Interpersonal Communication – Meaning, Definition, Functions, and Phases

Interpersonal communication is the universal form of communication that takes place between two individuals. Since it is person-to-person contact, it includes everyday exchange that may be formal or informal and can take place anywhere by means of words, sounds, facial expression, gestures and postures. In interpersonal communication there is face-to-face interaction between two persons, that is, both are sending and receiving messages. This is an ideal and effective communication situation because you can get immediate feedback. You can clarify and emphasize many points through your expressions, gestures and voices. In interpersonal communication, therefore, it is possible to influence the other person and persuade him or her to accept your point of view. Since there is proximity between sender and receiver, interpersonal communication has emotional appeal too. It can motivate, encourage, and coordinate work more effectively then any other form of communication. Also, in a crisis, through interpersonal channel, flow of Continue reading

Tips to Organize an Effective Meeting in a Business

What is a Meeting? A meeting is a gathering of people to present or exchange information, plan joint activities, make decisions, or carry out actions already agreed upon. Almost every group activity or project requires a meeting, or meetings, of some sort. In business organizations, different meetings of executives and employees are held to discuss and debate upon certain matters for taking collective decisions. At these business meetings different proposals are discussed in the light of their pros and cons, and consensus is reached through interaction and influence among various persons. In business, meeting is any focused conversation that has a specific purpose, like taking decision of share capital, issue of dividends, issue of bonus shares, etc. Purpose of Business Meetings Meetings play vital roles in business management. It is also dynamic tools for communication. In modern world, meetings are conducted in almost every organization. It may be held for Continue reading

Why Integrated Marketing Communication is Important?

For marketing communication to be successful, sound management decisions must be made in the other three areas of the marketing mix: the product, service or idea itself; the price at which the brand will be offered; and the places at or through which customers may purchase the brand. The best promotion cannot overcome poor product quality, inordinately high prices, or insufficient retail distribution. Likewise, successful marketing communication relies on sound management decisions regarding the coordination of the various elements of the promotional mix. To this end, a new way of viewing marketing communication emerged in the 1990s. It is called integrated marketing communication; this perspective seeks to orchestrate the use of all forms of the promotional mix to reach customers at different levels in new and better ways. Why Integrated Marketing Communication is Important? The evolution of the above mentioned perspective has two origins. Marketers began to realize that advertising, Continue reading

Introduction to listening skills

What is listening? Listening is a process of receiving, interpreting and reacting to the messages received from the communication sender. Effective listening is an art of communication, which is often taken for granted and ignored. Like any other art, listening require to be cultivated consciously and carefully. Unfortunately, our education systems beginning from kindergarten up to college level do not pay attention to the teaching of effective listening. Poor listening can be considered, as a mighty barrier to communication as listening is fundamental to all communication. It often results in losing messages due to improper functioning of communication. Listening require conscious efforts of interpreting the sounds, grasping the meanings of the words and reacting to the message. Interpreting the sound signals is a cognitive act, which depends on the listener’s knowledge of the code signals and on its attitude towards the communication sender. Active listening process begins when the listener Continue reading

Barriers to Effective Communication in Business

Planning, preparation and practice of communication will be incomplete and unsuccessful unless one identifies and understands the barriers to effective communication. These barriers are physical, sociological and psychological obstacles that interfere with the planning, organization, transmission and understanding of the message. There are a number of such obstacles that can occur in the process of communication. The natural result of such obstacles or interfering factors is the misunderstanding of the message. These factors interfere with the self-confidence, self-disclosure and self-consciousness of the communication senders and receivers. The barriers to effective communication are dangers to any organization if they are not removed on time. When the communicator transmits the idea in an unchanged and un-distorted form to the receiver and the receiver responds to it, then, the process of the communication is supposed to have been perfect. But this process of ‘perfect’ communication can never exist due to the number of Continue reading

Downward Communication in Business

Downward Communication Downward communication in business usually dealt with job instructions, rationale, information and feedback. Downward communication is a supervisory communication, which is initiated by the upper management. It flows downward through lithe hierarchy of command. The effective downward communication is crucial to the success of the organization. The management or the supervisory staff has to communicate with the subordinates in order to organize, coordinate and direct the operational aspects of the organization. It is a very suitable channel to the organization in which the ‘chain of command’ is arranged in the ranks that are distinctly one below the other. Media of Downward Communication Oral media dominates the downward flow of communication. It is convenient for a departmental head to give oral instructions and orders to the supervisor. Instead of issuing lengthy written instructions, the Managing Director usually convenes a meeting of the departmental managers in order to impart the Continue reading