Collective bargaining is accurately an automated relations apparatus or tool, and is an aspect of negotiation, applicable to the application relationship. As a process, the two are in essence the same, and the attempt applicative to negotiations is participation ant to aggregate bargaining as well. However, some differences charge to be noted. In aggregate bargaining the abutment consistently have an aggregate absorption back the negotiations are for the account of several employees. Area aggregate bargaining is not for one employer but for several, aggregate interests become affection for both parties to the bargaining process. In negotiations in non-employment situations, aggregate interests are less, or non-existent, except when states accommodate with anniversary other. Further, in labor relations, negotiations absorb the public absorption such as area negotiations are on accomplishment, which can papules on prices. This is around accustomed back an affair or the parties seek the abutment of the public, especially Continue reading
Human Resource Concepts
Sources of Stress
Stress is a reality of our everyday life. There are both distresses and distresses that come from our work and non work lives. It was pointed that the work and non work domains of one’s life are closely interrelated. Thus, if one experiences much distress at work, that stress will be carried over to the home, which will increase the sense of awareness of even small distresses experienced in a family sphere. Likewise, stresses experienced at home or with friends or from other non work situations can be carried over to the work place which might heighten and multiply the stresses experienced at work. Thus, we can say that stresses generate from four sources : Extra-organisational stressors Organisational stressors Group stressors Individual stressors. The following figure summarizes the sources of stress. A. Extra Organisational Stressors Job stress is not limited to things that happen inside the organisation, during the working Continue reading
Importance of Performance Appraisal Systems
Performance appraisal is the assessment of an individual’s performance in an organization in a systematic way, the performance being measured against such factors as job knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative, leadership abilities, supervision, dependability, co-operation, judgment, versatility etc. assessment should not be confined to the past performance alone. Potentials of the employee for the future performance must also be assessed. Performance appraisal can be defined as “the systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his or her performance on the job and his or her potential for development”. A more comprehensive definition is, “Performance appraisal is a formal structured system of measuring and evaluating an employee’s job and how the employee can perform effectively in future so that the employee, organization all be benefited.” Performance appraisal, to common understanding, is the formal and informal assessment of the performance of the employee at work. In an informal system Continue reading
Achieving Competitive Advantage through Human Resource Development
Human resource development is defined as the framework for helping employees develops their personal and organizational skills, knowledge and abilities. Human resource development involves using a range of learning and training techniques and strategies to change the work related behavior and attitudes of an employee and it also engages in performance management in other to ensure that people can do things well or do new and better things. Human resource development is concerned with enhancing organizational performance through effective development and deployment of organizational members. To enhance performance, a human resource developer has to ensure that the individuals in the organization has the knowledge, expertise and the right attitudes to execute their work, also human resource development aims at ensuring that the organization has the skilled, committed and well-motivated employee it needs to sustain competitive advantage by focusing on processes that develop skills, knowledge and the attitude of the employee, Continue reading
Role of Human Resource Management in Organizations Difficult Times
Today, Human Resource Management (HRM) is emphasizing on adding value in the organization as a key player. The most significant challenge for organization in difficult time (recession) is transforming of the human resource to recognize, sustain, enlarge and exploit talents in the whole organization to their fullest capacities than organization can claim that it has the best of the systems to identify talents across the organization. The management professionals and employees might undergo through the anxiety and other issues during recession and economic downturn, so organization must make plan for economic crisis. Roles and functions of HR in the Organizational change HR can and ought to play a key role in creating and executing organizational change and transition. HR can give help and direction in investigation and determination, highlighting the employee’s problems that will essentially influence the success of the organization. HR might recommend on resourcing programs and planning and Continue reading
Theories of Motivation: Vroom’s Valence-Expectancy Theory
Vroom’s expectancy theory was originally developed by Victor H. Vroom, a Canadian psychologist, in 1964. Attacking Herzberg’s two-factor theory, Vroom offered an expectancy approach to the understanding of motivation. According to him, a person’s motivation towards an action at any time would be determined by an individual’s perception that a certain type of action would lead to a specific outcome and his personal preference for this outcome. Vroom’s expectancy theory consisted of two related models – the valence model and the force model. The valence model attempts to capture the perceived attractiveness, or valence, of an outcome by aggregating the attractiveness of all associated resultant outcomes. The force model of expectancy theory attempts to capture motivational force to act by associating the expectancy of resultant outcomes and their individual valences. These two models gave Vroom the opening to build his expectancy theory to the level that it is today most Continue reading