The creation of a talent management environment in the 21st century is an important and necessary part of any modern organisations agenda. A shortage of talent, facing an ageing population and a dynamic business environment has all fueled a commitment to a need to focus upon how talent can be attracted and retained within the organisation. To standstill and to be static is a dangerous game and thus firms have to be focused upon adaptability to trigger a sustainable approach through talent. To build a strong, consistent and sustainable talented workforce requires a need to develop employees who can act in the global business environment. 7 Talent Management Best Practices Align Goals and Track Everyone’s Progress: Make sure that every employee’s goals are aligned with organizational goals and also regularly monitor progress on goals so that corrective actions can be taken as required. Finally there is need to be able Continue reading
Human Resource Concepts
Four Major Theories of Training and Development
Competitive advantage is referred to that ability of an organization which is not possessed by the other organizations and it is a competitive advantage which leads the organization to the top positions. There are many organizations in the world who are leading the markets by gaining competitive advantage in different fields of their business activities. One of the way in which a firm can attain a competitive advantage over the competitors is by building a force of superior human resource. Now the question arises that how this force of superior human resource can be build. The answer lies in a very important function of human resource management i.e. training and development. It has been observed that the employees or labor working in a competitive environment of market always welcome the training and development programs which can enhance their skills and knowledge. Now days every job holder understands that to sustain Continue reading
Practical Problems in Using Job Evaluation Technique
Job evaluation is a technique used to determine the value of each job in relation to all jobs within the organization. Its main objective is to determine the relative worth of different jobs in an organization to serve as a basis for developing rational wages and salary structure. Like any other technique of human resource management, job evaluation is not free from certain shortcomings and limitations. Various practical problems in using job evaluation technique may be grouped into two categories: technical and operational. 1. Technical Problems There are some technical problems involved in effective job evaluation which are of the following nature. Job evaluation establishes hierarchy of jobs based on their worth. Though there are various methods developed for this purpose. These are not completely objective. Another problem in establishing job hierarchy through job evaluation comes in the form of changing profile of job factors because of changes in environmental Continue reading
Stress Management: Managing Job Stress
Job stress comes in many different forms and affects your body in various ways. Minor sources of stress may include equipment that won’t work or phones that won’t quit ringing. Major stress comes from having too much work, not having enough work, doing work that is unfulfilling, fearing a job layoff, or not getting along with your boss. Usually it is the major sources of stress that lead to burnout, causing people to become unhappy and less productive in their work. Job stress can affect your health and home life as well. Low levels of stress may not be noticeable; slightly higher levels can be positive and challenge you to act in creative and resourceful ways; and high levels can be harmful, contributing to chronic disease. The major sources of job stress fall into seven categories: Control. This factor is the most closely related to job stress. Studies show that Continue reading
Modern Organizations and Role of Leaders
Organizations are indispensable to human and civilization progress and in meeting societal needs. Organization and civilization are interdependent twins; one could not develop without the other. Today in modern societies, organizations shape values, set structural roles and norms in civilization directions, change and determine human destinies, and perform a wide range of functions from integration and human fulfillment to disintegration and individual alienation. From their birth, organizations were simple in structure and management, but as they grew larger they became sophisticated and complex in structure and function, requiring managerial skills and techniques beyond the comprehension of many people. In modern day organization the workload is designed to promote and maintain health aspects of employees. Additionally, much importance is given to contextual factors such as the technology and the environment of the organization and the professional level of the employees. In today’s era, an organization or a workplace is not confined Continue reading
Job Rotation – Definition, Objectives, Benefits and Importance
Job Rotation is a management approach where employees are shifted between two or more assignments or jobs at regular intervals of time in order to expose them to all verticals of an organization. It is a pre-planned approach with an objective to test the employee skills and competencies in order to place him or her at the right place. In addition to it, it reduces the monotony of the job and gives them a wider experience and helps them gain more insights. Job rotation is a well-planned practice to reduce the boredom of doing same type of job everyday and explore the hidden potential of an employee. The process serves the purpose of both the management and the employees. It helps management in discovering the talent of employees and determining what he or she is best at. On the other hand, it gives an individual a chance to explore his Continue reading