Human Resource Management (HRM) in a Global Environment

As the organizations continue to grow globally at a rapid pace, nations are increasingly permeable to the international exchange of knowledge, capital, goods and services, giving rise to more complexities and uncertainties. Intensified rate of globalization is evident from the changing trends in foreign direct investment which is increasingly indicating a shift toward developing economies like China and India. Growing internationalization is breaking down organizational and geographical boundaries with business processes and structures undergoing complete transformation. This has brought the role of human resources to the fore as the competitiveness of these organizations is contingent on their ability to adapt and design human resource strategies that can sustain global nuances and dynamics. International human resource management (IHRM) from an organization’s perspective is defined as the effective management of human resources in global markets for multinational companies(MNCs), in order to gain a key source of competitive advantage and to be globally Continue reading

Uses of Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal (PA) can be described as a formal process of assessment and evaluation of the employees on an individual as well as group level. The word “formal” is crucial, as it is important that the managers or supervisors review the worker or individual on a periodic basis. Even though,  performance appraisal is only an element of performance management, it is very crucial for the success of performance management as it directly relates to the strategic plan set by the organisation. It is critical to evaluate team performance in many organisations where teams exist but  performance appraisal in most companies concentrates on individuals. As emphasized, achievements, objectives and strategic plans set for development can be examined and evaluated by an effective  performance appraisal system. Although  performance appraisal is somewhat considered as negative, unpopular and managers try to avoid the efficiency it provides. Not many Employers like conducting  performance appraisal and Continue reading

Consequences of Stress

As is pointed out in the introducing comments on stress, stress is not automatically bad for individual employees or their organizational performance. It is the dysfunctional aspects of the high level of stress that should be and are a major concern for contemporary society in general and for effective human resource management in particular. Distress experienced by individuals has negative consequences for them, their families and for the organizations they serve. The consequences of stress can be studied under three general categories : Consequences for the Individual Stress shows itself in a number of ways. An individual who is experiencing stress may develop the following symptoms : 1. Physiological Symptoms. In the initial stages, the major concern of stress was directed at physiological symptoms. The reason was that this topic was researched by specialists in the health and medical sciences. According to the researchers high degrees of stress are typically Continue reading

Best Fit and Best Practice Approaches in Strategic HRM

The concepts of ‘best fit’ and ‘best practice’ are two well known approaches to human resource management. The ‘best fit’ perspective claims that HR strategy become more and more efficient when it is linked to its environment of the business. It explores the close link between strategic management and HRM by assessing the extend to which there is a vertical integration between an organizations business strategy and its HRM policies and practices. ‘Best practice’ approach claims that certain ‘best’ human resource practices would result in enhanced organizational performance, manifested in improved employee attitude, lower level of absenteeism and turnover, higher level of skills for higher productivity, enhanced quality and efficiency. That is why the ‘best practice’ model is also referred as high commitment models.  Best Fit Approach The best-fit model is considered as a variant from precedent models of Harvard, Michigan and York and is called “matching model” for HRM. Continue reading

Some Attitudinal Training Methods

There are training methods related to the attitude of the participants of training programmes. The specific method should be selected according to the attitude of the participants in an organization. Some important attitudinal training methods are explained below: 1. Jigsaw Method The Jigsaw is a method of attitudinal training followed when there is too much information for one person to read or absorb. It encourages reading or listening salient points included in the training programme.  Jigsaw method is helpful to develop effective practice for communicating critical points to others. Jigsaw provides different perspectives on information. It can be particularly helpful to second language learners. Jigsaw is a group structure that can be used across all content areas. Training starts with a home group. That group is responsible for learning the assigned portion of a task that is prescribed by the instructor. Then the instructor separates trainees into new groups – Continue reading

Steps in Management by Objectives (MBO) Process

Management by objectives (MBO) is a systematic and organized approach that allows management to focus on achievable goals and to attain the best possible results from available resources. It aims to increase organizational performance by aligning goals and subordinate objectives throughout the organization. Ideally, employees get strong input to identify their objectives, time lines for completion, etc. MBO includes ongoing tracking and feedback in the process to reach objectives. Management by Objectives (MBO) was first outlined by Peter Drucker in 1954 in his book ‘The Practice of Management’. In the 90s, Peter Drucker himself decreased the significance of this organization management method, when he said: “It’s just another tool. It is not the great cure for management inefficiency.” The main features of MBO are: Management by Objectives is a philosophy or a system, and not merely technique. It emphasizes participative goal setting. It clearly defines each individual responsibility in terms Continue reading