Non-Verbal Communication – Meaning and Types

Non-verbal communication or most commonly known as body language is the unspoken language of the body which is shown through our bodies to show our true intentions and hints of our feelings to the people whom we are conversing with. When we are conversing with others verbally our bodies simultaneously give out and receive signals which are transmitted by our bodies. This signal’s consists of the gestures we make, how we sit, the intonation and speed of how we talk, the distance we stand when talking and the amount of eye-contact we make while conversing. All this transmits vital non-verbal messages of oneself to another. These non-verbal messages still get across to the people around even when we are silent. The verbal message and body language very frequently contradicts which leaves the listener to choose which one to believe. Usually they will choose the body language. This is the reason Continue reading

Spiral of Silence Theory

Elizabeth Noelle—Neumann’s Spiral of Silence theory analyses  and demonstrates how interpersonal communication and media operate  together in the development of public opinion.  Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann is a  German political scientist.  Through  this Spiral of Silence theory  Neumann indirectly explains the  Jews status during World War II  under  Nazi’s  control.  Adolf Hitler  dominated the whole society and  the minority Jews became silent  due to the fear of isolation or  separation. This theory states that in elections certain views seem to get more  play than others. Sometimes people mute their opinions rather than talk  about them. It occurs when  individuals express when they perceive that their opinion is popular and  those who think otherwise remain quiet. This process occurs in a spiral,  so that one side of an issue ends up with much publicity and the other  side with little. This expression/non-expression rests on two premises.  The first is that people know which Continue reading

Benefits of Integrated Marketing Communication

Integrated Marketing Communication is defined as the coordination and integration of all marketing communication tool, avenues and sources within a company into seamless program that maximize the impact on customer and other end users at a minimal cost. This integration affects all firm business-to-business, marketing channel, customer-focused, and internally directed communications. It is a management concept that is designed so that all the marketing communication which consists of advertising, sales promotion, public relation, and direct marketing work together as a unified force rather than each of those marketing communication work in isolation. Besides, it acts as an aggressive marketing plan because it sets and tracks marketing strategy that captures and uses extensive amount of customer information. It also ensures that all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together to achieve specific objective. Benefits of Integrated Marketing Communication Integrated Marketing Communication ensures that all forms of communications tools and Continue reading

Different Types of Reports Used in Business

After thorough study, collection of all relevant facts and information and proper scrutiny and analysis of a problem relating to past or present, submission of the conclusions supported by statements and other relevant data etc. is called a report, which offers suggestions for solution of the problem studied. A report is a formal communication written for a specific purpose; it includes a description of procedures followed for collection and analysis of data, their significance, the conclusions drawn from them, and recommendations, if required.  The information present in the report is needed to evaluate progress and plan future action. Reports provide feed back to an organization to guide future course of action. According to C.A.Brown, “A report is a communication form of some one who has some information to some one who needs that information.“ The goal of making reports is to make the information as clear and convenient and accessible Continue reading

Tools for Effective Communication

The important  tools for effective communication are reflective listening, identifying nonverbal cues, and responding with understanding and using effective problem solving techniques. Thus, these techniques of communication are useful to increase your personal effectiveness at home, at work, in the community, in relationships, and with yourself. Opening up yourself to your feelings and the feelings of others requires practice. All forms of life upon the planet Earth were granted one great and wondrous gift: the gift of communication. Instead of being forced to exist in solitude, this gift allows interaction, a sharing of feelings. Humans are especially fortunate because they have developed many ways to use their gift. These include music, dance, art, theater, literature, gestures, the written word, and word of mouth. The creation of different ways to communicate does not mean we can sit back and take our gift for granted. When we were infants, all we needed Continue reading

Communication in Organizations – Meaning, Importance, and Types

Communication is the process of passing information from one person to another with the intention of creating a shared comprehension. Organizational communication on the other hand is the conveyance of information within an organizational setting. Communication is essential in every organization because it entails information that plays an important role in effective performance. Every organization has set a number of objectives in order to be competitive in the ever changing world. In order to achieve the set objectives and to gain comparative advantage, organizations should invest in proper communication procedures and channels. Importance of Organizational Communication Communication is one of the crucial components in every organization and its efficacy is the secret in realizing overall organizational success. Communication can only be considered efficient when the receiver of the information understands the subject and the meaning of the message conveyed. The function helps employees and management to interact with each other in Continue reading