Understanding Different Eras of Data Analytics

Back in the 1950’s and 1970’s, the role of information systems (IS) was to support operational functions within the organization. IS was primarily used in transaction applications, involving accounting transactions. The focus was on IS efficiency and IS effectiveness. With the advent of internet and as information technology (IT) advanced over time, the methods to assess the data and the amount that could be processed increased significantly. Data became more quickly accessible and could be processed at greater speeds. This assisted organizations and managers to report and run data more effectively. Information systems have helped organizations improve their decision making process and help managers reduce the risk involved. The way in which Data Analytics field has evolved in terms of capabilities and volume is of significance. Analytics has evolved and has been perceived differently across different periods in time or eras. ANALYTICS 1.0 – THE ERA OF BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE AND TRADITIONAL Continue reading

What Is Big Data?

Around the late 1990s the term “Big Data”, was launched at the Silicon Graphics Inc although it did not become a massive buzz word until 2011. Big Data can be defined as a term, used to described the huge datasets, which consist of both structured and non-structured data.  These data sets can be very complex, however with techniques and various types of tools, this can enable the collecting, storage, cleansing, extract of the data to be analyzed. The analyzed data can offer great benefits to various types of industry. There is a massive market for companies for all types of industries to know what people want.  For example, the television company might what to know what types of programs people like to watch?   This means the company could stream the data from a live feed such as Facebook or twitter.  As the internet, has grown people are now communicating at Continue reading

Application of Big Data in Retail Industry

Information technology is evolving rapidly, and now we are living in the artificial intelligence (AI) age which is considered a smart society where Internet of Things (IoTs) connecting to intelligent devices.  Thanks to the advances in technology, retail is among the industries that are most affected by digital transformation.  With this transformation, the consumer is changing their shopping experience and behavior from seeking products or shops, comparing, reading reviews to in-store, online and finally writing reviews, contacting customer service.  The growing demands of modern consumers for excellent shopping possibilities gives the modern retailer room to innovate and understand shopper’s behavior better in response to the need of modern consumers.  Retailers are dealing with a quickly changing retail landscape and newer competitive threats due to the new and improved changes in technology.  To address these changes, retailers are now using big data solutions to collect massive amounts of data to gather Continue reading

Why is Big Data so Important in Today’s World?

In the ever-changing, globalized economy, companies have started depending on assessments advanced by their internal processes, business operations, and customers to explore new opportunities for advancement and growth. Such insights present a massive intricate set of data that are produced then managed, analyzed, as well as manipulated by experts. The collation of such a large amount of data is collectively referred to as big data. The numerous peta and terabytes are presently considered as the big data benchmark. The main characteristics which describe big data include; volume which refers to the amount of produced and stored data that determines the potential and the value of the insight and if it can truly be assumed as big data or not. Secondly, the variety referring to the nature and type of the data to assist the data analyst to successfully use the subsequent insights; Velocity refers to the speed that determines how Continue reading

Why is Data Analytics Important in Healthcare?

Do you know about data analytics? These data analytics allow for an industry to obtain any insights from patters and connections that are found so they can make better decisions. Businesses are able to achieve multiple advantages by using these statistics. Analytics help find meaning in real-time or historical data so there can be prediction made about the future to improve the probability of success. Due to the healthcare industry using data analytics they will be able to benefit their business by improving patient care quality, improve operational efficiency, and prevent diseases.  Every business is curious on how they can make their operations better whether it’s for money savings or for the care of patients. Using analytics will allow for the improvement of operational efficiencies. The ERP systems allow for them to collect all the information that they want to include in their statistics. Analytics allow for businesses to find the gaps Continue reading

What is Big Data Visualization?

By 2025, it is predicted that the value of data will increase by 10-fold. Virtually, every branch of industry or business will generate vast amount of data. Thus, the world will experience an aggressive growth and data could be a missed opportunity when not being utilized. And to make matter worse, the rate of collecting and storing data is faster than the ability to use them as a tangible decision-making. With the help of ever-growing technology, visionaries are creating visualization methods to help turning raw data with no value to an informative data. Big data has served a purpose for organizations to optimize their businesses. With an abundant amount of data that organization generate every day, the ability to turn the data into a decision, effectively and efficiently is crucial. Thus, the knowledge of analytics and visualization would come hand-in-hand to tackle the problem in big data. Hence, a new Continue reading