The Kübler-Ross model has shaped the ways in many psychologists and therapists think about grief, bereavement, and dying. The greatest appeal of this approach is that it describes the behavior of a person as a set of different reactions, namely denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. By applying this framework, a therapist can believe that the behavior of a person can be more manageable and predictable. Thus, it has significant implications for the counseling of many patients. In particular, it is necessary to demonstrate that the stages identified by Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross are not always consecutive as some people may believe. Secondly, some of these responses may not be present at all. Finally, the experiences of a person in such stressful situations cannot be reduced only to denial, bargaining, anger, depression or acceptance. To a great extent, they depend on the immediate environment of an individual. These are the main ideas Continue reading
Healthcare Management Concepts
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) – Need, Principles and Implementation
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) aims at ensuring safety of products by using preventive means. The approach is used to ensure safety of foods, pharmaceutical products, chemical and biological products. The approach aims at using preventive means rather use inspection on finished products. In food industry, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point is used to identity factors that can compromise health safety. After safety hazard are identified then preventive action, referred to as Critical Control Points, are taken in order to prevent any negative health effects. HACCP system has no specific stage where it is used but is used at all levels of food production and preparation. It is used in all stages including processing, packaging, storage and distribution. HACCP programs have been successful ensuring safety of foods and thus help in preventing possible health hazard. Mandatory HACCP programs for meat and juices in the country are acclaimed for Continue reading
Internet of Things (IoT) in Healthcare
Internet of Things (IoT) is a revolution in computer technology and communication that aims to connect objects together through the Internet. IoT is an idea of a worldwide distributed network, that can be fit into any environment with the aim of collect object data and sending this information for storage and analysis through the internet to some other location. Internet of Things means things interact with the Internet by employing sensors, microcontrollers, and transceivers for empowering communication and is built with suitable protocol stacks which help them interacting with each other and communicating with the users, thus becoming the constitutive part of the Internet. Nowadays, the Internet is impacting several aspects of the potential user’s everyday life. IoT is a highly dynamic distributed network composed of a very large number of objects. Human beings supply most of the contents and information found on the Internet so far, whereas in IoT, Continue reading
Why is Data Analytics Important in Healthcare?
Do you know about data analytics? These data analytics allow for an industry to obtain any insights from patters and connections that are found so they can make better decisions. Businesses are able to achieve multiple advantages by using these statistics. Analytics help find meaning in real-time or historical data so there can be prediction made about the future to improve the probability of success. Due to the healthcare industry using data analytics they will be able to benefit their business by improving patient care quality, improve operational efficiency, and prevent diseases. Every business is curious on how they can make their operations better whether it’s for money savings or for the care of patients. Using analytics will allow for the improvement of operational efficiencies. The ERP systems allow for them to collect all the information that they want to include in their statistics. Analytics allow for businesses to find the gaps Continue reading
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) – Meaning, Strengths, and Weaknesses
With the accelerated pace of life, people don’t want to spend more time on hospital registration, procedure, and other trivial things. Internet of medical things can help it by applying internet in medical staff, like the patient can make an appointment online, the personal information and the very first disease description can be sent to hospital information system and assigned to a doctor, which decreases time on waiting and personal information registration. For people living somewhere far away from medical resources, remote medical treatment may be a good choice to let the man away from distant puzzles. Even inside the hospital, the internet can be useful by sending physical checking messages from doctor to specialist for a traffic injured patient. Internet of medical things can be really helpful in our life, and we do need it. Information technology is the basement of internet development, and internet application also accelerates the Continue reading
Data Analytics in Healthcare Industry
Health is the most integral part of life. In the healthcare industry a vast amount of data is generated from different segments of healthcare organizations such as hospitals, healthcare service providers, insurance providers etc. However, like other sectors ranging from retail to banking, who have already leveraged the potentials of big data, the healthcare industry has not yet fully explored the importance of big data in deriving valuable insights from such vast amount of data at hand. For example, Grocery stores determine the loyalty of their customers by identifying the sales patterns, giving discounts and special offers, having a mix of products which not only improve their profits but also, increases their customer satisfaction. Claims providers and payers, the pharmaceutical industry has now only utilized big data to tackle issues such as changes in the quality of healthcare services, reducing fraud and abuse of claims, improved care. Due to the Continue reading