Nowadays shareholder value approach reflects to a modern management philosophy, which implies that an organization measures its success by enriching its shareholders. Shareholders or stockholders are individuals or institutions that owns in a legally form shares of a corporation. They are considered to be a subset of stakeholders, which are all individuals or communities, who have a direct or indirect interest in the business entity (e.g. suppliers, customers, government, competitors etc.). The philosophy of the shareholder value approach attempts to increase the organization’s value by enhancing firm’s earnings, by increasing the market value of corporation’s shares and by increasing also the frequency or amount of dividend paid. The idea is that shareholder’s money should be used to earn a higher return than it could by investing in other assets with same amount of money and risk. Furthermore according to many business analysts shareholder value approach provides managers with clear mission Continue reading
Financial Concepts
Financial System – Meaning, Functions and Services
A financial system is a network of financial institutions, financial markets, financial instruments and financial services to facilitate the transfer of funds. The system consists of savers, intermediaries, instruments and the ultimate user of funds. The level of economic growth largely depends upon and is facilitated by the state of financial system prevailing in the economy. Efficient financial system and sustainable economic growth are corollary. The financial system mobilizes the savings and channelizes them into the productive activity and thus influences the pace of economic development. Economic growth is hampered for want of effective financial system. Broadly speaking, financial system deals with three inter-related and interdependent variables, i.e., money, credit and finance. The financial system provides channels to transfer funds from individual and groups who have saved money to individuals and group who want to borrow money. Saver (refer to the lender) are suppliers of funds to borrowers in return Continue reading
Credit Management – Managing Trade Credit and Accounts Receivable in Business
“The purpose of any commercial enterprise is the earning of profit, credit in itself is utilized to increase sale, but sales must return a profit.” – Joseph L. Wood The primary objective of management of receivables should not be limited to expansion of sales but should involve maximization of overall returns on investment. So, receivables management should not be confined to mere collection or receivables within the shortest possible period but is required to focus due attention to the benefit-cost trade-off relating to numerous receivables management. Principles of Credit Management In order to add profitability, soundness and effectiveness to receivables management, an enterprise must make it a point to follow certain well-established and duly recognized principles of credit management. The first of these principles relate to the allocation of authority pertaining to credit and collections of some specific management. The second principle puts stress on the selection of proper credit Continue reading
Purpose of Keeping Financial Records
Financial recording is a process and procedure that is used by an organisation to control finance and accountability. This process and procedure include recording, verification and timely reporting of transactions that affect revenues, expenditures, assets, and liabilities. To develop business and making profit accountants have to keep financial records or information. There are some techniques for recording financial information that are given below: Double entry book keeping: It is an account technique which records each transaction as a credit and a debit. Day books and ledgers: A book with an account of sales and purchases made each day is called day books. For example: sales day books, sale return day books etc. On the other hand ledger is an accounting book of final entry where transactions are listed in different accounts. For instance: sales ledger, purchase ledger and general ledger etc. The trial balance: It is totaling of debit balance Continue reading
Financial Reporting – Meaning, Objectives, Characteristics, and Principles
Financial statements entail the end products which are prepared from the adjusted trial balance. Financial statements play an important role of communicating key accounting information concerning a business organization to those people who are interested in the business. The financial statements act as a model of a business enterprise by showing the business organization in financial terms. The major financial statements includes income statements or profit and loss account, the balance sheet or statement of financial position, the cash flow statement and changes in owner’s equity. The income statement or the profit and loss account summarizes the expenses and revenues that a business incurs in a particular accounting period. Income statement is an important financial statement as it enables people to determine as to whether the business has attained its profitability objectives or not. The balance sheet main purpose is to explain the position of a firm at a particular Continue reading
Earnings Management – Definitions, Reasons and Examples
Earnings Management (EM) is the term used to describe the process of manipulating earnings of the firm to meet management’s predetermined target. The flexibility of accounting standards may cause some variability in earnings to occur as a result of the accounting choices made by management. However, earnings management that falls outside the generally accepted accounting choice boundaries is clearly unethical. The intent behind the earnings management also contributes to the questionable ethics of the practice. Some managers use EM as a means of deceiving shareholders or other stakeholders of the organization, such as creating the appearance of higher earnings to increase compensation or to avoid default on a debt covenant. The intent to use EM to deceive stakeholders implies that it can be unethical, even if the earnings management remains within the boundaries of GAAP or IAS. Earnings management has been defined as management’s exploitation of accounting flexibility to meet Continue reading