Problems Faced by Trade Unions in India

The shortcomings or the weakness of the trade union movement in India are as follows: Lack of Balanced Growth: Trade unions are often associated with big industrial houses. A vast majority of the working population is without any union backing. The entire agricultural sector is highly unorganized in India. The agricultural workers are subject to all kinds of exploitation. The same is true with respect to those working in small scale and cottage industries. Lack of balanced growth of trade unions in all sectors is one of the major weakness of the trade union movement in India. Low Membership: Trade unions , with the exception of few have low membership. This is because many employees are not willing to join unions although they are ready to enjoy the benefits arising out of the union actions. The reasons for the hesitation of employees to join unions include, among others, the need Continue reading

Introduction to Industrial Relations

Industrial relation means the relationship between employers and employees in course of employment in industrial organisations. However, the concept of Industrial Relations has a broad and narrow meaning. In a broad sense, the term Industrial Relations includes the relationship between the various unions, between the state and the unions as well as those between the various employers and the government.  In the narrow sense, it refers to all types of relationships between employer and employees, trade union and management, works and union and between workers and workers. It also includes all sorts of relationships at both formal and informal levels in the organization.  Relations of all those associated in an industry may be called Industrial Relations. According to International Labour Organisation, Industrial relations comprise relationships between the state on one hand and the employer’s and employee’s organisation on the other, and the relationship among the occupational organisations themselves. According to Continue reading

Industrial Disputes Settlement Machineries: Mediation and Conciliation

Mediation Mediation’s is a process available to the parties involved in contract negotiations by which an outside party is called in by union and management to help them reach a settlement. The neutral mediator does not ultimately resolve the dispute, but instead tries to move the parties towards agreement by maintaining communication and suggesting alternative solutions to dead-locked issues. The mediator’s function is to provide a positive environment for dispute resolution by drawing on extensive professional experience in the field of labor management interaction. The mediator must possess thorough knowledge of the issues, and an ability to innovate solutions to problems. The mediator must be an effective communicator, know the importance of timing and most of all, have the confidence and trust of the parties. A mediator must possess attributes such as integrity, impartiality and fairness. Conciliation Conciliation is a process by which representatives of workers and employers are brought Continue reading

Approachs to Ensure Employee Discipline

Maintenance of harmonious human relations in an organization depends upon the promotion and maintenance of employee discipline. No organization can prosper without employee discipline. Discipline has been a matter of utmost concern for all organizations. Maintenance of effective discipline in an organization ensures the most economical and optimum utilization of various resources including human resources. Thus, the objective of discipline in an organization is to increase and maintain business efficiency. Effective discipline is a sign of sound human and industrial relations and organizational health. The different approaches to employee discipline include,(i) human relations approach, (ii) human resources approach, (iii) group discipline approach, (iv) the leadership approach, and (v) judicial approach. The employee is treated as human being and his acts of indiscipline will be dealt from the viewpoint of values, aspirations, problems, needs, goals behavior etc. Under human relations approach the employee is helped to correct his deviations. The employee Continue reading

Labor Administration

Labor administration is not simply the responsibility of the department of labor. Many international agencies and Government departments such as chambers of commerce, factory and mines inspectorate, social insurance directorate, and department of human resource development and education are involved in it. In some countries, the organizations of employers and workers are also involved in the administration of labor matters. But it is primarily the responsibility of the department of labor of lay down, develop and apply sound labor policies, coordinate various recommendations received from various departments which have a bearing on labor affairs. Formulation of policy decision are based on consultation with other interests (particularly of Employers and workers organizations) and of research and field investigation. Most of the labor policy proposals may emanate from the minister of labor himself or from his department. The department of labor is the body which receives most such proposals and initiates the Continue reading

Tactics or Strategies Adopted in Collective Bargaining

The tactics or strategies to be adopted in any collective bargaining situation vary depending upon the culture of the organization and different environmental factors, particularly the type of union operating in an industrial establishment. But the following are some of the common strategies to make collective bargaining exercise more meaningful: The management has to anticipate the demands and also understand the main directions in which the demands are going to be placed. Generally speaking, negotiations are best done if both the parties do their home work well. The representatives must come to the bargaining table equipped with the necessary information and supportive data regarding the company’s economic status and prospects, the prevailing rates of pay and conditions of employment in comparable industries in the local areas. The management team should take into consideration the financial liability involved, the past agreements, and the impact of present negotiations in future years. It Continue reading