Information management systems play a crucial role in ensuring that the organisation becomes efficient and effective, but companies need enterprise planning to centralize data collection, storage and data processing. Enterprise resource planning is a technology that deploys computer technology to integrate various organisational resources—such as human resources, assets, information resources –across the organisation. The intention of ERP systems is to streamline an organisation’s data access, information sharing, business continuity, and revamping the decision-making processes. When ERP systems were invented in the mid-1990s, organisations shifted their attention to embrace the capabilities of ERP components; and a decade later this technology still moves on strong. However, during their early days, ERP systems enjoyed acceptance from large manufacturers, a trend that has since shifted dramatically. ERP systems have grown from mainframe computers to more flexible, robust, and seamless applications. Today, small businesses are able to deploy robust ERP systems in virtually every operational Continue reading
Information Systems Basics
E-Commerce and Factors Influencing the Evolution of Electronic Commerce
Electronic commerce has revolutionized the traditional business process of buying and selling on the high street shops by deploying the Internet and technology to reach a vast customer base. The increased use of Internet by the general public and the growth of information technology products to support effective and service transaction over the Internet have apparently fueled the growth of electronic commerce. This statement makes it clear that the electronic commerce has achieved a key position in the business process of an organization. The critical factors that contribute the growth of electronic commerce are: Growth of Internet: The Internet has seen a tremendous growth in the past five years making it a potential place for communicating to many customers both efficiently as well as cost effectively. The process of e marketing by which a customer over the Internet is reached through electronic mails or other form of adverts in the Continue reading
Text Mining Concept in Data Mining
Data mining is the process of extracting patterns from data. Data mining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform the data into information. It is commonly used in a wide range of profiling practices, such as marketing, surveillance, fraud detection and scientific discovery. Data mining can be applied on a variety of data types. Data types include structured data (relational), multimedia data, free text, and hypertext. Nowadays, text is the most common and convenient way for information exchange. This due to the fact that much of the world’s data is contained in text documents (newspaper articles, emails, literature, web pages, etc.). The importance of this way has led many researchers to find out suitable methods to analyze natural language texts to extract the important and useful information. In comparison with data stored in structured format (databases), texts stored in documents is unstructured and to deal with such data, a Continue reading
What Is Business Intelligence (BI)? Architecture, Applications and Advantages
Business Intelligence is the process of discovering and analyzing data to make informed business decisions. The management in any business needs this aspect of management as part of the companies integral infrastructure in today’s world in order for the business to succeed. The data collected from many of the data collecting sources is used to determine trends, or measure, manage and improve on the performances of individuals, processes, teams and business units. The enterprise refers to any business organization that uses computers as an integral part of their business and relies on it for that businesses development. The History Of Business Intelligence In 1958, IBM researcher Hans Peter Luhn was the first one to use the term BI and he defined intelligence in his words: “the ability to apprehend the interrelationships of presented facts in such a way as to guide action towards a desired goal”. The business intelligence that Continue reading
Data Processing Operations
A data processing procedure normally consists of a number of basic processing operations performed in some order (not necessarily the order of their description below). The means of performing the processing operation vary according to whether manual, electro-mechanical, or electronic methods are used. Many business find that the best solution to their processing requirements is to use a combination of methods; e.g., manual may be used for small-volume jobs while computers may be used for large-volume tasks. Recording. Recording refers to the transfer of data onto some form of documents. It relates to the documentation of intermediate figures and facts and resulting from calculations. For example, in computing gross pay, the numbers of hours worked are multiplied by the hourly rate to arrive at gross pay. Gross pay is an intermediate step which is retained temporarily for late use. Verifying. Since recording is usually a manual operation, it is important Continue reading
History of Memory and Storage Systems
As we know the memory is a power to remember things. In psychology, memory is the process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. But in computing, memory refers to the physical devices used to store programs or data on a temporary or permanent basis for use in a computer or other digital electronic device. Computer data storage, often called storage or memory. It is a core function and fundamental component of computers. A computer’s memory can be said as a list of cells into which numbers can be placed or read. Each cell has a numbered “address” and can store a single number. In almost all modern computers, each memory cell is set up to store binary numbers in groups of eight bits. A bit is the basic unit of information in computing and telecommunications. A bit can have only two values, either 1 or 0. Eight bits Continue reading