What is Expense Center?

In expense centers, inputs or expenses are measured in monetary terms whereas the outputs are not measured in monetary terms.   There are two types of expense centers – engineered expense centers and discretionary expense centers. Engineered expense centers:  In these centers, inputs or expenses are measured in monetary terms and outputs are measured in physical terms. These centers are usually found in the manufacturing units that use a standard cost system. There are certain responsibility centers within administrative and support departments that actually are engineered expense centers. In these centers, the cost of the product is determined by multiplying the output of each unit with its standard cost. Its efficiency is measured by comparing the actual cost with the standard cost. Discretionary expense centers:  In discretionary expense centers, the output cannot be measured in monetary terms. Discretionary expense centers include administrative and support units like   legal,   accounting, Continue reading

Importance of Financial Statements to External Users

In the presence of globalization, financial statements have become the standard measurement in judging a company’s performance. Financial statements are an overall impression of the company which shows profitability, efficient utilization of assets, settlement of outstanding debts, management of equity, and liquidity position to make economic and business decisions by both internal and external users. The analysis of financial statements is the application of financial activities and additional facts of the business, the examination of historical, present, and possible results and monetary situation to make investing, financing, and commercial decisions. External decision makers of an organization are defined as potential shareholders, clients, creditors (banks), and tax authorities who need a financial record to give decisions about investment, approval of loan application, acquisition of products, and compliance with applicable tax laws and regulations. This article will assess the importance of financial statements to external users in addition to a qualitative factor. Continue reading

Capital Gearing and It’s Significance

Definition of Capital Gearing The most important factor which must be taken into account by the promoters while drafting the financial plan of a company is capital gearing. Gearing means the ration of different types of securities to total capitalization. The term, when applied to the capital of a company, means the ratio of equity share capital to the total capital and is known as capital gear ratio or capital gearing. J. Batty defines the term ‘capital gearing’ as  “The relation of ordinary shares (equity shares) to preference share capital and loan capital is described as the capital gearing.” Thus the term capital gearing is used to indicate the relative proportion of fixed cost bearing securities such as preference shares and debentures to the ordinary share capital in the capital structure. Interest of equity share holders is represented by the amount of share capital plus retained earnings and undistributed profits. Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of Securitization

Securitization forces banks to compete with institutional investors and other financial institutions for the business of prime borrowers. In response, banks are beginning to provide borrowers with a range of fee-earning services that facilitate the sale of debt instruments to investors. For example, banks offer borrowers note-issuing or underwriting facilities instead of loans and agree to help borrowers sell their debt instruments to investors as and when needed. Banks may also agree to purchase only the unsold portion of the debt issue. Thus, securitization is moving banks away from performing traditional banking functions, such as extending credit in exchange for periodic interest payments. In addition, securitization provides the creditor with two significant benefits. Because the lender can choose whether to trade the notes or to hold them to maturity, the lender can better manage its credit limits and asset portfolio. The bank also earns a major part of its income Continue reading

Capital Sources for Business: Equity Shares

Equity shares are financial instruments to raise equity capital. The equity share capital is the backbone of any company’s financial structure. Equity capital represents ownership capital. Equity shareholders collectively own the company. They enjoy the reward of ownership and bear the risk of ownership. The equity share capital is also termed as the venture capital on account of the risk involved in it. The equity shareholders’ liability, unlike the liability of the owner in a proprietary concern and the partners in a partnership concern, is limited to their capital subscription and contribution. In India, under the Companies Act 1956, shares which are not preference shares are called equity shares. The equity shareholders get dividend after the payment of dividend to the preference shareholders. Similarly, at the event of the winding up of the company, capital is returned to them after the return of capital to the preference shareholders. The equity Continue reading

Life Insurance – Definition, Need and Benefits

Human life is subject to risks of death and disability due to natural and accidental causes. When human life is lost or a person is disabled permanently or temporarily, there is a loss of income to the household. The family is put to hardship. Sometimes, survival itself is at stake for the dependents. Risks are unpredictable. Death/disability may occur when one least expects it. An individual can protect himself or herself against such contingencies through life insurance. Though Human life cannot be valued, a monetary sum could be determined which is based on loss of income in future years. Hence in life insurance, the Sum Assured (or the amount guaranteed to be paid in the event of a loss) is by way of a ‘benefit’ in the case of life insurance. It is the uncertainty that is risk, which gives rise to the necessity for some form of protection against Continue reading