Regional Economic Integration means agreements between groups of countries in a geographic region to reduce and ultimately remove tariff and non-tariff barriers for the free flow of goods, services and factors of production between each other. GATT and WTO are the biggest association of more than 140 member countries, which strive to reduce the barriers. However, more than regional, WTO has a global perspective. By entering into regional agreements, groups of countries aim to reduce trade barriers more rapidly than can be achieved under WTO. While there have been decreases in the global barriers to trade and investment, the greatest progress had been made on a regional basis. There are many examples in the current popular push on the European Union (EU) and the effects the EU have on a particular business or industry that illustrates this point. Perhaps the best example of the benefits of economic integration and political Continue reading
Global Business Environment
Drivers of Globalization
The key factors seem to underlie the trend towards the increasing globalization of markets and production are the decline of barriers to trade and investment and the role of technological changes. 1. Decline of Barriers to Trade and Investment Decline in Trade Barriers Many of the barriers to international trade took the form of high tariffs on imports of manufactured goods. However, this depressed world demand and contributed to the great depression of the 1930’s. After World War II, the industrialized countries of the West started a process of removing barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital between nations. Under GATT, over 140 nations negotiated even further to decrease tariffs and made significant progress on a number of non-tariff issues (e.g. intellectual property, trade in services). The most recent round of negotiations known as Uruguay round was competed in December 1993. The Uruguay round further reduced trade Continue reading
Impact of Information Technology on Global Business
Information technology (IT) is probably the force the rampant globalization and economic internationalization. Whereas the world was already destined to becoming a global village even before the eruption of the World Wide Web (WWW) and other digital networks, the Internet has largely facilitated this sojourn and it continues to do so with the new inventions that rock the world each day such as electronic commerce, social networks, and other technological gizmos. Influence of Information Technology on Businesses That Operates in a Global Environment The general answer to this question is that Information technology has revolutionized the operation of businesses in the global environment. Considering that ‘global’ comprises of compounded ‘locals’, perhaps it is prudent to begin this analysis from the minuscule level of local businesses and the effect that information technology has on them. Local businesses are now creating company websites to advertise the services and products that they have Continue reading
Competition Based Market Structures
The competitive structure of a market is defined by the number of competing firms in some segment of an economy and the proportion of the market held by each competitor. Market structure influences pricing strategies and creates barriers to competitors wishing to enter a market. Types of Competition Based Market Structures There are four basic types of competition based market structures. They are pure competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Pure competition exists when there are no barriers to competition. The market consists of many small, competing firms and many buyers. This means that there is a steady supply of the product and a steady for demand for it. There fore, the price cannot be controlled by either the buyers or the sellers. The product itself is homogeneous – that is, one seller’s offering is identical to all others offerings. The markets for basic food commodities, such as rice and Continue reading
Types of Economic Systems
It has been already pointed out that the way in which the three basic economic questions are answered depends on the economic system which functions in a country. To understand how these answers differ among the economic systems, we should understand the different types of economic systems. Major Types of Economic Systems Economic systems may broadly be classified into three categories: Capitalism, Socialism and Mixed economy. A number of other types also emerged but all of them came close to any one of the above three types of economic systems. Let us now discuss the features, strengths and weaknesses of each one of these economic systems. 1. Capitalism Capitalism is an economic system based on the principle of free enterprise. Individual ownership of resources is an important feature. With control and command over resources, individuals can conduct any type of business. The object in such a system is to maximize Continue reading
Business Environment Concept – Meaning, Definition, Features and Importance
All living creatures including human beings live within an environment. Apart from the natural environment, environment of humans include family, friends peers and neighbors. It also includes man-made structures such as buildings, furniture, roads and other physical infrastructure. The individuals do not live in a vacuum. They continuously interact with their environment to live their lives. Just like human beings, business also does not function in an isolated vacuum. Businesses function within a whole gambit of relevant environment and have to negotiate their way through it. The extent to which the business thrives depends on the manner in which it interacts with its environment. A business, which continually remains passive to the relevant changes in the environment, is destined to gradually fade-away in oblivion. To be successful business has not only recognize different elements of the environment but also respect, adapt to or have to manage and influence them. The Continue reading