The communication process made of a message being sent and perceived by the others. The message may be verbal or non-verbal. Communication means talking, making friends, interacting with people, having relationships either private life relationships or work related. Communicating with others is essential in leading a normal life. We all communicate in our own way but we need to learn how to do it effectively. Communication has two types, there is verbal communication and non-verbal communication. The verbal is includes oral communication mean that through words and writing. Verbal communication is divided into written and oral communication. The oral communication refers to speaking words in the communication process. Oral communication can be face-to-face communication or a conversation over the phone or on the Messenger chat over the Internet. Spoken conversations or dialogues are affecting by voice modulation, volume and even the speed and clarity of speaking. The Another type of Continue reading
Communication Techniques
Non-Verbal Communication – Meaning and Types
Non-verbal communication or most commonly known as body language is the unspoken language of the body which is shown through our bodies to show our true intentions and hints of our feelings to the people whom we are conversing with. When we are conversing with others verbally our bodies simultaneously give out and receive signals which are transmitted by our bodies. This signal’s consists of the gestures we make, how we sit, the intonation and speed of how we talk, the distance we stand when talking and the amount of eye-contact we make while conversing. All this transmits vital non-verbal messages of oneself to another. These non-verbal messages still get across to the people around even when we are silent. The verbal message and body language very frequently contradicts which leaves the listener to choose which one to believe. Usually they will choose the body language. This is the reason Continue reading
Tools for Effective Communication
The important tools for effective communication are reflective listening, identifying nonverbal cues, and responding with understanding and using effective problem solving techniques. Thus, these techniques of communication are useful to increase your personal effectiveness at home, at work, in the community, in relationships, and with yourself. Opening up yourself to your feelings and the feelings of others requires practice. All forms of life upon the planet Earth were granted one great and wondrous gift: the gift of communication. Instead of being forced to exist in solitude, this gift allows interaction, a sharing of feelings. Humans are especially fortunate because they have developed many ways to use their gift. These include music, dance, art, theater, literature, gestures, the written word, and word of mouth. The creation of different ways to communicate does not mean we can sit back and take our gift for granted. When we were infants, all we needed Continue reading
Cultural Influence on Communication Processes
A country may be classified as either a high-context culture or a low-context Culture. The context of a culture is either high or low in terms of in-depth background information. This classification provides an understanding of various cultural orientations and explains how Process of communication is conveyed and perceived. North America and northern Europe (e.g. Germany, Switzerland and Scandinavian countries) are examples of low-context cultures. In these types of society, messages are explicit and clear in the sense that actual words are used to convey the main part of information in communication. The words and their meanings, being independent entities, can be separated from the context in which they occur. What are important, then, are what is said, not how it is said and not the environment within which it is said. Japan, France, Spain, Italy, Asia, Africa and the Middle Eastern Arab nations in contrast, are high-context culture. In Continue reading
Selection interviews and it’s types
Interviewing is really an effective but highly complicated tool of selection. The process of interviewing is an oral examination with all its variations. The written examinations cannot trace the personal qualities, behavior, habits and character traits of the candidate. So in order to find out a suitable candidate, the interviewer has to seek more information about the candidate through interview techniques. Also, the other objective is to impart complete and accurate information about the job and its terms and conditions. The employment interview is usually observed in terms of its long-range effects on the employer, employee and the organization. The major source of information regarding the personality and background of the applicant is the observation of the candidate’s non-verbal reactions and his general behavior during the interview. The information sources of secondary importance would be to get all the essential information about the applicant’s performance and competence from his previous Continue reading
Written Communication in Business
Need for Written Media of Communication The old style of communication did not have public relation, advertising, technology and many aspects of modern day communication. They would converse almost daily and instruction was given verbally to people who worked together in an organization. Also the number of people working together in any organization was less and so they could easily inspect, direct and judge the work of the employees. But today, organizations have a team of qualified person to carry out assignments. These specialists and experts have to communicate their ideas to one another and also to the management. This flow of information is necessary to be maintained through written medial because of the complexity of all these activities. The written media is like the human sensory organs and memory power, which receives analyses and records the information for the purpose of decision making in the future. Written media helps Continue reading