Case Study: Analysis of Performance Management at British Petroleum

British Petroleum (BP plc) is a multinational oil company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. They’re the third largest oil company in the world, and the fourth largest company worldwide measured by revenues. Employing over 78,000 workers around the world, BP’s Human Resources play a very important role in the company achieving success.  BP recognized this and in 2010, BP’s executive team agreed a high-level philosophy covering their required practices of performance management as well as a set of guiding principles for rewards, in order to monitor performance and best motivate employees to reach objectives. In hope of achieving individual success as well as team success. Performance Management is a process which enhances the effective management of individuals and teams to achieve high level of organizational performance.  When not used effectively, there can be many issues with performance management practices and this is why BP executives have chosen to publish this Continue reading

Causes and Effects of Low Productivity at Work

Productivity is measured of the efficiency of production. Productivity is defined as total output per unit of a total input. Low productivity in the workplace can have a dramatic effect on the company but the moment managers see the signs there are immediate change they make to help turn the situation around. Causes for Low Productivity Poor management: The main cause of low productivity is poor management. The manager does not take steps to implement the most productive way of doing the things. If the employee feels that their work is not recognized by their supervisor they will not give their 100 percent. Outdated system: If the company is using outdated machine or methods, it will lead to lower productivity. Employee dissatisfaction: Dissatisfied employee are unproductive ones, as compared to productive employees who are passionate about their work. If there is wrong person in the job or right person in Continue reading

Employee Turnover – Meaning, Causes and Effects

In today’s highly dynamic commercial work, it is becoming a challenge for job-seekers to find jobs that best fit their personality, and for employers to hire the right people who can do the job and also integrate well into the company culture. Failure to overcome this issue can be resulted in high turnover of employees. Employee turnover is a part of normal business activity; whereby employees come and go as their life situations change. Most employers realize this and, indeed, large firms typically have entire departments devoted to the management of human resources in order to make the transition as easy as possible for both management and employee and to minimize the associated hiring and training costs. Employee turnover is a ratio comparison of the number of employees a company must replace in a given time period to the average number of total employees. A huge concern to most companies, Continue reading

External Recruitment

The sources of recruitment can be classified into two types, internal and external. Filling a job opening from within the firm has the advantages of stimulating preparation for possible transfer of promotion, increasing the general level of morale, and providing more information about job candidates through analysis of work histories within the organization. A job posting has a number of advantages. From the view point of the employee, it provides flexibility and greater control over career progress. For the employer, it should result in better matches of employee and job. In most instances, the jobs are posted on notice boards, though some carry listings in the company newspapers. The posting period is commonly one week, with the final decision for hiring being completed within four weeks. Internal applications are often restricted to certain employees, the guidelines for one company including (1) “good” or “better” on most recent performance review; (2) Continue reading

Team: Definition and Important Types

Definition of Team A team is defined as a group of people working together to achieve common objectives or goals. Teamwork is the cumulative actions of the team during which each member of the team subordinates his individual interests and opinions to fulfill the objectives or goals of the group. The objective or goal is a need to accomplish something, such as solve a problem and improve a process. Members of a team will need to focus on how they relate to each other, listen to the suggestions of others, build on previous information and use conflict creatively. They will need to set standards, maintain discipline, build team spirit and motivate each other. Each member of the team has their own history of experience to help achieve the objectives. They should have a need to see the task completed, but also the need of companionship, fulfillment of personal growth and Continue reading

Work Life Balance and Wellness in Organizations

Human resource management refers to the management that combines all the activities of the organization and increase the satisfaction level of most important asset of the organization that are the employees of the company. An organization can never build a good team of good professionals without having an efficient human resource management team with them. The human resource management of organization is completely responsible to satisfy the employees and make them feel connected with the activities of the company as well. Further, the organizational behavior is also one of the aspects that helps the employees to create work-life balance or eliminates it from their lives. The human resource management of the organization create effective workplace environment that maintain good workplace environment for the employees to work effectively and satisfy themselves in the organization. Work-life balance is taken as one of the basic requirement that is required by the employees to Continue reading