Data Mining – Meaning, Processes and Models

Data mining involves the use of sophisticated data analysis tools to discover previously unknown, valid patterns and relationships in large data sets. These tools can include statistical models, mathematical algorithms, and machine learning methods such as neural networks or decision trees. Consequently, data mining consists of more than collecting and managing data, it also includes analysis and prediction. The objective of data mining is to identify valid, novel, potentially useful, and understandable correlations and patterns in existing data. Finding useful patterns in data is known by different names (e.g., knowledge extraction, information discovery, information harvesting, data archaeology, and data pattern processing). The term “data mining” is primarily used by statisticians, database researchers, and the business communities. The term KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) refers to the overall process of discovering useful knowledge from data, where data mining is a particular step in this process. The steps in the KDD process, Continue reading

Advertising in the Ubiquitous Age

Ubiquitous computing, which is also referred to as pervasive computing, is about the notion that as a result of continuous advances in engineering, information technology, communications, integrated circuit chip technologies and sensors etc. computer technology devices will become smaller, cheaper, more capable and better able to weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they become indistinguishable from it. It was Mark Weiser, chief scientist of Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Centre, who first presented the concept of ubiquitous computing, the third wave in computing and predicted that technology will recede into the background of our lives as computers evolve into quite, invisible servants that will help people to calmly do all kinds of tasks in a manner that will prevent them from becoming overloaded by interactions with computing. Thus, computers will extend the human unconscious and enhance their ability to productively control, interact and sense their environment. Unlike the Continue reading

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the art of programming computers in order to produce intelligent behavior, whereas brain theory is the study of the brains function, to understand how the brain functions, the stimulations that go within and how outputs are produced via mathematical modeling and computer stimulation. It can be argued that both contain similar characteristics for functionality, both works together, this can be seen through artificial intelligence used to understand the roles of brain mechanisms. Furthermore both are involved in high cognitive task, such as reasoning, problem solving and decision making. Although some philosophers have accepted that machines can do everything that humans can do, some disagree with this view arguing that such high sophisticated behavior such as love, emotions discovery and moral decisions can only be carried out by humans. AI for many years has been pursuing the study of intelligent behaviour, but using artificial methodology. Intelligence can be Continue reading

Classification of Security Threats in Information Systems

As use of internet and related telecommunications technologies and systems has become pervasive, use of these networks now creates a new vulnerability for organizations or companies. These networks can be infiltrated or subverted a number of ways. As a result, organizations or companies will faced threats that affect and vulnerable to information system security. Threats to information system can come from a variety of places inside and external to an organizations or companies. In order to secure system and information, each company or organization should analyze the types of threats that will be faced and how the threats affect information system security. Examples of threats such as unauthorized access (hacker and cracker), computer viruses, theft, sabotage, vandalism and accidents. Unauthorized Access (Hacker and Cracker): One of the most common security risks in relation to computerized information systems is the danger of unauthorized access to confidential data. The main concern comes Continue reading

Introduction to File Organization

As in our daily life, huge amount of data has to be collected and processed, so it is very difficult to handle it. But this can be handled fast and easily by using files. Files are the mega byte data structure used in information processing. Actually, a file itself is a bunch of bytes stored on some storage devices like magnetic disk, magnetic drum and magnetic tape etc. A file is a collection of records. Each record is made up of fields. The various fields consists of groups of characters, say the decimal digits 0 through 9 and alphabet A through Z. Group of fields are combined to form a logical record. This logical record contains all the data of interest about some entity. Different application requires a variety of record types and file structure; one basic distinction is between fixed and variable length records. A fixed length record has Continue reading

Impact of Information Technology on Global Business

Information technology (IT) is probably the force the rampant globalization and economic internationalization. Whereas the world was already destined to becoming a global village even before the eruption of the World Wide Web (WWW) and other digital networks, the Internet has largely facilitated this sojourn and it continues to do so with the new inventions that rock the world each day such as electronic commerce, social networks, and other technological gizmos. Influence of Information Technology on Businesses That Operates in a Global Environment The general answer to this question is that Information technology has revolutionized the operation of businesses in the global environment. Considering that ‘global’ comprises of compounded ‘locals’, perhaps it is prudent to begin this analysis from the minuscule level of local businesses and the effect that information technology has on them. Local businesses are now creating company websites to advertise the services and products that they have Continue reading