The errors or mistakes which are committed in the journal, ledger and any other financial statements are known as accounting errors. Accounting errors may be defined as those mistakes which are generally committed while recording the financial transactions in the book of accounts. These errors may be committed while recording the transactions in the journal and posting them in the ledger accounts. Such errors may be technically committed or committed due to lack of the knowledge of accounting principles and rules. Generally, accounting errors are unintentional. However, it may intentionally be committed so as to take some undue advantage. Accounting errors distort the true business results. Therefore, these errors must be properly located and rectified for ascertaining the true profit or loss and financial position of the business. Major Causes of Accounting Errors There can be several causes of accounting errors. The following are the important ones: Lack of Knowledge: Continue reading
Financial Concepts
Importance of an Accounting System
Business enterprises are created for achieving one or more objectives — profit motive being the most dominant among all objectives. For accomplishing objectives efficiently and effectively, the firm needs resources which must be optimally utilized. The firm faces the question of the use and allocation of resources at two levels. First, at the macro level, the firm has to compete for resources with other firms in the capital market. The criterion used by the capital market to allocate resources is efficiency, which is conventionally measured in terms of profits. A firm would thus succeed to obtain funds from the capital market if it has been profitable in the past, or has a profit making potential in the future. The capital market consists of investors-individuals and institutional-who decide about the allocation of funds to the firms on the basis of information regarding the financial performance of the firms. Continue reading
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Sources of Finance
Finance is essential for a business’s operation, development and expansion. Finance is the core limiting factor for most businesses and therefore it is crucial for businesses to manage their financial resources properly. Finance is available to a business from a variety of sources both internal and external. It is also crucial for businesses to choose the most appropriate source of finance for its several needs as different sources have its own benefits and costs. 1. Personal Savings This is the amount of personal money an owner, partner or shareholder of a business has at his disposal to do whatever he wants.When a business seeks to borrow the personal money of a shareholder, partner or owner for a business’s financial needs the source of finance is known as personal savings. Advantages; The owner would not want collateral to lend money to the business. There is no paperwork required. The money need Continue reading
Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities (STRIPS)
STRIPS is the acronym for Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities. STRIPS let investors hold and trade the individual interest and principal components (also known as stripping) of eligible Treasury notes and bonds as separate securities. The origin of Strip Bonds can be traced to the 1960s, when Investment Dealers in the United States began (physically) clipping coupons from bearer government bonds and selling the individual pieces as separate securities. These clipped bonds gained immense popularity and their sales gained momentum in the early and mid 1980s as the interest rates surged to high levels. This was so because it allowed investors to lock in the very high yields that were available at that time, without worrying about the risk of not being able to re-invest future interest payments at the same high rates. The interest and principal steam of cash flow are deterministic and are known Continue reading
Some Facts about Over The Counter Exchange of India(OTCEI)
In 1992 , to provide improved services, the country’s first ring less, scrip less and electronic stock exchange Over The Counter Exchange of India(OTCEI) was created by some of the prominent financial institutions like UTI, ICICI, IDBI , SBI Capital Markets, IFCI, GIC, Canbank Financial Services. The trading at OTCEI is done over the centers across the country. The securities traded at OTCEI are classified into listed securities, permitted securities and initiated debentures. The feature of this exchange is that instead of share certificate, a counter receipt is generated out at the counter which substitutes the share certificate and the same is used for all transactions. Recommended Reading: Over The Counter Exchange of India(OTCEI) Trading on OTCEI Trading on Over The Counter Exchange of India(OTCEI) is the first of its kind in India. It is fully computerized set-up where trading takes place through a network of computers at the member/dealer Continue reading
Ways of Resolving Agency Problems and Costs
Agency problems are defined as problems happening due to conflicts of interests between a principal and an agent. An agent is hired by a principal and is supposed to perform on behalf of the principal with the aim of maximizing the principal’s benefits. However, the agent also has his own interests, and, during the time working for the principal, he may diverge from the ultimate purpose of working for the principal and may perform for his own benefit. In the financial field, there are two primary types of agency problems: between shareholders and managers, and between equityholders and debtholders. First one is the agency problem between shareholders and managers. When a company is set up, the founder is the owner and manager. He will act on behalf of himself to create more wealth. If the owner sells a part of his ownership to outsiders, the owner-manager will not possess 100% Continue reading