Training and Development – Meaning, Definition and Need

Meaning of Training and Development Training typically involves providing the employees the knowledge and skills needed to do a particular task or a job through attitude change. It is concerned with imparting and developing specific skills for a particular purpose. For example, Flippo has defined training as “the act of increasing the skills of an employee for doing a particular job”. Thus, training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. This behavior, being programmed, is relevant to a specific phenomenon, that is, a job. The term development refers broadly to the nature and direction of change induced in employees, particularly managerial personnel through the process of training and educative process. National Industrial Conference Board has defined development as “Managerial Development is all those activities and programmes when recognized and controlled, have substantial influence in changing the capacity of the individual to perform his assignment better and in Continue reading

Internal and External Factors Influencing Recruitment

Recruitment is one of the important tasks which human resources management department has to perform very carefully. They have to understand the need of the vacant position. They have to know what should be the qualification of the candidate for the required position. They have to also look after that what is the age range of the candidate because in several cases some position needs to be more that twenty five years, thirty five years and so on. There are certain reasons of age barrier, for example many company have some different kind of sales positions required. For those positions, company want to have young and enthusiastic candidate, so they prefer that if the position is for sales associate, where the person have to travel a lot, they should be not more than an age of thirty years. Another reason of the human resources management to distinguish age is hierarchy. Continue reading

Reasons for Employee Turnover

For employers, a challenge to deal with, in order to improve retention, are the common reasons for which the employees tend to migrate towards better positions. Here are some of them: Expectations not Met Expectations play a large part in determining whether an employee is satisfied or dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. On joining the firm the individual will have a range of expectations covering areas such as the style of management, the working hours, holidays, pay, and bonus and so on. It is not unusual for employees to leave within the first six months when they discover that things aren’t quite as they imagined they would be. Their expectations may have been unrealistic from day one, but each departure is yet more disruption, harming productivity, adding extra unnecessary costs and making it more difficult to reach goals for sales, revenue and profitability. Few firms seem to appreciate Continue reading

E-Learning at the Workplace

Globally, the e-learning market has been growing rapidly, and e-learning is beginning to emerge as the new model of training and education across a wide range of different sectors and industries. This growth has resulted in part from extensive changes in the working environment, and from a shift from a product-based economy to a knowledge-based one, meaning that there is a more pressing need to train and educate workforces in new technologies and services. In addition, technological advancement and challenges in technology-oriented working life have paved the way for new forms of electronic learning. Consequently, e-learning now accounts for a significant proportion of corporate investment in workforce training. E-learning is a learning experience that is delivered by electronic technologies including for example, the use of the internet, intranets, interactive TV, virtual classrooms and so forth. For some scholars, e-learning is considered only as a mechanism for delivering training and education Continue reading

Manpower Planning

It is very natural that, the continual positive development of any business owe to its effective planning. Making all the necessary preparations and appropriate arrangements proactively basing upon what is expected to happen in future and performing a series of tasks and activities accordingly in a systematic and organized way is one of the important functions of management, which necessitates an effective and proactive planning process. Proper planning and designing an effective organizational structure by assigning an assortment of responsibilities to the concerned employees may help the business organizations to accomplish their set of objectives. Putting the right person at the right place and at the right time is essentially much important to any business as it comprises of a wide and comprehensive range of activities in relation to “the management of man“. Manpower planning, not only focuses on the effective utilization of existing human elements but also concern in Continue reading

Improving Quality of Work Life

Quality of work life improvement refers to any activity for greater organizational effectiveness through the enhancement of human dignity and growth process through which the work force of the organization learn how to work together for betterment to determine for themselves what actions, changes and improvements are desirable and workable. What work force feels about the work place? The ‘Economic Times’ in December 1999 collected the views from top level HR executives from Indian companies on the emerging workplace. The views expressed were as follows: There would be more celebrations. Music, poetry, and art at work to provide creative moments in between the lightening speed of work. People with high EQ levels would be valued far more than yesterday as coaches and facilitators orchestrate the output of knowledge workers. People tomorrow would want and deserve a workplace free from anxiety and stress, where each can contribute fully from their jobs Continue reading