Human Resource Management (HRM) and Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) Human resource management (HRM) is that part of management process which makes, enhances, manages and develops the human element of the enterprise measuring their resourcefulness in terms of talents, abilities, total skills, creative, knowledge, and potentialities for effectively contributing to the organizational objectives. Human resources are precious and a source of competitive advantage. Human resources may be tapped most effective by mutually standard policies which promote promise and foster an inclination in employees to act flexibly in the interests of the adaptive organization’s pursuit of excellence. Human resource policies can be joined with planned business and used to reinforce appropriate culture. Human resources play a critical role in enabling the organization to effectively deal with the external environment challenges. The human resource management has been accepted as a strategic partner in the formulation of organization’s strategies and in the implementation Continue reading
Human Resource Strategies
Strategies to Improve Employee Relations
The human resources managers have their hands full all the time because of employee high turnover rate and complaint. It can be suggested that few steps that would help to eliminate some of the problems that plague most human resources managers. It is very important to choose the right person for each job. However, this would be one of the hardest tasks of the human resources manager. Human resources manager’s job is to make sure that the employee chosen for the job will do it correctly. This can be easily done through the interview process. It is vital that Human resource managers have to assess the current impact of labor turnover, identify turnover rates, and compare turnover rates with internal or external standards for addressing employee turnover. Therefore, human resource management can use this information regarding negative employment characteristics as part of their pre-employment selection process in order to recognize Continue reading
Employee Benefits and Compensation
Benefits and compensation in workplace offers a labor friendly condition to the workers to ensure that they give fully their potential. Compensation is an approach that is systematic to ensure that employees are provided with monetary value in exchange of the work performed. The purposes that the compensation is able to achieve include recruitment, job performance and job satisfaction. While benefits are a kind of compensation, that are given to employees in additional to what they get as wages and salaries. People during the pre-industrial era treated workplace and home place as one place, which change significantly with emergence of the machines and factory. Industrialization thus brought socioeconomic hierarchical that was accompanied with gender role stereotypes. This means that men were the one who were able to access the paid jobs while the women worked at home. The quality of the family was affected very much by the socio-economic hierarchy Continue reading
Different Employee Training and Development Methods
Every organization needs well-adjusted, trained and experienced people to perform its activities. As jobs in today’s dynamic organizations have become more complex, the importance of employee education has increased. Employee training is a learning experience, it seeks a relatively permanent change in employees that improves job performance. Training involves changing skills, knowledge, attitudes, or behavior. This may means changing what employee know, how they work, or their attitudes toward their jobs, coworkers, managers, and the organization. Managers, with HRM assistance, decide when employees need training and what form that training should take. On-the-Job Training Methods 1. Job instructions: It is received directly on the job, and so it is often called “on-the-job” training (OJT). It is used primarily to teach an employee how to do their current jobs. A trainer, supervisor, or coworker serves as the instructor. OJT includes several steps: The trainee receives an overview of the job, its Continue reading
Developing a Reward Strategy for Your Organization
Reward is an important part of managing organization and the management of employees. It can be defined as an organization is ready to pay for to accomplish its strategic objectives. Therefore the review of reward system starts from understanding of organizational strategy and HR strategy supports this. Strategic reward objectives should be aligned with business objectives in the same way as other key business areas such as finance, marketing, administrating and IT. In the broad way, there are two ways of reward such as tangible and intangible. The definition of these two rewards are in a way ambiguous as it could vary according to the viewers’ standpoints, but most of rewards can be classified as the tangible, which includes competitive salary, promotion, good benefits, incentive, better working environment, recognition awards and all other fringe benefits for higher performance. Whereas, intangible rewards is none monetary reward for high performance, not always Continue reading
Job Design – Meaning, Importance and Methods
It is believed that a well designed job motivates the employees for higher level of performance. Poorly designed jobs often result in boredom and employee frustration, high turnover, reduced motivation, low level of productivity and increase in operating cost. To avoid such negative consequences, the jobs have to be designed systematically and scientifically Thus, job design is a systematic process of organizing work into the tasks required to perform a specific job. It defines the contents and the way the tasks are combined to complete a job. Job design integrates the tasks, function and relationship in order to achieve certain organizational objectives. It is a logical sequence of job analysis which provides job-related data and skill requirement of the incumbent. There are three important influences of job design, they are- work flow analysis, business strategy and organizational structure. Job design is a process through which job related data are revealed Continue reading