External sources of recruitment seeks applicants for positions from sources outside the company. External employees already worked for major companies or competitors have better understanding of business strategy and competitive market. Though recruiting external candidates might be tougher but it has some positive effect on business. They have outnumbered the internal sources of recruitment. The various external sources include: Professional or Trade Associations : Many associations provide placement service to its members. It consists of compiling job seeker’s lists and providing access to members during regional or national conventions. Also, the publications of these associations carry classified advertisements from employers interested in recruiting their members. These are particularly useful for attracting highly educated, experienced or skilled personnel. Also, the recruiters can zero on in specific job seekers, especially for hard-to-fill technical posts. Advertisements : It is a popular method of seeking recruits, as many recruiters prefer advertisements because of their Continue reading
HRM Functions
The Concept of Career Planning – Definition, Objectives and Process
Career is viewed as a bunch or collection of jobs or positions. Generally, it describes an applicable career path within the structure of the organization. Basically, it shows the principal personnel development paths within the organization. The etymology of the term derived from the Latin word career, which means race. All the jobs, that are held together during one’s working life, constitute career. It is also viewed as the sequence of positions held by an individual during the course of his employment life. Edwin B. Flippo defined a career, as a sequence of separate but related work activities that provide continuity, order and meaning in a person’s life. A career may be viewed as amalgamation of the changes in values, attitudes and motivation an individual embrace, as he or she grows older. This constitute subjective element of the concept “career”. Greenhaus and Schein described several themes underlying different definition of Continue reading
How Blockchain Transforms the Recruitment Process?
Recruiting is a complex practice that requires keen analysis of the data. In recruitment, various issues are put into consideration before the employer settler in a particular job seeker. Before a hiring decision is reached, there is a various measure that job seeker and employer go through. During this process, there is a lot of data exchange between the two the job seeker, and the employer that is the job seeker must provide a set of personal information that is essential during the recruitment process. When passing this sensitive information, the job seeker trust that the employer will handle this information with care and on the other hand, the recruiter is entrusting that all information provided by the job seeker is accurate. Failure of either party to uphold their end of bargain eventually lead to delay or to emerge of the issues that prohibit the candidates from filling this gap. Continue reading
Learning Organization – Meaning and Importance
Learning organization means organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together. From this definition we can understand that learning organization is a team and organizational process rather than individual and it is a continuous never ending process. It is essential for a learning organization to make creative and better ways of learning and improving its performance. It becomes a part of the continuous process of sharing information with people and the environment, and exchanging and disseminating information. A learning organization is entirely different from a traditional organization as it has the capacity to make changes continuously. The theory of organizational learning stresses the importance of policies and procedures inside the organization in response to the outside consequences even though Continue reading
Process of Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning is the responsibility of all managers. It focuses on the demand and supply of labor and involves the acquisition, development and departure of people. This is recognized as a vital HR function as the success of an organisation depends on its employees. The purpose of HR planning is to ensure that a predetermined number of persons with the correct skills are available at a specified time in the future. Thus, HR planning systematically identifies what must be done to guarantee the availability of the human resources needed by an organisation to meet its strategic business objectives. To achieve this HR planning cannot be undertaken in isolation. It must be linked to the organisation’s overall business strategy, and concentrate on the organisation’s long-range human resource requirements. Read More: Introduction to Human Resource Planning Process of Human Resource Planning Human Resource Planning is a continuous process. The manager responsible Continue reading
Importance of Aligning Human Resource Processes with Business strategy
Strategic alignment these terms are some of the phrases which are being used to explain the latest, evolving function of human resources process. The aligning human resource processes with business strategy about the growth of the business, increasing the performance of the employees and keeping the costs under a control. Which means the employee satisfaction and benefits provide to the population as they are not the strategic goals, but they are tools to reach the goals important for the whole organization. The importance of the alignment of the human resource process with business strategy is about going deeper and finding the real root components of the successful human capital management in the organization. The HR Managers have to identify the real goals of the business, the business way how to reach the goals and the real needs of the business from Human Resources. The HR tends to take care of Continue reading