Individual’s and Organizational Approaches to Managing Stress

As we know that stress has got a number of negative consequences for the individuals, that is why every individual should take personal responsibility for reducing his or her stress level. There are a number of ways by which a person can either avoid stressful conditions, change them or learn to cope with them. Stress can be managed by an individual, which will enable him to regain control over his life. Some of the stress reducing strategies from individual’s point of view are : 1. Knowledge About Stress. In the first stage, an individual should become knowledgeable about stress. He should know about the process and effects of stress. He must find out the major sources of his stress. He must anticipate stressful periods and plan accordingly in advance. He must be honest with himself and decide what he can cope with what he cannot. 2. Physiological Fitness. Exercise in Continue reading

Different Theories for Managing Compensation

The basic purpose of wage and salary administration is to establish and maintain an equitable wage and salary structure. Its secondary objective is the establishment and maintenance of an equitable labor-cost structure i.e., an optimal balancing of conflicting personnel interests so that the satisfaction of employees and employers is maximized and conflicts are minimized. The wage and salary administration is concerned with the financial aspects of needs, motivation and rewards. Managers, therefore, analyze and interpret the needs of their employees so that reward can be individually designed to satisfy these needs. The word ’salary’ is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as ‘fixed periodical payment to a person doing other than manual or mechanical work’. The payment towards manual or mechanical work is referred to as wages. The word pay refers to the payment for services done which would include salary as well as wages. Wages are commonly understood as price Continue reading

Human Resource Strategy – Meaning, Objectives and Charactristics

Concept and Meaning of Human Resource Strategy The word ‘strategy‘ can be understood as a long range direction and scope of an organization. It provides a framework to achieve organizational goals and objectives. It develops a grand plan about how the company is going to achieve the desired result and how to compete with other rival firms. It also focuses on how the resources are employed effectively an efficiently. In the light of it, Human resource strategy can be defined as a process which helps management anticipate and manage the rapidly increasing changes. It is concerned with long range direction and scope of HR activities in the organization. It is broad action plan designed to accomplish the goals and objectives of human resource management function in the organization. Moreover, it is concerned with establishing relationship between long range HR direction and business strategy. It involves philosophy that people are managed Continue reading

Case Study of Nestle: Training and Development

Nestle is world’s leading food company, with a 135-year history and operations in virtually every country in the world. Nestle’s principal assets are not office buildings, factories, or even brands. Rather, it is the fact that they are a global organization comprised of many nationalities, religions, and ethnic backgrounds all working together in one single unifying corporate culture. Culture at Nestle and Human Resources Policy Nestle culture unifies people on all continents. The most important parts of Nestle’s business strategy and culture are the development of human capacity in each country where they operate. Learning is an integral part of Nestle’s culture. This is firmly stated in The Nestle Human Resources Policy, a totally new policy that encompasses the guidelines that constitute a sound basis for efficient and effective human resource management. People development is the driving force of the policy, which includes clear principles on non-discrimination, the right of Continue reading

Recruitment Process

It is very important for an employer to design a recruitment process for hiring the best professionals within a given time frame. Though the process of recruitment may differ from organization to organization, it has more or less similar steps. Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of qualified job applicants. The recruitment process comprises five interrelated stages, viz, Planning. Strategy development. Searching. Screening. Evaluation and control. The ideal recruitment programme is the one that attracts a relatively larger number of qualified applicants who will survive the screening process and accept positions with the organisation, when offered. Recruitment programmes can miss the ideal in many ways i.e. by failing to attract an adequate applicant pool, by under/over selling the organisation or by inadequate screening applicants before they enter the selection process. Thus, to approach the ideal, individuals responsible for the Continue reading

Wage Payment Systems

The system of wage payment is the method adopted by organizations  to remunerate workers. It is the way of giving financial compensation to the workers for the time and effort invested by them in converting materials into finished products. It indicates the basis of making payment to the workers, which may be either on time basis or output basis. The selection of the system depends on the type and nature of the concern and its products. The different methods of wage payments are as follows : 1. Time Wage System   Time wage system  is the oldest method of wage payment. The “Time” is made a basis for determining wages of a person. The wages are paid according to the time spent by workers irrespective of his out put of work done. The wage rates are fixed for an hour, a day, a week or a month. The time spent Continue reading