Theories of Motivation

Motivation is the creation of stimuli, incentives, and working environments which enable people to perform to the best of their ability in pursuit of organisational success. It is commonly viewed as the magic drives that enable managers to get others to achieve their targets. Since the dawn of the twentieth century, there has been a shift at least in theory. Many management theorists have provided insights into motivation.  Motivation can have an effect on the output of any company or organisation. Organisations and companies relies heavily on the efficiency of it production staff to make sure that products are manufactured in numbers that meet demand of customers. If these employees lack the motivation to produce and perform to the best of their ability and meet the demand of customers, then an organisation may face a problem which may lead to serious consequences. The traditional form of motivation stated that people Continue reading

Skill Development Training Methods

There are some training methods followed for the development of skill and capabilities of the existing & new employees. So that, there can be improvement of the efficiency of the employees. Some selected skill development training methods are described below: 1. Transactional Analysis This type of training method is helpful to eradicate or minimize the dysfunctional aspects of personality, developed from critical assumptions assimilated during childhood. The life script is a basic concept of transactional analysis. The programme for transactional analysis may vary from one day to five days. This method of training enables participants to develop interpersonal competencies to improve relationships with self and others for changing their behavior appropriately to optimize interrelationships. As far as possible, the trainer must operate from adult state and not be personally involved in transactions between participants. The trainer must have expert knowledge of transactional analysis before interpretation of behavior. The trainer should Continue reading

Characteristics of Effective Teams

Many authors have written various features that they believe are essential for team effectiveness. Having read them it can be suggested that the following are the features of an effective team: Clear Understanding of the Goals/Objectives:  Perfect understanding of what the goals of the team are, is very important. Every member of the team should be able to talk for the team on the progress of their project when called upon. However, this happens when every member of the team understands the team’s goal and can tell if they are making progress or not. Shared Values:  Effective teams share desires to succeed at whatever they do. They have a common sense of purpose. The team must agree that the work they are doing is worthwhile and that their goals are worth making the effort to achieve. Members interact and work independently to achieve team objectives. They take collective responsibility for Continue reading

Meaning and Definitions of Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is a feeling that can produce a positive or negative effect toward one’s roles and responsibilities at work and it is important to understand the concept of job satisfaction as there is no single way to satisfy all workers in the workplace. Also, job satisfaction is the positive attitude towards ones job and it is the combination of feelings and beliefs, which include the mental, emotional, and physical domains. Job satisfaction can also be defined as a worker’s emotional response to different job related factors resulting in finding pleasure, comfort, confidence, rewards, personal growth and various positive opportunities, including upward mobility, recognition and appraisal done on a merit pattern with monetary value as compensation. Another definition is that job satisfaction is reflected as an employee’s general affective assessment of himself/herself in the context of his or her job. Some more definitions are listed below; Job satisfaction is defined Continue reading

Importance of People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM)

The People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) is a well documented set of practices that enable growing original workforce competencies. It is more of a strategic management framework for building and growing original competencies. The PCMM practices help to retain, grow and nurture competent individuals. PCMM is an evolutionary framework that guides organizations in selecting high priority improvement actions based on the current maturity of their workforce practices. It is conceptual model based on state-of-the-art workforce practices. It focuses on continuously improving the management and development of the human assets of an organization. The PCMM initiative enables an organization to gain insight into its capability for managing and developing its workforce. Organizations need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their current human resource management practices in order to understand what   steps should be taken to improve them. The organization can then relate its strengths and weaknesses of its practices Continue reading

Importance of Job Analysis in Human Resource Management

Job analysis can improve management efficiency for organizations in the way of gathering a comprehensive intelligence to provide comprehensive information of related work. It refers that giving particular job specific provisions and completing the work required determining what course to conduct. Job analysis consists of two parts: the job description and statement of work. Through analysis of the work input, conversion work, work output, work related characteristics, job resources, work environment background, and result the formation of job analysis – job specification (also known as the statement of work). The work of identifying information included job specifications, job summary, job duties and responsibilities, and information of qualification criteria, which facilitate the use of functions for other human resource management. Job analysis is the basis for human resources management, the quality of its analysis for module of other human resource management has a significant influence. Job analysis is also defined as Continue reading