Importance of Appraisal for Employee Motivation

One of the secrets of a good performing company is the fact that they recognized the importance of staff motivation. Watch out for companies that are 10 years old and above, the secret of their sustenance and longevity lies on the above truth. A solid and good management doesn’t joke with the above notion. The truth of the matter is this; for a staff to work efficiently and effectively, employees must be motivated. This means that their efforts should be rewarded with physical, financial and psychological benefits and incentives so that they could maintain a high level of morale, satisfaction, and productivity. It means that workers should be stimulated to take a desired course of action by providing them with the opportunities to gain what they want. Employee motivation is a function of all managers in general and of personnel managers in particular. The following are some of the techniques Continue reading

Employee Responses to Job Dissatisfaction

Employee can express job dissatisfaction in a number of ways. For example, rather than quit, employees can complain, be insubordinate, steal organizational property, or shirk a part of their work responsibilities. Following figure offers four responses to  job dissatisfaction that differ from one another along two dimensions: constructive/destructive and active/passive. They are defined as follows: Exit: Behavior directed toward leaving the organization, including looking for a new position as well as resigning. Voice: Actively and constructively attempting to improve conditions, including suggesting improvements, discussing problems with superiors, and some forms of union activity. Loyalty: Passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to improve, including speaking up for the organization in the face of external criticism and trusting the organization and its management to “do the right thing”. Neglect: Passively allowing conditions to worsen, including chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced effort, and increased error rate. Exit and neglect behaviors encompass our performance Continue reading

Theories of Motivation: Alderfer’s Existence-Relatedness-Growth (ERG) Model

Serious doubts have been expressed about the existence of the five distinct need categories, which Maslow hypothesized. There seems to be some overlapping between esteem, social, and physiological needs. Also, the lines between esteem, social, and self-actualization needs are not entirely clear. With these points in mind, Clayton Alderfer condensed Maslow’s five need categories into three sets: The existence Needs:  Over here material existence requirements are mentioned. This group is the same as what has been called by Maslow physiological and safety needs. In an organizational context the existence needs are satisfied by money earned in a job and spending them to obtain foods, clothing, shelter etc. Relatedness Needs:  An employee desire to maintain important interpersonal relationships with pears, superiors and subordinates in work context can be termed as relatedness needs. Relatedness for an employee in an organization context includes the need to interact with peers, receive recognition from the Continue reading

ADRM Model of Human Resource Management

The employees of any organization are main characters play a vital role in the achieving the successive goals of any organization. In this regards, it is quite essential that the personnel should be provided with the secure environment as well as the satisfaction about their job while they serve an organization. An employee who feels secure better concentrates on his job and responsibility which in return cause the quality conclusion for any organization. It is recommended that the organizations must concentrate on facilitating the best job opportunities and security to their employees focusing that how much they are important for the organization and their hard work and performance influence the organizational process, its outcomes and success. The Human Resource Management department of an organization is basically responsible for the well being of employees. It also plays a vital role in the progress, development and success of the organization by focusing Continue reading

Pay Concept in Human Resource Management

Pay, the financial facet of reward, is an important form in reward system; after all, it is the main reason why people work. In a pay system design, the fundamentally compensation policy issues are pay level, pay structure, and pay form. Pay level refers to pay position of an organisation compared with other competitors in labor market. In a word, it refers to ‘how much’ employees are paid. Organisations can lag, lead, or match the market. Pay structure refers to a framework within which an organisation sets different pay levels for jobs or groups of jobs. In some organisations, it presents as pay grades. Pay forms are methods of rewarding people for their efforts to the organisation and influence employee motivation and performance. There are two types of pay – fixed pay and variable pay. Fixed pay is contractual compensation that regularly paid and does not vary according to performance Continue reading

Human Resource Cost Reduction

Cost reduction is defined as the achievement of real and permanent reduction in the unit cost of goods manufactured or services rendered without impairing their suitability for use intended. Cost reduction must be real and increase productivity. It must be permanent and should not impair the suitability of products or services for the intended use. The scope of cost reduction is wide and it could be applied to wherever cost is incurred. In many organizations the cost of human resources is very high. The top management should find ways by which the cost of human resources is reasonably reduced. Any abnormal reduction of cost in this regard may lead to unfavorable organizational climate. In autocratic type of organizational climate the human resources cost will be reduced since the employer is not so particular about keeping the morale of the employees high and to motivate them for higher productivity. Since better Continue reading