Customer relationship management is a strategy of every organization which is made by the companies and the business to maintain the performance and the position of a company. Customer relationship management is a model which could be defined as technology, strategy and practice that is used by various organizations to develop and manage the customer data and customer interactions so that a good relationship could be managed. These strategies helps the company to maintain the relationship with the customers and also help the company to make loyal customers, indirectly these strategies help the company to enhance the turnover and grab more market share. It also helps a company to retain the customers. Customer relationship model is an approach that assists the company to manage the customers. CRM model helps a company to build and develop a good relationship with the customers. Basically, a CRM model is known as an “opportunity for business” Continue reading
Customer Relationship Management
Social CRM – Integration of Social Media into Customer Relationship Management
The modern corporate world has experienced gradual changes over time resulting from different business environments. These environmental changes both internally and externally have in one way or the other affected the growth of business organizations as well as the organizational performance. One of the best ways or improving organizational or business performance is through improving the organizational customer relationships. Business customers act as the greatest assets of the business and therefore their relationship with the business determines the overall performance of the business. A satisfied customer will always end up being a loyal customer of the business and also becomes an ambassador of the company to other prospective customers. Many businesses or organizations have embraced the use of information technology in perceiving different organizational changes and developing effective strategies to counter these environmental changes. On the other hand some other companies have not yet shifted to the use of information Continue reading
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Model
Customer relationship model may be defined as a practice, technology, and strategy which is used by the many companies to manage and evaluate the customer data and interactions throughout the customer lifecycle in order to improve the business relationships with customers and it will also help in customer retention. The CRM system came into in existence with an effective software which helps and supports in organizing, collecting and managing the customer information and data. There are numerous elements of customer relationship management model which are essential to run the business activities and operations successfully. It also helps to build and develop good relations with customers in the global market. Each and every component is effective and unique and plays a significant role in the process. The customer relationship model helps to generate revenue and profit of the company. The components of CRM model have been discussed below; Human resource management: Continue reading
Case Study: Dell Social Business Strategy
Dell Inc. is one of world’ largest multinational technology corporation that manufactures sells and supports personal computer and other computer related. Dell was founded as PC’s Limited in 1984 by Michael Dell, with a start-up money totaling $1,000, when he was attending the University of Texas. Michael Dell started his business with a simple concept that selling computer systems directly to customer would be the best way to understand their needs and give them the most computing solutions. The first product of the company is a self-designed computer called Turbo PC which had lower prices than major brands. PC’s Limited was not a first company to do this but was the first to succeed, grossing $73 million in its first year trading. The company changed its name to Dell Computer Corporation in 1988. They tried to sell computer through stores in 1990 but was unsuccessful and they returned to sell Continue reading
What is Electronic Customer Relationship Management (eCRM)?
Information Technology has made a huge impact on how a business operates; thereby it is being seen as an important area of commerce which needs to be tapped. Despite the large scale investments in trying to automate a business entity, many businesses have failed to attract customers. The factors such as time frame of response, understanding customer needs and new ways to attract customers are making it difficult for the businesses to cope up with. Customers pose a key role in success of an e-business and it has called for extensive research in understanding the key areas of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the field of Information technology. Customer Relationship Management from the Information Technology perspective is called as Electronic Customer Relationship Management (eCRM). What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)? In today’s market trend, customers are more educated, better informed, more technology aware and hence demanding more in the service Continue reading