Multiparty negotiation is a negotiation process in where more than two parties are working together to reach a collective objective. In the multiparty negotiation process, each party has his own preferences and priorities. Therefore, a meeting is required to make a discussion about the best options for everybody and make a collective decision. This is a multiparty negotiation that involves unique dynamics in a collective decision-making process. However, the process is not that easy to manage. There are factors that make multiparty negotiations more difficult to manage than one-on-one negotiation. First of all, number of parties makes the negotiation become bigger and create challenges for managing several different perspectives. It is difficult to ensure that each party has enough time to speak his own preference and be heard. Secondly, informational and computational complexity brings in more issues, more perspectives on issues, and more total information. Increasing the number of parties Continue reading
Communication in Business
The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication refers to all those messages excluding spoken words. Those messages are body language such as gesture, facial expressions, eye contact and body posture. For instance, smile on our friends face on seeing us, before they utter even a greeting word, when we go to meet them after long time indicates that he or she is happy to see us. Touch is another cue of non-verbal communications. It helps in indicating a person’s feelings or expressions, closeness, and illustrates characteristics of that person. A firm and stiff handshake or warm and lovely hug signify obviously different than a loose one. Never the less, the sound, pitch, tone and volume of our voice while we are communicating can also be referred as forms of non-verbal communication. Voice use intonation, tone and vocally produced sounds. We use the pitch of voice to differentiate whether the sentence is a command, or advice Continue reading
Sales Letters – Meaning and Importance
Although the primary aim of sales letters or offers is publicity yet it is the most important written form of business communication. It reaches out to a large number of people interested in a particular product or service and turn them into buyers. Even if people are not interested in the product, them the aim of this letter is to make them interested in it. Starting with the assumption that the receiver may resist the offer, the sales letter has to be persuasive or powerful enough to make recipient act. They are unsolicited letters, mostly written by professional writers. The effectiveness of such letters depends on the writer’s ability to use language suited to his purpose that is above all to influence the recipient – his thinking, taste and behavior. This is the aim of persuasion. Sales letters are, therefore, persuasive or indirect approach letters. Sales letters are the best Continue reading
Terminology Management in Business
What is Terminology? In essence terminology is the binding definition of terms and wording in one or more languages which can theoretically explain anything including processes, products and concepts etc. Terminology is the study of terms and their use in one way or another whenever and wherever specialized information and knowledge are created, communicated, recorded, processed, transformed or re-used and so on. It is a structured set of terms and concepts in a particular subject field and it can be considered the infrastructure of specialized information. Terminology Management Terminology management is the science of terms and definitions which is primarily concerned with manipulating terminological resources for specific purposes. Terms in terminology have exact definitions within the field, which is not necessarily the similar as their meaning in ordinary use. Without using proper terminology resources technical writing and technical documentation can be impossible. Literally terminology management is the core of an Continue reading
What is Corporate Communication?
By corporate communication we mean the corporation’s voice and the images it projects of itself to the various stakeholders. This includes areas such as corporate reputation, corporate advertising, and employee for communications, government relations and media management. We shall be discussing them at a later stage one by one. These days most of the bigger organizations have departments of corporate communication which appeared on the organizational chart along with traditional functions like marketing or accounting. The addition, corporate communication is also the processes accompany uses to communicate all its messages to key constituencies – a combination of meetings, interviews, speeches, reports, images advertising, and online communication. Ideally, corporate communication is an attitude of toward communication or a set of mental habits that employees internalize. The result is good communication practices that permeate an organisation and are present in all its communications with constituencies. Corporate communications are defined as the products Continue reading
How to Manage Grapevine Communication in an Organization?
Grapevine communication is an informal channel of business communication. It is called so because it stretches throughout the organization in all directions irrespective of the authority levels. Despite existence of formal channels in an organization, the informal channels tend to develop when he interacts with other people in organization. It exists more at lower levels of organization. Grapevine generally develops due to various reasons. One of them is that when an organization is facing recession, the employees sense uncertainty. Also, at times employees do not have self-confidence due to which they form unions. Sometimes the managers show preferential treatment and favor some employees giving a segregated feeling to other employees. Thus, when employees sense a need to exchange their views, they go for grapevine network as they cannot use the formal channel of communication in that case. Generally during breaks in cafeteria, the subordinates talk about their superior’s attitude and Continue reading