The People Capability Maturity Model framework was developed by Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute to define the organizational maturity of people processes and practices. It helps the businesses to manage knowledge workers across global borders, as well as between graying and millennial generations. It is the framework that addresses the needs of employees, their competencies and the processes that need to be in place to ensure an organization is continuously improving and able to meet business needs effectively and efficiently and ranks on a scale 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest achievable maturity level. The People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) is a well documented set of practices that enable growing original workforce competencies. It is more of a strategic management framework for building and growing original competencies. The PCMM practices help to retain, grow and nurture competent individuals. PCMM is an evolutionary framework that guides organizations in Continue reading
Change Management
Levels and Types of Organizational Change
Change is not an easy factor to go through. Taking in to account that it does not matter if it is a change of rules, space or simple habits. The concept of change involves many other functions. Where the resistance to it, sometimes is hard to adapt or maybe just simple depending the management and organization between one and more individuals, which makes part of an organization structure and affect a whole organization. Organizational change in inevitable just like anything in life, in addition to this the evolution of the world markets and cultures. Makes the change something that requires constant attention and preparation. In order to be successful in any market, an organization has to be able to transform an evaluate different kind of statements that show the importance of organizational change in the develop of a company. Change is understood as doing things differently in order to cope Continue reading
Kurt Lewin’s Force-Field Theory of Change
Change management is a methodical approach to handling with change, not only from the angle of an organization but on the individual level. A rather vague term, change management has more than three different dimensions, adapting to change, controlling change, and effecting change included. A proactive approach to handling with change is at the central part of all three aspects. For an organization, change management means making the definition and implementation of procedures and/or technologies to handle with changes in the business environment and to profit from changing opportunities. Triumphant adaptation to change is as vital within an organization as it is in the natural world. Just similar to plants and animals, organizations and the individuals in them unavoidably run into changing conditions that they are incapable to control. The more effectively you handle with change, the more probable you are to flourish. Building structured methods for addressing changes in Continue reading
Levels of Organizational Change Programs
The various levels of organizational change programs may be classified into individual level changes, group level changes and organisational level changes. Individual Level Change Programs Individual level changes may take place due to changes in job assignment, transfer of an employee to a different location or the changes in the maturity level of a person which occurs over a passage of time. The general opinion is that change at the individual level will not have significant implications for the organisation. But this is not correct because individual level changes will have impact on the group which in turn will influence the whole organisation. Therefore, a manager should never treat the employees in isolation but he must understand that the individual level change will have repercussions beyond the individual. Group Level Change Programs Management must consider group factors while implementing any change, because most of the organisational changes have their major Continue reading
Managing and Leading Change Effectively in Organizations
Organizations experience change due to factors that may be internal or external. While an organization can control internal factors, external factors are outside the control of an organization. However, change is inevitable in an organization and therefore all Organizations must put proper measures in place to ensure that change is embraced. Organizational change is prompted by factors both internal and external to an organization. An example of an internal factor that may cause a change in an organization includes changes in management. This is especially the case when there is a need to replace the existing managers due to retirement transfer or promotion. However, each manager has a unique style of working in an organization and may, therefore, bring new ideas to an organization. This, therefore, results in the change of managerial relationships between the managers in an organization. This may also spark an attitude change in the personnel within Continue reading
Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model – Explained
Organizational change is described as the shift of the behavior of the whole organization, to one degree or another. One should understand that change is not that can immediately occurs, ought to be intended and planned process to maintain an organization practical and existing. Three categories of organizational change are; Development change is that change where organization try perform better what they all ready performing. Transitional change is that change in which organization implement totally new methods replacing old ones. Transformational change is that change where organization do major overhauling of its structure, vision and strategy and change bring evolution in the organization. Managing culture in the organization is very important these days when every day new technology is coming and there is so much competition in the market to stay on the top. Organizations are going through a big cycle of cultural change these days from daily tasks to Continue reading