The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management

Human resource development is the process of assisting employees in a certain organization to improve their personal and organizational skills, their abilities, and use of knowledge. This includes helping them through taking them for training, career development courses, organizational and performance management. The main aim of human resource development is to develop an advanced workforce that will enable the organization to achieve its goals and offer the best to its customers. Human resource development can be done from within the organization or from outside the organization. It can also be done formally such as a planned organizational change, offering classroom training to employees or taking them through a certain college course, or informally where a manager may decide to coach the employees on a particular issue. Human resource development in any organization is the role of human resource management. This deals with all the matters of the employees. This article, Continue reading

Development of Human Resources in an Organization

Human resource development (HRD) is a sub-system that operated in the main system; the organization. In order for the organization to be successful the objectives and goals of the subsystems must be aligned towards achieving the set goals of the main system. For example, the primary objective of the organization would be to maximize return on shareholder investment. We may find that the objectives of training and development would be a level removed down, that is to maximize the capabilities of the employees, induce innovation, and produce high quality products and service. They may be different but a closer look at each of these objectives reveals that they serve a singular purpose; maximize the return. HRD and Motivation Motivation is certainly the key for the people to keep returning to the job. However it must not be viewed through a single window which shows you that rewards and bonuses makes Continue reading

Internal Hiring – Meaning, Methods, Advantages and Disadvantages

Internal hiring refer to recruiting employees from within the organization. In deciding requirement of employees, initial consideration should be given to a company’s current employees, which is concerned with internal hiring. They include those who are already available on the pay roll of the company. This is important source of recruitment as it provides opportunities for better development and utilization of existing human resources in the organization.  There are two aspects of hiring under internal sources. They are as follows: Promotions – It refers to promoting or upgrading an employee who is already existed in the pay roll and contributed for organizational performance. It is done by shifting an employee to a higher position with high responsibilities, facilities, status and pay. Usually, many companies fill higher job vacancies by promoting employees who are considered fit for such positions. This is due to fact that it has a great psychological impact Continue reading

The Importance of Reward Management

Reward management in a business organisation is basically the way in which that particular business forms and implements strategies and policies to reward the employees to a fair standard and in accordance with how the organisation values them. Reward management in a business organisation usually consists of the business analyzing and controlling the employee’s remuneration and all of the other benefits for the employees. The main aim of reward management in a business organisation is to reward the employees fairly for the work that they have completed. The main reason reward management exists in business organisations is to motivate the employees in that particular organisation to work hard and try their best to achieve the goals which are set out by the business. Reward management in business organisations not only consist of financial rewards such as pay but they also consist of non-financial rewards such as employee recognition, employee training/development Continue reading

The Benefits and Importance of Job Rotation

Job rotation is the surest way of keeping the employee away complaint and daily routine. It is difficult for an employee to sustain his interest in the given job. Humans have the tendency that they want to earn profit from job rotation like learning and experience in different jobs in a specified period. In an organization, Job rotation has importance because it effects the performance of employees and also effects the profit of a company or organization. By job rotation employees developed himself a lot and learn that how the task will complete or what is the parameter is required for the different jobs. A well planned job rotation programmed in an organization has immense potential of positive impact on job satisfaction, engagement of people and finally on retention of people.  The benefits and importance job rotation programs in organization are listed below; 1. Business Benefits and Impacts Business results Continue reading

Harvard Framework for Human Resource Management

One of the most important tasks that involve the personnel department in an organisation is human resources management (HRM). An organisation is only likely to achieve its objectives if their employees are used effectively. At the same time, planning how best to use human resources will help an organisation to achieve its objectives and goals. Human resources management has strategic implications. It means constantly looking for better ways of using employees to benefit the organisation. Strategic human resource management (SHRM) can be defined as a way of deciding on the plans and intentions of an organisation looking at the relationship between employment and the following human resource management processes and procedures within an organisation – development, recruitment, training, benefit and employee relations plans, performance management, strategies and procedures. It’s an approach to human resource management that has the goal of using people most wisely with respect to the strategic needs Continue reading