The existing system in the organization is totally reexamined and radically modified for incorporating the latest technology. This process of change for the betterment of the organization is called as Business process reengineering. With Business process being reengineered, the organizations have to change the workflow and business procedures for efficiency in the organization. Latest software are used and accordingly the business procedures are modified, so that documents are worked upon more easily and efficiently. This is called as workflow management. Business process reengineering is a major innovation changing the way organizations conduct their business. Such changes are often necessary for profitability or even survival. BPR is employed when major IT projects such as ERP are undertaken. Reengineering involves changes in structure, organizational culture and processes. Many concepts of BPR changes organizational structure. Team based organization, mass customization, empowerment and telecommuting are some of the examples. The support system in any Continue reading
Information Technology
Social Engineering – Meaning, Types and Defenses
Living at the height of the Information Age means information security has never mattered more. With a greater amount of people and businesses going paperless, there is an ever-increasing need and demand to keep digital information secure. The CIA triad or the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of a company’s data is a general model designed to guide security policies for information security inside an organization. Confidentiality refers to the privacy of data – making sure that only people who are allowed to access data are able to access it. Integrity refers to maintaining a data’s accuracy and trustworthiness – making sure that data cannot be altered by an unauthorized person. And lastly, availability refers to the ability to access data when an authorized person tries to access it. Cybercrime is a billion-dollar industry, which is built upon hackers breaking an organization’s CIA triad. This includes but is not limited to: Continue reading
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Workforce
The term “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) was first coined by American computer scientist, John McCarthy, in 1955 as a way to describe the science and engineering of making intelligent machines. This concept was based on the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any feature of intelligence in principle can be simulated by a machine as the ultimate effort to reach human-level intelligence. While, the more modern-day definition of this phenomenal change in technology focuses on Artificial Intelligence (AI) being a sub-field of computer science that has the ability to imitate human intelligence such as visual perception, decision-making, speech recognition and the translation between languages. Consequently, these transformations in technology opened up new opportunities for individuals, society and the economy as it provides unprecedented options for a prosperous future. However, despite AI’s intrinsic benefits, the pervasive force is largely attributed to the poor performance of labour markets across advanced economies as Continue reading
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) – Meaning, Strengths, and Weaknesses
With the accelerated pace of life, people don’t want to spend more time on hospital registration, procedure, and other trivial things. Internet of medical things can help it by applying internet in medical staff, like the patient can make an appointment online, the personal information and the very first disease description can be sent to hospital information system and assigned to a doctor, which decreases time on waiting and personal information registration. For people living somewhere far away from medical resources, remote medical treatment may be a good choice to let the man away from distant puzzles. Even inside the hospital, the internet can be useful by sending physical checking messages from doctor to specialist for a traffic injured patient. Internet of medical things can be really helpful in our life, and we do need it. Information technology is the basement of internet development, and internet application also accelerates the Continue reading
How Does Blockchain Technology Work?
The ability to own and to transfer assets via transactions is at the heart of economic value creation. And to keep track of these business agreements, market participants have always relied on ledgers. But to make sure that these ledgers remain accurate and are not being tampered with by fraudulent market participants, most business networks rely on central, trusted parties, such as banks or other intermediaries, to oversee these business ledgers and to validate each transaction that is taking place within the network. This need for an intermediary has become even more important in the modern age, as assets have increasingly been digitalised and central third parties are required to make sure that a digital asset is not duplicated and spent more than once by the same party. But while the use of such a central intermediary brings the major benefit of introducing trust into the system, it also comes Continue reading
What is Electronic Records Management (ERM)?
ISO standard 15489: 2001 defines Records Management (RM) as the field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use, and disposition of records, including the processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records. Electronic Records Management (ERM) guarantees that your company has the records they need when they are needed. Records management is referred to a set of activities that are required for systematically controlling the distribution, use, creation, maintenance, and disposition of all recorded information that’s maintained as proof of business transactions and activities. Records management is mainly concerned with the evidence of a company’s activities. Applying records management usually occurs according to the value of the records, not their physical formats. The essential records managements are capable of assigning specific identifiers to individual records, providing safeguards against all unauthorized changes Continue reading