Perhaps the most significant benefit of performance appraisal is that, in the rush and bustle of daily working life, it offers a rare chance for a supervisor and subordinate to have “time out” for a one-on-one discussion of important work issues that might not otherwise be addresses. Performance Appraisal offers a valuable opportunity to focus on work activities and goals, to identify and correct existing problems, and to encourage better future performance. Thus the performance of the whole organization is enhanced. For many employees, an “official” appraisal interview may be the only time they get to have exclusive, uninterrupted access to their supervisor. Said one employee of a large organization after his first formal performance appraisal, “In twenty years of work, that’s the first time anyone has ever bothered to sit down and tell me how I’m doing.” The value of this intense and purposeful interaction between a supervisors and Continue reading
HRM Concepts
Human Resource Management (HRM) Best Practices
In recent years business environment has become highly competitive. It has forced the manager to develop different strategies to cope with competitiveness. These strategies help organizations to survive in competitive environment. One area that has been important as a means of providing a competitive advantage is the management of the Human Resource function. Over the past decade there has been a dramatic shift in the field of Human Resource Management, with great emphasis being applied to the human resource management function and its significant contribution to organisational performance. However in order to influence organisational performance it is required that there are certain ‘practices’ of human resource management that must be abided by in order for improved performance to be achieved. Unfortunately there has been no authoritative definition of best practice that has been agreed by academics or practitioners. This leads to a lack of conceptual clarity of the HRM best Continue reading
Case Study: Managing Employee Discipline
Mr. Harry, Branch Manager, Luxemburg Main Branch of XYZ Bank was wondering as to what could be done to restore the punctuality of the staff in his branch. A majority of the staff members were taking time off from the work, on a number of occasions, during the day, which resulted in work remaining incomplete, and in the payment of overtime wages for its completion. The problem was generally not faced by other banks in Luxemburg, except the PQR Bank, another Indian bank having branches in Luxemburg. Other local and British banks were able to exercise sufficient control over their staff to ensure proper attendance and maintain office decorum. Initially, Mr. Harry tried to persuade the staff to be punctual. He sermonized them on several occasions. None of this, however, made any dent on the problem. Failing in these methods, he resorted to punishment of the erring members of the Continue reading
Workplace Diversity – Meaning and Impacts
Today’s workforce is made up of many types of people. Organisations can no longer assume that every employee has similar beliefs or expectations. Organizations exist to serve human needs. An organisation is only effective as the people who operate it. People are considered the most important resource in any organisation. They are the basic foundation of an organization and the basic unit of change within organisation. The human resource approach focuses on the interaction between people and the organization. If communication between employees is poor, organization will suffer. When coordination and interaction within the organization is good, both employees and business will benefit. Workplace diversity refers to the division of the working force into separate categories that have a apparent unity or harmony within a given cultural context and that impact potentially beneficial or harmful outcomes of employments such as job opportunities, workplace treatment prospects of promotion of employees, irrespective Continue reading
What are the Characteristics of a Good Leader?
A leader is destined a person who is leaded by the other persons. On the other hand, a leader is also must consequential to motivate security to get followers a leader hence they should to have concentrate, aim, and guidance and improve them with some expressions, opinion and action. Leadership is a mostly about a management activity which like communication and personally will control it and will be afford to achieve the company s goals. Other than that, the leader is knowledgeable to make people satisfied with themselves by accretion their self esteem. It is important to shatter down hurdles and create links, which is to demonstrate hurdles among departments, organisations, employees and customers. The leaders challenge is to build and spend in relationships and also makes a communication environment to his followers. The leaderships actions must help the team to get done the objectives, and fulfilling needs. A leader Continue reading
Employee Assistance Programs in Organizations – Employee Counseling
Counseling has been practiced in one form or other since the evolution of mankind. In every field which requires dealing with people, counseling is essential. Counseling is a dyadic relationship between two persons; a manager who is offering help (counselor) and an employee whom such help is given (counselee). It may be formal or informal. Formal counseling is a planned and systematic way of offering help to subordinates by expert counselors. Informal counseling is concerned with day to day relationship between the manager and his subordinates where help is readily offered without any formal plan. Every manager has a responsibility to counsel his subordinates. When individual managers are unable to deal with specific problems, the counseling services of a professional body is required. An organization can either offer the services of a full-time in-house counselor or refer the employee to a community counseling service. Counseling occasionally is necessary for employees Continue reading