Common Access Card (CAC) Deployment

The Common Access Card or CAC is a smart card designed to be used as an ID card that enables physical access to buildings and controlled space like server rooms and for access to computer systems and networks. Department of Defense (DoD) deployed this system to meet its high security requirements for authentication of personnel entering in the Department’s buildings, controlled areas and computer networks. Common Access Card is a smart card that has public key infrastructure (PKI) features to provide secure system functionalities such as authentication, data integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation. CAC stores the private key of the client certificates, used with PKI cryptography program, in the card and it is hard to extract this key from the card. Common Access Card relies on public key systems and certificates which are way more secure than the current common username and password based identity management systems. An important consideration with Continue reading

Comparison Between Proprietary Software and Open Source Software

Proprietary software can be defined as closed software that is distributed under a license agreement that limits any modifications to the software. Its just opposite to the concept of Open source software. Open source software can be defined as software that is distributed freely under a license agreement with no limitations on changes made to the source code. Many proprietary corporations make software freely available to users. For example, Adobe provides users with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is an application that users to view documents that have been saved in the portable document format (PDF). The PDF format is developed by Adobe and has become a standard in saving files as electronic documents. ‘Standardization’ and ‘compatibility’ are the two main drivers for the success of proprietary software. Any user that opens a PDF formatted document with Adobe Acrobat Reader is confident that the document will be Continue reading

File Organization Techniques

The basic technology of the data organization is based on a hierarchy. Data must be approached on an organized basis, if it is to be useful, in data processing, the hierarchy of data is described below:- A character is any simple number, alphabet or special symbol. A data record consists of a group of related data fields(e. g. Employee’s sequential record, customer record, etc.) A data field is an area that can hold one organization more characters that, together represents a specific data element(e. g. The name field, the quantity filed) A data file is a compilation of related data records maintained in some prearranged order. A database usually consists of several related organization integrated data files. A file consists of a number of records. Each record is made up of a number of fields and each field consists of a number of characters. In order to produce useful information Continue reading

Case Study on Information Systems: Premier Automotive Services Limited

The Premier Automotive Services Limited (PAS) provides services to various companies in Pune for maintaining the transport fleet run by the companies, for their use. Beside this, it runs petrol pumps and spare parts shop too. The vehicle maintained by the Premier Automotive Services are buses , trucks, and jeeps. The total strength of the Premier Automotive Services is around 300 vehicles. The services charged are of two types- fixed monthly for the routine maintenance and variable maintenance for other services like breakdown repairs, replacements, petrol or diesel consumed, etc. The company seeking the services from the PAS are satisfied if the vehicles are kept in good condition and down time is 2% of 25 days in a month. The Premier Automotive Services finds difficulty in maintaining this service level even though a large staff and sufficient inventory of spare parts are available. The probability of the company is going Continue reading

Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Organizations tend to grow and prosper as they gain a better understanding of their environment. Typically, business managers must be able to track daily transactions to evaluate how the business is performing. By tapping into the operational database, management can develop strategies to meet organizational goals. The process that identified the trends and patterns in data are the factors to accomplish that. By the way, the way to handle the operational data in organization is important because the reason for generating, storing and managing data is to create information that becomes the basis for rational decision making. To facilitate the decision-making process, decision support systems (DSS) were developed whereas it is an arrangement of computerized tools used to assist managerial decision making within a business. Decision support is a methodology that designed to extract information from data and to use such information as a basis for decision making. However, information Continue reading

Human Resource Development Systems

Ever since the organisations had been involved in some activity, the human being working there   as employees are continued to be considered as valued assets. This is the reason for relevance of   human resource management just like any other resource management. Organisational effectiveness and efficiency, growth of business, sustenance of competitive advantage can be attributed to   the development of an appropriate corporate culture within an organisation by integrating business and human resource strategies. HRD management emphasizes on optimum utilization of human resources by formulating consistent and coherent policies aimed at promoting commitment to the organisation. This commitment of employees yield optimum level of efficiency from them and unleash a wave of creativity in the midst of the working environment which is less compliant and most confident of the human resource. Traditionally, information systems for HRD had been   restricted to personnel management systems whose purview include recruitment, Continue reading