Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Concept of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Traditionally, the transfer   of data from one company   to another   has been by paper documents. This is known as a paper-based system. These documents have to be manually forwarded and entered to the destination computer. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the electronic exchange of standard business   information, in standard formats, between computers. EDI eliminates   the need   for a paper-based system by providing an electronic link between companies. This   reduces   data entry   tasks and improves   business cycle times. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the electronic transfer of structured   business documents in an organization   internally   among   groups of departments or externally   with its   suppliers, customers and subsidiaries. The   documents likely   to be used in   EDI   are invoices, purchase orders, shipping   requests, acknowledgements and payments. EDI Continue reading

Introduction to Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)

The aim of every organisation is to achieve its set goals and objectives as well as secure competitive advantage over its competitors. However, these cannot be achieved or actualized if staff or workers act independently and do not share ideas. Today, prominent businesses are becoming more aware that the knowledge of their employees is one of their primary assets. Sometimes organisational decisions cannot be effectively made with information alone; there is need for knowledge application. An effective knowledge management system can give a company the competitive edge it needs to be successful, and, for that reason, knowledge management projects should be high priority. Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) “developed to support and enhance the organizational knowledge processes of knowledge creation, storage, retrieval, transfer, and application (Alavi & Leidner, 2001) This means that for any organisation to be competitive in today’s global world there is need for combination or pooling together of Continue reading

NetSuite ERP Software – True Cloud ERP Platform for Any Business

The main objective of establishing a business organization is to ensure that returns from the venture are maximized. Entrepreneurs must work around the clock for the mobilization of resources and make sure that the business goals are achieved. Various mechanisms are applied to enable the accomplishment of the missions. These encompass the creation of a working environment that is favorable, the adoption of the right technology as well as ensuring that there is the provision of suitable services and products into the market. Any business organization that aims at growing and attain global recognition has to make better consideration of technological trends. Operational data is a requirement for all levels of decision-making in organizations. It is essential because it gives a comprehensive account of any transpiring aspects. The inclusion of technological solutions in the business and running of its operations enable improvement of the anticipated outcomes. Organizations have to establish Continue reading

Case Study: Can DSS Help Master Card Master the Credit Card Business?

Credit (change) cards have been very big business for several decades. In 2001, over $30 trillion in payments for goods and services were charged using credit cards. The cards have made life easier for many people because they do not need to carry large amounts of cash for most purchases. Many people also use the cards as a way to borrow money because they need only pay a small percentage of the amount they owe each month, although they are usually charged very high interest rates for the unpaid balance. The interest goes to the issuing bank, making credit cards a very profitable service for them. However, the credit card industry is intensely competitive, highly fragmented, and growing at a rate of 3 to 4 per year, making those profits difficult to achieve. Visa and MasterCard are associations of banks that issue the credit cards. They market their cards, often Continue reading

What is Hyperledger Technology?

Hyperledger Fabric is an implementation from blockchain framework, hosted by the Linux Foundation. It is an open source enterprise-grade permission that makes use of distributed ledger technology. It is a platform that deploys blockchain networks with the platform providing smart contracts, the ledger, and providing a consensus between the members through maintenance of the Fabric protocols. Fabric is designed for use by businesses with the blockchain itself being operated by a set of known participants. These participants are re-identified and vetted through a concept called the permission blockchain. The blockchain also provides a way of securing an interaction among a group of entities who know each other and have common business interests. These entities are interested in managing a decentralized network instead of turning the management of their ledgers to one party. Through reliance on the identities and peers, the blockchain can use the traditional crash fault tolerant or the Continue reading

Case Study of China Telecom: ERP Implementation

China Telecom Corporation, the world’s largest operator of fixed-line communications, was formed when the state owned China Telecommunications Corporation reorganized. China Telecom employs 350,000 workers throughout China, who attend to the company’s operations in domestic and international fixed-line networks; fixed-line voice, data, and information services; and the settlement of international telecommunications accounts. The company has maintained steady growth despite heavy competition from mobile phone services. In 2002, the company became a public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). That same year, the United States (US) granted China Telecom a license to provide international telephone and Internet service between the countries. These steps were part of a transition from a traditional state-run enterprise to a modern enterprise based on larger profits and a wider customer base. However, to succeed as an international telecommunications powerhouse, China Telecom had to solve several problems. First, the company required a state-of-the-art IT Continue reading