Around the late 1990s the term “Big Data”, was launched at the Silicon Graphics Inc although it did not become a massive buzz word until 2011. Big Data can be defined as a term, used to described the huge datasets, which consist of both structured and non-structured data. These data sets can be very complex, however with techniques and various types of tools, this can enable the collecting, storage, cleansing, extract of the data to be analyzed. The analyzed data can offer great benefits to various types of industry. There is a massive market for companies for all types of industries to know what people want. For example, the television company might what to know what types of programs people like to watch? This means the company could stream the data from a live feed such as Facebook or twitter. As the internet, has grown people are now communicating at Continue reading
Data Management Concepts
Database Management System (DBMS) – Components, Advantages, and Disadvantages
A Database management system (DBMS) is software designed to manage and maintain large quantities of data. The DBMS serves as the mediator between the user and the database. The database structure itself is stored as a collection of files. The data in these files can only be accessed through the DBMS. A single, integrated view of the data in the database is shown to the user by the DBMS. All application requests received by the DBMS are translated into complex operations required to fulfill these requests. The database’s internal complexity is hidden by the DBMS from the application programs and users. The application program might be written by a computer programmer using a programming language, such as Visual Basic, NET, Java, or C#, or it might be created through a DBMS utility program. Components of a Database Management System A data definition language (DDL) allows users to define the database. Continue reading
Database Security Threats and Countermeasures
Information is very critical asset. Organizations create so much information and they use database systems to handle the information within them to automate various functions. Due to information importance, information protection is a critical component of the database management system. Information security is the goal of a database management system (DBMS), also called database security. To be able to manage a huge amount of data effectively and fast, a well organized system is needed to build. It will also need to store and retrieve data easily. Generally, a database system is designed to be used by many users simultaneously for the specific collections of data. Databases are classified based on their types of collections, such as images, numeric, bibliographic or full-text. Digitized databases are created by using management system to make, store, maintain or search the data. Oracle, MS SQL and Sybase servers are mostly used in companies, agencies and Continue reading
What Is Data Strategy?
Data Strategy defines a set of choices and actions that, together, define a high-level course of action to achieve high-level goals. It involves business plans to use knowledge to a competitive advantage to support business objectives. A Data Strategy requires an understanding of the data needs inherent in the Business Strategy. Like many other terms, “data strategy” has several synonyms in data management. They include but are not limited to business data strategy, business data management strategy, information management strategy, business information management strategy, information strategic plan. All these terms refer to the same concept of a single, enterprise plan for the use of organizational data as an essential asset for strategic and operational decision-making. A data strategy defines the approach that the enterprise will take to manage and use its data and information to achieve its business and technology goals and to realize a competitive advantage using this asset. The Continue reading
Why is Big Data so Important in Today’s World?
In the ever-changing, globalized economy, companies have started depending on assessments advanced by their internal processes, business operations, and customers to explore new opportunities for advancement and growth. Such insights present a massive intricate set of data that are produced then managed, analyzed, as well as manipulated by experts. The collation of such a large amount of data is collectively referred to as big data. The numerous peta and terabytes are presently considered as the big data benchmark. The main characteristics which describe big data include; volume which refers to the amount of produced and stored data that determines the potential and the value of the insight and if it can truly be assumed as big data or not. Secondly, the variety referring to the nature and type of the data to assist the data analyst to successfully use the subsequent insights; Velocity refers to the speed that determines how Continue reading
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Organizations tend to grow and prosper as they gain a better understanding of their environment. Typically, business managers must be able to track daily transactions to evaluate how the business is performing. By tapping into the operational database, management can develop strategies to meet organizational goals. The process that identified the trends and patterns in data are the factors to accomplish that. By the way, the way to handle the operational data in organization is important because the reason for generating, storing and managing data is to create information that becomes the basis for rational decision making. To facilitate the decision-making process, decision support systems (DSS) were developed whereas it is an arrangement of computerized tools used to assist managerial decision making within a business. Decision support is a methodology that designed to extract information from data and to use such information as a basis for decision making. However, information Continue reading