The statement of cash flows is one of three very important financial reports that managers and investors look at when analyzing a company’s past or present financial status. The balance sheet and the income statement are the other two reports. All of these reports are very important in running a successful business, but the statement of cash flows is the most important. It is like the blood of a company since it would not survive successfully without it. Cash on hand can actually be much more important than income, profits, assets, and liabilities put together, especially in the early stages of any company. The statement of cash flows tells us how much cash we have on hand after all costs are met. It shows how much cash we started with and how much we pay out. There are two parts to the statement of cash flows which are the top Continue reading
Financial Management Tools
Zero Based Budgeting
Traditional budgeting starts with previous year expenditure level as a base and then discussion is focused on certain “additions” or “cuts” to be made in the previous year spending. The top management finally gives its approval after hearing the arguments for and against the “additions and “cuts”. In Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB) reference, is not made to previous level of spending. A convincing case is made for each decision unit to justify the budget allotment for that unit during that period. Zero Based Budgeting differs from traditional budgeting on many points and following tire a few points of difference between the two systems of budgeting: Traditional Budgeting Vs Zero Based Budgeting Traditional budgeting is accounting-oriented and mainly lays its emphasis in previous year expenditure. Zero Based Budgeting is decision-oriented and makes all projects and programmes old and new to complete for scarce resources. In traditional budgeting, past expenditure forms the Continue reading
Important Perspectives on Asset Securitization
Asset securitization is the transformation of a mix of illiquid individual loans that are combined into relatively similar pools and transformed into highly liquid bonds traded in securities markets and usually, when securities are backed by non-mortgage loans, they are referred to as asset-backed securities (ABS). Securities issued exclusively against credit and loans with mortgage guarantees are referred to as mortgage-backed securities (MBS). Assets like ABS, MBS and it likes are now widely spread in fixed income portfolios at both the institutional and individual investor level. Although the largest and most well known example of asset securitization is the residential mortgage market. The dealings of asset securitization transactions vary, the typical transaction involves the sale by a bank or financial institution (who are called originator) of certain assets on its balance sheet to a trust, corporation or a separate entity, called special purpose vehicle (SPV). Thus, through the asset securitization Continue reading
Different Types of Securitized Instruments
Pass Through Certificates and Pay Through Certificates There is no uniform name for the securities issued by the special purpose vehicle (SPV) as such securities take different forms. These securities could either represent a direct claim of the investors on all that the SPV collects from the receivables transferred to it: in this case, the securities are called pass through certificates as they imply certificates of proportional beneficial interest in the assets held by the SPV. Alternatively, the SPV might be re-configuring the cash flows by reinvesting it, so as to pay to the investors on fixed dates, not matching with the dates on which the transferred receivables are collected by the SPV. In this case, the securities held by the investors are called pay through certificates. 1. Pass Through Certificates In case of pass through certificates payments to investors depend upon the cash flow from the assets backing such Continue reading
Financial Accounting – Definition, Nature, Scope and Limitations
MEANING OF ACCOUNTING Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing and interpreting the financial transactions of the business for the benefit of management and those parties who are interested in business such as shareholders, creditors, bankers, customers, employees and government. Thus, it is concerned with financial reporting and decision making aspects of the business. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Committee on Terminology proposed in 1941 that accounting may be defined as, “The art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of a financial character and interpreting the results thereof”. DEFINITION OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING The term ‘Accounting’ unless otherwise specifically stated always refers to ‘Financial Accounting’. Financial Accounting is commonly carries on in the general offices of a business. It is concerned with revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities of a business Continue reading
Impact of Financial Management Practices on Organizational Performance
Financial Management is the deliberate management of planning and organizing of financial activities. It applies the basic management principle to control the flow of funds and properly utilizes financial resources. It sets the financial goals by properly analyzing the available data. The common methods to carry out financial activities like accounting and budgeting are considered to be the financial management practice. Financial management practices is the discipline dealing with the financial decisions for long and short-term goals to ensure the return on capital exceeds the cost without taking an excessive financial risk. It clarifies the efficient financial management practices and is used in the business to respond to another business environment. It also entails practices across the other organizations to provide an evaluating approach to financial management. It has some impact on the organizational performance because of the relationship between them. Effective management leads to the successful growth of an Continue reading