Productivity is measured of the efficiency of production. Productivity is defined as total output per unit of a total input. Low productivity in the workplace can have a dramatic effect on the company but the moment managers see the signs there are immediate change they make to help turn the situation around. Causes for Low Productivity Poor management: The main cause of low productivity is poor management. The manager does not take steps to implement the most productive way of doing the things. If the employee feels that their work is not recognized by their supervisor they will not give their 100 percent. Outdated system: If the company is using outdated machine or methods, it will lead to lower productivity. Employee dissatisfaction: Dissatisfied employee are unproductive ones, as compared to productive employees who are passionate about their work. If there is wrong person in the job or right person in Continue reading
Human Resource Concepts
Employee Turnover – Meaning, Causes and Effects
In today’s highly dynamic commercial work, it is becoming a challenge for job-seekers to find jobs that best fit their personality, and for employers to hire the right people who can do the job and also integrate well into the company culture. Failure to overcome this issue can be resulted in high turnover of employees. Employee turnover is a part of normal business activity; whereby employees come and go as their life situations change. Most employers realize this and, indeed, large firms typically have entire departments devoted to the management of human resources in order to make the transition as easy as possible for both management and employee and to minimize the associated hiring and training costs. Employee turnover is a ratio comparison of the number of employees a company must replace in a given time period to the average number of total employees. A huge concern to most companies, Continue reading
The Model Grievance Procedure
A grievance is a complaint by an employee that something in the management’s behavior has breached his or her employment rights and that he or she is unhappy about it. It may be real or it may be the result of a misconception or a misunderstanding. Managing grievance is, however, primarily a line manager’s responsibility. In this line managers require help, advice support and expertise from the employee relations procedures and training line managers to operate these procedures in a fair, reasonable and consist manager. Employee grievances are an outward expression of worker dissatisfaction which, if not resolved can result in unsatisfactory work behavior which has adverse consequences for the organization’s competitive position. An important aspect of grievance machinery is the reassurance given to an individual employee by the mere fact that there is a mechanism available to him which will consider his grievance in a dispassionate and detached manner, Continue reading
Stress Management: Evaluating Stress
Feeling the effects of stress is a normal part of life, especially when you are facing major challenges. But each person responds to stress differently. What causes a lot of stress for one person may not cause stress for someone else. That’s because a large part of stress is a matter of perception-how you view a situation determines how much stress it causes you. Therefore, only you can best evaluate the amount of stress in your life and learn better ways to cope with it. Ask yourself the following questions to learn what is causing you stress and how you respond: What job, family, or personal stress do I have? Chronic stress can be caused by an ongoing stressful situation such as: Family or relationship problems. Caring for a family member who is elderly, has chronic health problems, or is disabled. Care giving is a major source of stress. For Continue reading
Traditional Methods of Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal has been considered as a most significant and indispensable tool for an organization, for the information it provides highly useful in making decisions regarding various personal aspects at work place. The performance appraisal activity is very much sensitive. It leads to very positive side, if the system operated in a very systematic manner. The same system also leads to destruction of the entire work lance, if proper care had not been taken in the process of performance appraisal system. Traditional Methods of Performance Appraisal Traditional methods of performance appraisal lay emphasis on the rating of the individual’s personality traits, such as initiative, dependability, drive, creativity, integrity, intelligence, leadership potential and so on. 1. Rankings Method It is the oldest and simplest method of performance appraisal, by which the man and his performance are considered as an entity by the rater. No attempt is made to fractionalize the ratee Continue reading
The Significance of New Employee Orientation Programmes
Ever hear the expression “common sense isn’t so common anymore”? This phrase certainly has many workplace implications. All too often, managers incorrectly assume that other workers have the same work ethic and knowledge of the workplace that they do. We take it for granted that people know what is expected of them. The fact of the matter is, employees need to know not only the specifics of how to carry out their duties, but also the company’s rules and expectations, before they can succeed in the workplace. The ideal time to set forth expectations of an employee is at the time he or she is hired, through some type of new employee orientation. In addition to providing a road map to workplace success, a thorough orientation has the added benefit of creating a positive first impression on the employee. The sense that he or she is important to the company Continue reading