Communication in Organizations – Meaning, Importance, and Types

Communication is the process of passing information from one person to another with the intention of creating a shared comprehension. Organizational communication on the other hand is the conveyance of information within an organizational setting. Communication is essential in every organization because it entails information that plays an important role in effective performance. Every organization has set a number of objectives in order to be competitive in the ever changing world. In order to achieve the set objectives and to gain comparative advantage, organizations should invest in proper communication procedures and channels. Importance of Organizational Communication Communication is one of the crucial components in every organization and its efficacy is the secret in realizing overall organizational success. Communication can only be considered efficient when the receiver of the information understands the subject and the meaning of the message conveyed. The function helps employees and management to interact with each other in Continue reading

Intercultural Communication in Diverse Workplace

Communication between two people from different cultures is said to be intercultural communication. It comes in to existence when a person from one culture tries to communicate with the person from another culture, a communication is understood. The potential for misunderstanding and disagreement is great whenever there is a cultural difference in these kinds of contacts. It is to be said that there is a relationship between culture and language. In other words, language is a guide to culture. Other scholars argue that language merely reflects, rather than shapes, our thinking, beliefs, and attitudes. Despite these differences in approaches, all scholars still agree that a close relationship exists between language and culture. Diversity in the workplace is strategic force influencing communication. Communication in its most basic form is defined as the use of symbols to convey meanings. Culture is the integrated system of beliefs, values, behaviors and communication patterns that Continue reading

Cultural Influence on Communication Processes

A country may be classified as either a high-context culture or a low-context Culture. The context of a culture is either high or low in terms of in-depth background information. This classification provides an understanding of various cultural orientations and explains how Process of communication is conveyed and perceived. North America and northern Europe (e.g. Germany, Switzerland and Scandinavian countries) are examples of low-context cultures. In these types of society, messages are explicit and clear in the sense that actual words are used to convey the main part of information in communication. The words and their meanings, being independent entities, can be separated from the context in which they occur. What are important, then, are what is said, not how it is said and not the environment within which it is said. Japan, France, Spain, Italy, Asia, Africa and the Middle Eastern Arab nations in contrast, are high-context culture. In Continue reading

Normative Theories of Mass Media

Normative theories  are theories that seek to locate media structure and performance in the milieu (environment) in which they operate, they are observation of situation within which the press operate. The basic assumption of the normative theory is that, “the press always take on the form and coloration of the social and political structure within which it operate” (Siebert, Peterson and Schramm, 1995). They are theories that explain the expected operation of media under political and economical circumstance The origin of normative theories of the press seen from two opposing view points, (1.) Radical libertarian (first amendment absolutist) and technocratic control, the first amendment absolutist takes the idea of “ free press” as literal and oppose government regulation while the technocrats do not trust the media and believes in use of regulators to act in the public interest, and (2.) Propaganda and mass society theories are used to justify media Continue reading

Listening Skills in Business

The importance of listening skills in business is enormous. The ability to speak well is a necessary component to successful communication. The ability to listen is equally as important. Good listening is an art. A good listener is generally interested in what the speaker has to convey. A good listener knows the art of getting much more than what the speaker is trying to convey. A good listener knows how to prompt, prod, persuade. A good listener puts a speaker at ease helps articulate and facilitates the speaker to get across the message in full and with clarity. A good listener should also not have any biases and should cultivate the right temperament. A positive attitude helps in making listening effective. Listening skills are very essential for business success Development of listening skills at various levels is very essential for business success. Every business has its stakeholders and there is Continue reading

Written Communication in Business

Need for Written Media of Communication The old style of communication did not have public relation, advertising, technology and many aspects of modern day communication. They would converse almost daily and instruction was given verbally to people who worked together in an organization. Also the number of people working together in any organization was less and so they could easily inspect, direct and judge the work of the employees. But today, organizations have a team of qualified person to carry out assignments. These specialists and experts have to communicate their ideas to one another and also to the management. This flow of information is necessary to be maintained through written medial because of the complexity of all these activities. The written media is like the human sensory organs and memory power, which receives analyses and records the information for the purpose of decision making in the future. Written media helps Continue reading