Cash credit is a short-term cash loan to a company. A bank provides this type of funding, but only after the required security is given to secure the loan. Once a security for repayment has been given, the business that receives the loan can continuously draw from the bank up to a certain specified amount. This type of financing is similar to a line of credit. Furthermore, cash credit is a facility to withdraw the amount from the business account even though the account may not have enough credit balance. The limit of the amount that can be withdrawn is sanctioned by the bank based on the business cycle of the client and the working capital gap and the drawing power of the client. This drawing power is determined, based on the stock and book debts statements submitted by the borrower at monthly intervals against the security by hypothecating of Continue reading
Business Finance Terms
Introduction to Investments – Meaning, Objectives and Elements
Concept of Investment Investment is the employment of funds with the aim of getting return on it. In general terms, investment means the use of money in the hope of making more money. In finance, investment means the purchase of a financial product or other item of value with an expectation of favorable future returns. Investment of hard earned money is a crucial activity of every human being. Investment is the commitment of funds which have been saved from current consumption with the hope that some benefits will be received in future. Thus, it is a reward for waiting for money. Savings of the people are invested in assets depending on their risk and return demands. Investment refers to the concept of deferred consumption, which involves purchasing an asset, giving a loan or keeping funds in a bank account with the aim of generating future returns. Various investment options are Continue reading
Definition of Financial Services
As per section 65(10) of the Finance Act, 1994, “banking and financial services” means the following services provided by a banking company or a financial institution including a non banking financial company, namely; (i) financial leasing services including equipment leasing and hire-purchase by a body corporate; (ii) credit card services; (iii) merchant banking services; (iv) securities and foreign exchange (forex) broking; (v) asset management including portfolio management, all forms of fund management, pension fund management, custodial depository and trust services, but does not include cash management; (vi) advisory and other auxiliary financial services including investment and portfolio research and advice, advice on mergers and acquisition and advice on corporate restructuring and strategy; and vii) provision and transfer of information and data processing. Financial services can be defined as the products and services offered by institutions like banks of various kinds for the facilitation of various financial transactions and other Continue reading
Capital Structure of a Company
The assets of a company can be financed either by increasing the owners’ claims or the creditors’ claims. The owners claim increase when the firm raises funds by issuing ordinary shares or by retaining earnings; the creditors’ claims increase by borrowing. The various means of financing represent the financial structure or capital structure of a company. The term capital structure is used to represent the proportionate relationship between debt and equity. Equity includes paid-up share capital, share premium and reserve and surplus (retained earnings). The company will have to plan its capital structure initially at the time of its promotion. Subsequently, whenever funds have to be raised finance investment, a capital structure decision is involved. Capital structure of a company refers to the mix of sources from where the long-term funds required in the business may be raised. A demand for raising funds generates a new capital structure a decision Continue reading
Fixed Capital – Meaning, Management and Affecting Factors
Fixed capital means the portion of the capital, which is meant for meeting the permanent or long-term needs of the business. In other words fixed capital is required for the acquisition of those assets that are to be used over a long period. So, Fixed capital is an alternative term for fixed assets. Fixed capital is required for acquisition of the following assets: Tangible assets such as land, buildings, plant and machinery, furniture and fittings, etc. Intangible assets such as goodwill, patents, copyrights, promotion, cost, etc. It should be noted that the fixed assets couldn’t be withdrawn from the business without disturbing the normal working of the undertaking. It is, therefore, necessary that sufficient funds are raised for acquisition of fixed assets. These funds are required not only while establishing a new enterprise but also for expanding, diversifying and maintaining intact the existing enterprise. Assessment of Fixed Capital Requirements The Continue reading
What are Circuit Breakers?
Volatility in stock prices is a cause of concern for both the policy makers and the investors. To curb excessive volatility, SEBI has prescribed a system of circuit breakers. The circuit breakers bring about a nation-wide coordinated halt in trading on all the equity and equity derivatives markets. An index based market-wide circuit breaker system applies at three stages of the index movement either way at 10%, 15% and 20%. The breakers are triggered by movement of either S&P CNX Nifty or Sensex, whichever is breached earlier. Further, the NSE views entries of non-genuine orders with utmost seriousness as this has market-wide repercussion. It may suo-moto cancel the orders in the absence of any immediate confirmation from the members that these orders are genuine or for any other reason as it may deem fit. As an additional measure of safety, individual scrip-wise price bands have been fixed as below: Daily Continue reading