Maintenance of harmonious industrial relations is on vital importance for the survival and growth of the industrial enterprise. Good industrial relations result in increased efficiency and hence prosperity, reduced turnover and other tangible benefits to the organization. The significance of industrial relations can be summarized as below: It establishes industrial democracy: Industrial relations means settling employees problems through collective bargaining, mutual cooperation and mutual agreement amongst the parties i.e., management and employees unions. This helps in establishing industrial democracy in the organization which motivates them to contribute their best to the growth and prosperity of the organization. It contributes to economic growth and development: Good industrial relations lead to increased efficiency and hence higher productivity and income. This will result in economic development of the country. It improves morale of the work force: Good industrial relations, built-in mutual cooperation and common agreed approach motivate one to contribute one’s best, result Continue reading
Industrial Relations Management
Determining Factors of Industrial Relations
The relationship between Employer and employee or trade unions is called Industrial Relation. Harmonious relationship is necessary for both employers and employees to safeguard the interests of the both the parties of the production. In order to maintain good relationship with the employees, the main functions of every organization should avoid any dispute with them or settle it as early as possible so as to ensure industrial peace and higher productivity. Good industrial relation programmes depend on a great variety of factors. Some of the more obvious factors of industrial relations are listed below: History of industrial relations — No enterprise can escape its good and bad history of industrial relations. A good history is marked by harmonious relationship between management and workers. A bad history by contrast is characterized by militant strikes and lockouts. Both types of history have a tendency to perpetuate themselves. Once militancy is established as Continue reading
Problems in Employee Counseling
A manager has to deal with various types of problems in dealing with his subordinates, employees and particularly problem employees. Basically no employee is a problem employee, except hereditary and inborn perversions, criminal tendencies, addictions, and nervous and psychological breakdowns. Once an employee turns to be a problem employee, the employer has mainly two options viz., repair and recover, or replace. For the purpose of repairing and recovering and rehabilitating, employee counseling has an important role to play. Problems are generally associated with the causes like: 1. Inferiority and Low Self-Esteem Inferiority feeling of an employee may play great havoc in individual life and work. Though a mild form of inferiority in certain persons may help them to work hard and overcome the inferiority. But very often, inferiority complex may lead a person to utter disappointment and depression leading to withdrawal perversion, absenteeism and even psychosomatic and psychotic problems. Inferiority Continue reading
Unitary Perspective of Industrial Relations
The Unitary perspective of industrial relations views the organisation as a team ‘unified by a common purpose’, namely the success of the organisation. This perspective views all the people in the organisation as part of one big team. Unitarists view everyone within the organisation as part of one team with one loyalty structure. This immediately says that there are no barriers between different groups and departments which could lead to poor communication and animosity, which would go against the notion of common values and common goals as that would not be advantageous to the common goal, of the success of the organisation. The set of common goals and values that are put in place are there to try to create and maintain the order within the organisation, the ‘common’ set of values and goals are important so that all of the employees are working in unison. This is important as Continue reading
Trade Unions – Definition, Characteristics, Need, Nature and Purpose
Trade Unions prove beneficial for workers, as the main aim of forming this group is to prevent the workers from being exploited by the senior officials. For example, if a worker is unhappy with the pay he is getting he can talk to his co-workers and collectively they can raise their voice to get the pay they deserve. Trade union is even helpful for the management of the firm, as they can know the needs of the worker which helps them know workers better and provide them an environment where they are able to work efficiently and help them to maintain good standards. Decisions are taken through the collective bargaining process and negotiations between employer and unions. The relationship between trade union and employer is called as industrial relations. In general terms, trade unions satisfy their needs through negotiations peacefully, but sometimes other tough actions need to be taken by Continue reading
Industrial Disputes – Meaning, Prevention and Settlement
Industrial disputes are organised protests against existing terms of employment or conditions of work. According to the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947, an Industrial dispute means “Any dispute or difference between employer and employer or between employer and workmen or between workmen and workmen, which is connected with the employment or non-employment or terms of employment or with the conditions of labor of any person” In practice, Industrial dispute mainly refers to the strife between employers and their employees. An Industrial dispute is not a personal dispute of any one person. It generally affects a large number of workers’ community having common interests. Prevention of Industrial Disputes: The consequences of an Industrial dispute will be harmful to the owners of industries, workers, economy and the nation as a whole, which results in loss of productivity, profits, market share and even closure of the plant. Hence, Industrial disputes need to be averted Continue reading