The government has a responsibility for delivering public goods optimally for the collective development of all individuals. In the quest to achieve this noble course, supply side policies, which form part of macroeconomic strategies, are developed to ensure that markets and industries function in an efficient way to increase the rate of economic growth as reflected in the real national yield. Many governments support the assertion that they can achieve a sustained economic growth by improving supply side operations without causing an increase in inflation. However, reforms on the supply side policies do not facilitate the achievement of adequate growth. Definition and Explanation of Balanced Economic Growth Although the growth rate does not reflect people’s living standards entirely, economic growth has been one of the critical areas of consideration for every nation that is in the process of developing its economic policies. Indeed, economic growth is the most common approach Continue reading
Economics Concepts
Concept of Demand in Managerial Economics
In Economics, use of the word ‘demand’ is made to show the relationship between the prices of a commodity and the amounts of the commodity which consumers want to purchase at those price. Definition of Demand: Hibdon defines, “Demand means the various quantities of goods that would be purchased per time period at different prices in a given market.” Bober defines, “By demand we mean the various quantities of given commodity or service which consumers would buy in one market in a given period of time at various prices, or at various incomes, or at various prices of related goods.” Demand for product implies: a) desires to acquire it, b) willingness to pay for it, and c) Ability to pay for it. All three must be checked to identify and establish demand. For example : A poor man’s desires to stay in a five-star hotel room and his willingness to Continue reading
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization
Globalization has become a hot-debated issue in the last ten to twenty years. Globalization is affecting the world from different perspectives, such as political perspective, economic perspective, and cultural perspective. Currently, whether globalization can bring more positive effects or negative effects to the modern world is still open to debate. Different scholars around the world hold distinctive views regarding the definition of globalization, but in this article, the following two definitions are used. Globalization refers to the creation and intensification of global linkages. In addition, globalization also refers to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole. One of the main ideas of globalization is to break the barriers between countries. Everyone can receive information about different events happening in the world instantly. In the era of globalization, breaking barriers between countries is inevitable. Trading, foreign investments, population movements, these activities across Continue reading
Economic Tools for Management Decision Making
Managerial decision-making draws on economic concepts as well as tools and techniques of analysis provided by decision sciences. The major categories of these tools and techniques are optimization, statistical estimation and forecasting. Most of these methodologies are technical. These methods are briefly explained below to illustrate how tools of decision sciences are used in managerial decision making. 1. Optimization Optimization techniques are probably the most crucial to managerial decision making. Given that alternative courses of action are available, the manager attempts to produce the most optimal decision, consistent with stated managerial objectives. Thus, an optimization problem can be stated as maximizing an objective (called the objective function by mathematicians) subject to specified constraints. In determining the output level consistent with the maximum profit, the firm maximizes profits, constrained by cost and capacity considerations. While a manager does not resolve the optimization problem, he or she may make use of the Continue reading
Dornbusch Exchange Rate Overshooting Model
The Dornbusch overshooting model, developed by Rudiger Dornbusch in 1976, is a theoretical framework used to explain the dynamics of exchange rates. It suggests that when there is a change in monetary policy or other economic factors, exchange rates overshoot their long-run capital flows before settling back to their equilibrium levels. The model helps explain the short-term volatility of exchange rates, which can have significant implications for international trade, investment, and capital flows. Assumptions of the Model: The Dornbusch overshooting model is based on several key assumptions. First, it assumes that prices and wages are sticky in the short run, meaning that they do not adjust immediately to changes in economic conditions. This is because many contracts, such as labor contracts and long-term supply contracts, are negotiated in advance and do not reflect current market conditions. As a result, changes in the money supply or other economic factors can lead Continue reading
Marginal Cost Pricing
In case of Marginal Cost Pricing we have to consider the incremental cost of production. Fixed cost is not taken into consideration. Marginal cost is the additional cost for producing additional unit of output. In this method the price is related to marginal cost. The main difference between Full Cost Pricing and Marginal Cost Pricing is that in Marginal Cost Pricing the fixed cost component is not included. The Marginal Cost Pricing is useful in the short period whereas Full Cost Pricing is mainly for the long period. As long as the marginal cost is covered there is a sort of guarantee that the firm will not shut down. Advantages of Marginal Cost Pricing Variable cost remains constant per unit of output and fixed costs remain constant in total during short period. Thus control over costs becomes more effective and easier. Standards can be set for variable costs, while Budgets Continue reading