Working Capital is the part of the firm’s capital which is required for financing short term or current assets such as stock, receivables, marketable securities and cash. Money invested in these current assets keep revolving with relative rapidity and is being constantly converted into cash. These cash flows rotate again in exchange of other such assets. Working Capital is also called as “short term capital”. “Liquid Capital”, “Circulating or revolving capital”, The Working Capital management refers to management of the working capital or to be more precise the management of current assets and current liabilities. Working capital management is a very important to ensure that the company has enough funds to carry on with its day-to-day operations smoothly. A business should not have a very long Cash Conversion Cycle. A cash Conversion Cycle measures the time period for which a firm will be deprived of funds if it increases its Continue reading
Business Finance Terms
Credit Management Concepts: Know Your Client
A cardinal rule in banking is the concept of “Know your client”. This means exactly what is says. The banker will do all he can to find out as much as he can about the company and the client. In this no information is too small or too immaterial since they will fit into a larger picture and the fate of the facilities extended may depend upon it. It has to be always remembered that the project may appear sound, the documentation perfect and the financials impeccable. However, if the intent is to cheat, it could cause severe losses to the Bank. Banks are always aware that a dishonest man is also a very clever person. Additionally the dishonest person has the advantage in that the innocent banker believes him to be a good, honest soul. He knows he is not; he knows he intends to cheat the banker and Continue reading
Credit Management – Managing Trade Credit and Accounts Receivable in Business
“The purpose of any commercial enterprise is the earning of profit, credit in itself is utilized to increase sale, but sales must return a profit.” – Joseph L. Wood The primary objective of management of receivables should not be limited to expansion of sales but should involve maximization of overall returns on investment. So, receivables management should not be confined to mere collection or receivables within the shortest possible period but is required to focus due attention to the benefit-cost trade-off relating to numerous receivables management. Principles of Credit Management In order to add profitability, soundness and effectiveness to receivables management, an enterprise must make it a point to follow certain well-established and duly recognized principles of credit management. The first of these principles relate to the allocation of authority pertaining to credit and collections of some specific management. The second principle puts stress on the selection of proper credit Continue reading
Financial Reporting – Meaning, Objectives, Characteristics, and Principles
Financial statements entail the end products which are prepared from the adjusted trial balance. Financial statements play an important role of communicating key accounting information concerning a business organization to those people who are interested in the business. The financial statements act as a model of a business enterprise by showing the business organization in financial terms. The major financial statements includes income statements or profit and loss account, the balance sheet or statement of financial position, the cash flow statement and changes in owner’s equity. The income statement or the profit and loss account summarizes the expenses and revenues that a business incurs in a particular accounting period. Income statement is an important financial statement as it enables people to determine as to whether the business has attained its profitability objectives or not. The balance sheet main purpose is to explain the position of a firm at a particular Continue reading
Foreign Capital
Foreign capital or investment has become significant part of sources of funding for various projects in every country. This source of funding has received the attention of both the government as well as the corporate sector that there has been increasing reliance on this source for planning and execution of projects by the government as well as the corporate sector. Foreign capital can come into a country in different forms. Let us first understand these forms of foreign capital before discussing the need for foreign capital. Forms of Foreign Capital Direct Entrepreneurial Investment: In this form of foreign capital, the foreign investors can start a company abroad mainly for the purpose of establishing its branches and subsidiaries in other countries. For instance an American business group may invest in a new project in India directly and start its own affiliate or branch or even a subsidiary. Sometimes, the investors abroad Continue reading
Accounts Payable – Meaning, Process, Advantages, and Disadvantages
Every business owner would like to have all sales on a cash basis, but that’s not always possible in a competitive marketplace. Sometimes, sellers need to offer sales on credit terms just to get customers to buy their products. Unfortunately, selling on delayed payment terms opens up an entirely new aspect of running a business: managing the extension of trade credit to customers. constitute a current or short term liability representing the buyer’s obligation to pay a certain amount on a date in the near future for value of goods or services received. They are short term deferments of cash payments that the buyer of goods and services is allowed by the seller. Payables is extended in connection with goods purchased for resale or for processing and resale, and hence excludes consumer credit provided to individuals for purchasing goods for ultimate use and installment credit provided for purchase of equipment Continue reading