment: In this form of foreign capital, the foreign investors can start a company abroad mainly for the purpose of establishing its branches and subsidiaries in other countries. For instance an American business group may invest in a new project in India directly and start its own affiliate or branch or even a subsidiary. Sometimes, the investors abroad Continue reading
The Fundamental and Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Information
The purpose of financial statements is to give financial statements information about the change in financial position, financial performance and financial position of the organization. These can provide data use in decision making such as investment, credit and economic decision making which are useful for various users. There are seven main groups of users which are public, investors, lenders, employees, customers, supplies, government and other agencies and the needs of information is different for each group, for instance, employee will interest on the profitability, retirement benefits and employment opportunities and so on. The qualitative characteristics can be categorized as fundamental (relevance and faithful representation) or enhancing (comparability, verifiability, timeliness and understandability) based on how they influence the usefulness of financial information. However, it can limited by two pervasive constraints which is cost and materiality in providing useful financial information. Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Information Relevance: Relevant financial reporting information Continue reading
Three Approaches to Working Capital Management
Working capital is said to be the life blood of a business. Working capital signifies funds required for day-to-day operation of the firm. In financial literature, there exist two concepts of working capital namely: gross and net. Accordingly, gross concept working capital refers to current assets viz: cash, marketable securities, inventories of raw materials, work-in-process, finished goods and receivables. According to net concept, working capital refers to the difference between current assets and current liabilities. Ordinarily, working capital can be classified into fixed or permanent and variable or fluctuating parts. The minimum level of investment in current assets regularly employed in business is called fixed or permanent working capital and the extra working capital needed to support the changing business activities is called variable or fluctuating working capital. There are broadly 3 working capital management strategies/ approaches to choose the mix of long and short-term funds for financing the net working Continue reading